Black Mesa
69 평점
>Controller Support [XONE/DS4 Icons, DS4 Gyro setup]
StavaasEVG 님이 작성
So, you tried to play BM with the controller...
I know what could help you.
And no, you don't need the Steam BigPicture controller thing. It makes movement really bad.
즐겨찾기 해제
The new UI doesn't have controller support yet, it has no options to enable controller movement and bind controller buttons.

To play with a controller without any problems, download this and put the "bms" folder into the game's root folder.
This should allow you to play with a controller, see the buttons icons in the in-game hints (not sure if every prompt still shows, but try that)

Main Files (Xbox One Icons)[]

Next two are optional, for those who wants DS4 icons instead of Xbox One's, and for those wanting HUD to be like in console HL2. First one needs the main files to be installed, the HUD one doesn't need anything. To install, just put the "bms" folder into the game's root folder (after putting the main files).

I put "exec 360controller.cfg" into the autoexec.cfg, because for some reason it didn't work when i was typing that directly into the console.

!! Even with this mod, you still can't use menu without mouse. !!
!! This mod allows you to use a controller in-game, not in the menu. !!
!! This mod unbinds all keyboard/mouse binds so the game could show the proper controller hints. !!
!! This mod is executing every time the game launches, to stop that - just delete "exec 360controller.cfg" from the "bms/cfg/autoexec.cfg". !!

!!Also, this mod has the icons for the keyboard/mouse that show up in hints, and they're better than just text. !!
Editing layout, sensitivity etc.
To change bindings - get the command you want to bind to a button, open bms/cfg/360controller.cfg and edit it

bind "L_TRIGGER" "+attack2" | LT - Secondary Attack
bind "R_TRIGGER" "+attack" | RT - Primary Attack

bind "A_BUTTON" "+jump" | A - Jump
bind "B_BUTTON" "+reload" | B - Reload
bind "X_BUTTON" "+use" | X - Use
bind "Y_BUTTON" "impulse 100" | Y - Flashlight

bind "L_SHOULDER" "+speed" | LB - Sprint
bind "R_SHOULDER" "+duck" | RB - Duck

bind "BACK" "save quick" | Back - Quick Save
bind "START" "cancelselect" | Start - Opens pause menu !!!Don't change!!!

bind "STICK1" "+duck" | LS - Duck
bind "STICK2" "toggle_zoom" | RS - Toggle Zoom

bind "POV_UP" "invlast" | Dpad Up - Last Used Weapon
bind "POV_RIGHT" "invnext" | Dpad Right - Next Weapon
bind "POV_DOWN" "use weapon_crowbar" | Dpad Down - Use Crowbar
bind "POV_LEFT" "invprev" | Dpad Left - Previous Weapon

These two are for proper buttons in hints, don't edit.
bind "S1_UP" "xmove" | Left Stick - Move
bind "S2_UP" "xlook" | Right Stick - Look

This sets left stick's vertical movement to inverted (1) and normal (-1) modes. Edit it if you have problems with it.
joy_forwardsensitivity "-1.0"

These two change the vertical and horizontal sensitivity of the right stick(camera movement)
Second one should always be negative i think, like the "joyforwardsensitivity".
joy_pitchsensitivity "+1.3"
joy_yawsensitivity "-1.3"

This sets the scale of damage taken (set to 1.0 if you want to take full damage).
sk_dmg_take_scale2 "0.8"
Useful Bindable Commands
Duck (Hold)
Duck (Toggle)
Primary Attack
Secondary Attack
impulse 100
Quick Grenade Throw
Zoom (Hold)
Zoom (Toggle)
Next Weapon
Previous Weapon
Last Used Weapon
Switch to Crowbar
use weapon_crowbar
Switch to Glock
use weapon_glock
Switch to .357
use weapon_357
Switch to MP5
use weapon_mp5
Switch to Shotgun
use weapon_shotgun
Switch to Crossbow
use weapon_crossbow
Switch to RPG
use weapon_rpg
Switch to Tau-cannon
use weapon_tau
Switch to Gluon Gun
use weapon_gluon
Switch to Hivehand
use weapon_hivehand
Switch to Frag Grenade
use weapon_frag
Switch to Tripmine
use weapon_tripmine
Switch to Satchel
use weapon_satchel
Switch to Snarks
use weapon_snark
Quick Save
save quick
Quick Load
load quick
Show Multiplayer Scores
Xbox One Icons

Dualshock 4 Icons
Using Dualshock 4 full potential
If you have a Dualshock 4 controller, you know that it has gyroscope, that is not being used in almost every game. But with DS4Windows we can fix that. We have the ability to bind the controller gyroscope to a mouse movement! And it really works flawlessly and playing with it feels fun and interesting!

So what you should have to make this work?
1 - DS4 controller
2 - Latest version of DS4Windows[]
3 - DS4Windows profile set up for Black Mesa[]
4 - And of course this mod, without it you couldn't bind the controller buttons and movement without problems.

Now when you set up DS4Windows, you'll have to unpack the "Black Mesa.xml" profile into the "DS4Windows/Profiles", turn on the controller and choose the downloaded profile in the main "Controllers" tab. That's all, now you'll just have to launch the game and play it!
Everything was done by me, Stavaas.
Hope you'll enjoy playing this masterpiece with my mod and a controller.
I made the mod for the HL2, Episodes, HL:Source, Lost Coast and Portal which brings the console UI and some gameplay changes to the PC versions of the games.
This is the best thing i've done yet, hope you'd like to use it too)
댓글 50
StavaasEVG  [작성자] 2024년 5월 20일 오후 12시 21분 
This was made long before the latest necro patch with improved controller support. It's outdated / not needed anymore.
Vlad The Russian 2024년 5월 18일 오후 8시 31분 
so you are doing all of that just to make hints better? I don't see any problem playing the game with a controller without modding the game
Plake 2022년 12월 28일 오전 1시 05분 
It works great on PC, but no dice on the Deck. Any ideas?
Cynel1 2022년 12월 11일 오전 4시 57분 
You are a lifesaver it's not the x360 gui mod but it's close enough
ThisAr1sGuy 2022년 6월 21일 오전 8시 33분 
cool now how can i remove it
Varit Rockatansky 2022년 1월 31일 오후 8시 43분 
Thanks for this mate. Worked like a charm out of the box!
J4k The Reaper 2021년 2월 15일 오전 4시 03분 
Did you ever get this working? I'm currently trying to but I am having same issue you had. only right analog works. Plus the xb1 input hints, I don't think actually show up.
StavaasEVG  [작성자] 2020년 11월 29일 오전 11시 55분 
Try writing "exec 360controller.cfg" or "exec 360controller" in the console. This could happen if the controller was turned on after the game was launched.

And you can try turning off steam controller support, if it is enabled.
tobasoft 2020년 11월 28일 오후 2시 12분 
I can't seem to get this wo work, can anyone help me out? I'm using an xbone controller. I placed the folder in the root as instructed and it overwrote some files and now I can only look around and nothing else.
Kuneh0 2020년 11월 3일 오전 3시 35분 
Just imagine they ported Black Mesa in PS4 and PS5!