Dino D-Day

Dino D-Day

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Nigel Guide
By OMA Wirbelwind
I´ll tell you a few tips on how to use Nigel, one of the most tactical allied classes.
Nigels description

Nigel is the class that your team will need on many ocasions because of its tremendous power in close combat and its antidino weaponry. Its not easy to dominate with this class, specially when you go with PIAT.


This is Nigels main weapon, it has 6 rounds of ammunition and it is pump action, after each shot you have to reload for the next one. This weapon is very strong and efective at short distances (less than 5-6 meters), you can easily knock out with it in 1 or 2 shots any kind of dinosaur except Dilophosaurus and Desmatosuchus, is also efective against human germans if you impact them in their chest or head. If you have to enter short range areas, take the shotgun. You can maintain left button pressed and it will fire in some kind of "automatic" firing mode, while reloading the same, maintain the left button pressed and in the moment in which Nigel reloads 1 bullet it will automatically fire it, is good to fake some players that think you are reloading. You can hit targets at long distances too, but the damage is minimal, so is better to dont waste ammo like that.


This is one of the best weapons in game if you are a good shooter, with some practise with it you will be deadly with this antitank weapon. When you take it it has 6 proyectiles, to be able to fire one you must click right mouse button, then aim and shoot. Aiming sights are only effective at close distances or in shots from high positions to right below ones. The PIATs proyectile flies in a parabolic trayectory, so you´ll have to aim higher instead of aiming to the enemy. You can knock out nearly any kind of enemy in a direct impact. It also has a damage radius, so in case the impact is not direct, it will receive damage anyway if he is close to the impact area, this damage radius is enough to kill a Compy or a Microraptor, so you dont need to be that accurate against these 2 kinds of dinos. Use PIAT mainly against Desmatosuchus, Dilophosaurus, Trex and Styracosaurs, it will damage them a lot.


This is the most noob friendly weapon in game, it has a lot of ammunition and the only thing you need to do is to press a button to fire it. Apart of being easy to use is super effective against any kind of enemy, specially against those annoying small dinosaurs such as velociraptors or microraptors. Flamethrower has a short range and also you cant fire it to the ground at distances shorter than 2 meters more or less. In case you are suffering a small dinosaur attack, sprint some meters, jump and turn around quickly while burning anything around, you´ll burn those stalking little dinosaurs like that and the fire will kill them quickly. An enemy that has got burn is easy to find since he is on fire and he is also losing health slowly during sometime, so sometimes those dinos that escape from you and got burned die after a couple of seconds because of the burning. Flamethrower is also very effective against Trex and Styracosaurs, but be very careful when attacking these 2 types of dinos with them, fire them better from the longest distance you can.

Smoke Grenades

This grenade creates a small cloud of grey smoke in the area you throw it, is perfect to throw it on the door of your base in case your team is getting spawn-camped, it will cover your teammates when they get out of the base. Is also a great thing to use to escape or to get inside a room full of enemies without being seen.

Apart of the previous, Nigel can also use its fits to defeat enemies, but only use that in case you have run out of ammo.
zadupiarz Apr 18, 2016 @ 6:43am 
nigel is for noobs
Ray Ping Yu Aug 24, 2015 @ 3:02pm 
nigel can use his FITS to defeat enemies can he
WannaBeDesu Jun 18, 2015 @ 4:25am 
Good guide, strait to the point.
"trayectory" and "proyectile" spelled wtih leter 'j' not 'y' btw :Y
big meals instead of snacks Apr 23, 2015 @ 2:07am 
Wonderful guide!