Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

66 ratings
[Metrostroi] Lichterfelde V3.6c
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
File Size
200.788 MB
Apr 20, 2020 @ 6:27am
Feb 8, 2022 @ 10:07am
42 Change Notes ( view )

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[Metrostroi] Lichterfelde V3.6c

[Metrostroi Map Lichterfelde]

Some facts about the map:
-Stations: 9
-Lines: 1
-Announcer included? Yes
-Signalling included? Yes
-Skins included? Yes
-Disp Panel included? Yes
-Max speed driven on the map: 70Km/h

Important informations before you drive:
-There are mirrors on the platforms at some stations. Stopping exactly at the stop marker is required for being able to see all doors in the mirror
-ARS will show 40 in front of a yellow-red signal
-Track 5 at Forest Hills can be used for coupling two 2-wagon-trains together. Make sure the first unit has moved right to the end of the track before the 2nd unit can start from the platform and go to track 5
-If the "disp panel on" or "disp panel off" button gets stuck, lock and unlock the panel with admin key, the button should return
-If the signal is showing blue-white, the signal is open and you can pass it, even if the section behind is not clear! That is useful in depot area or when coupling two trains together

Please note that a copyright applies!

Update V1.0b -> V1.1a:
-Extended map with one station and a switchback
-Fixed "no passengers on the platforms"
-Improved signalling with signs

Update V1.1a -> V1.1b:
-Added benches to all stations
-Added mirrors to stations 101, 103 and 104
-Added station nameplates in stations
-Added informator (announcer)

Update V1.1b -> V1.1c:
-Fixed all known bugs
-Changed language to English
-New announcer
-Optimized lighting
-Improved performance
-New signalling system

Update V1.1c -> V2.0a:
-Added new section with one station
-Added depot
-Added destination signs for 81-717
-Added SWEG skinpack
-Added full Metrostroi Advanced support
-Updated announcer

Update V2.0a -> V2.0b:
-Fixed depot junction derail spot

Update V2.0b -> V2.0c:
-Updated signalling system

Update V2.0c -> V2.0d:
-Updated signalling system

Update V2.0d -> V2.0e:
-Updated signalling system

Update V2.0e -> V2.0f:
-Extended Moosfield switchback
-Changes to scenery

Update V2.0f -> V2.0g:
-Updated signalling system, coupling on track 2 at Moosfield switchback is now possible

Update V2.0g -> V2.0h:
-Updated signalling system

Update V2.0h -> V2.1a:
-Rebuild University station
-Updated signalling system
-Skinpack support for 718
-Added new destination signs from @Can091

Update V2.1a -> V3.0a
-Added a part of line 2
-Added 2 abandoned tracks
-Improved scenery in the stations
-Updated signalling system
-Updated Announcer
-Added line schemes for line 1 on 81-720

Update V3.0a -> V3.1a
-Added a loop from depot to depot via Moosfield

Update V3.1a -> V3.2a
-Added modern SWEG skin for 81-722
-Added Sarmat Upo announcer

Update V3.2a -> V3.2b
-Fixed 722 skin

Update V3.2b -> V3.2c
-Fixed 722 skin

Update V3.2c -> V3.2d
-Announcer update
-Fixed signalling bug at University

Update V3.2d -> V3.3a
-Announcer Update
-New signalling system
-Extension to Soviet Street
-Shortened Moosfield-PTO-Hospital section ("Rollercoaster section")
-New destination signs
-Merged lines 1 and 2

Update V3.3a -> V3.3b
-Fixed a signalling bug
-Added missing speed limit signs in Soviet Street area

Update V3.3b -> V3.4a
-Extension to Forest Hills
-Announcer Update
-Signalling Update

Update V3.4a -> V3.4b
-Added interval clocks at all stations except Forest Hills and Soviet Street
-Reactivated switches at University and Moosfield
-Announcer Update
-Signalling Update
-Experimental "Train is arriving" announcements at Basel Street and Lichterfelde Hospital

Update V3.4b -> V3.5a
-Added disp tower at Forest Hills
-Added mirrors at Central Park, Central Station and Soviet Street
-Added a _nomirrors version of the map
-Updated depot

Update V3.5a -> V3.5b
-Fixed disp panel

Update V3.5b -> V3.5c
-Fixed disp panel

Update V3.5c -> V3.5d
-Changed distance between couplers

Update V3.5d -> V3.5e
-Big announcer update: Replaced TTS voice with real voice (University-Soviet Street), updated announcements, added RRI and UPO

Update V3.5e -> V3.5f
-Added skin with LGBTQ stripe for 81-717

Update V3.5f -> V3.6a
-Fixed ASNP startup message
-Fixed derail spot between Basel Street and West Shopping Mall (not supported by _nomirrors version)
-Little scenery update (not supported by _nomirrors version)

Update V3.6a -> V3.6b
-Fixed RRI and UPO

Update V3.6b -> V3.6c
-Added new "Lichterfelde Metro" skins for 717 and 718

Popular Discussions View All (2)
Jul 29, 2023 @ 2:25am
Apr 1, 2021 @ 2:37am
unclewiggly2 May 10 @ 3:52am 
@Valentin, Hi Valentin, I've got all the recommended downloads including all the updated crossline addons, and I am still having problems. Specifically, there is no track starting at University station onwards.
Mr. Mavrodi Nov 18, 2023 @ 6:00am 
So, there won't be any updates? Not only concerning line extensions
Valentin  [author] Nov 18, 2023 @ 5:40am 
@Mr. Mavrodi An extension after Soviet Street and a 2nd track for the station was planned but not realized. This might not happen in the future
Mr. Mavrodi Nov 18, 2023 @ 5:19am 
Are there any planned updates for this map?
Valentin  [author] Nov 5, 2023 @ 3:18am 
@unclewiggly2 The list of required workshop items is now updated. Please subscribe to all required items. All errors should be gone.
Valentin  [author] Nov 5, 2023 @ 2:25am 
@unclewiggly2 There are some changes in the crossline rails and other props from crossline packages. I am currently trying to find out where they are aviable if they are still aviable
Mr. Mavrodi Aug 20, 2023 @ 10:02am 
Very good map! Will there be any extensions? It looks like there could be a continuation of the line after Soviet Street.
unclewiggly2 Aug 17, 2023 @ 6:47pm 
Hi Valentin, are there going to be any updates in the future for the missing grass, track, and other objects on this map? Its a shame its missing all this, its otherwise such a cool and fun line to play on.
Vlad_Midlt Aug 4, 2023 @ 2:20am 
missing grass and some plants
missing doors at depot
kippx. Jul 6, 2023 @ 5:00pm 
What does exactly no mirrors map mean?