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Portal 2

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Devil's Laser Abode
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Devil's Laser Abode

Don't get burned and try to get out HIS lair quickly.
Look around before you start and use F6 lavishly.
This is almost all lasers but it's decipherable if you look.
Počet komentářů: 22
stormsend  [autor] 4. zář. 2020 v 12.53 
Happy to see you two again in my playground. Thanks jandlml and vallibus.
vallibus 25. srp. 2020 v 13.09 
Another nice one from your workshop. A little unsure what to do at first, but a careful reading of the ant lines helped me get started.
jandlml 1. kvě. 2019 v 21.39 
another fun laser map. too me several tries as the cube kept respawning,sometimes for no reason
stormsend  [autor] 26. led. 2014 v 6.12 
Yes I have to agree. The sphere was a bit disagreeable even to me so I made a small change to the map. The sphere will eventually take care of itself now.
I wish to express happiness that you all are enjoying my creation. I am not an artist but I try. Thanks and I'll see ya round the workshop.
kimist108 25. led. 2014 v 15.34 
Agree with DTKinetic.. that sphere just insisted on going the wrong way. Usually, I am not a big fan of laser puzzles, but I enjoyed this one.
GraveNoX 20. led. 2014 v 4.21 
Well, I hope this is the right solution, I can't find anything else, http://i.imgur.com/MFskmcZ.jpg
DTKinetic 4. led. 2014 v 19.12 
I really liked this puzzle! Didn't find it too difficult after I spent some time figuring it out. Nice use of what I call "selective portaling". Only critique was that it really took some timing skill to get the sphere out to a safe place, but other than that, not too bad! You should really like my newest puzzle The Mismatch Room http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=212135864 Coincidentally, they have a lot in common ;)
stormsend  [autor] 29. pro. 2013 v 13.53 
Brand new intro to the map which incorporates a little puzzle that some might find challenging. Thank you Prototype for pointing out the need.
stormsend  [autor] 29. pro. 2013 v 5.33 
Nice suggestion. I'm going to give that a little thought. Maybe do some kind of puzzle at the start. Thanks for playing and commenting.
Prototype 28. pro. 2013 v 20.01 
Nice puzzle. Antlines/signage could possibly be simplified. Also I wonder about the reason for the caged cube, once you put it on the button there is never any need to move it...wouldn't it be easier to just have the lasers always on and replace the flip panels with permanent surfaces?