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JoshLmoa's Dark Vanilla UI
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4.182 MB
Feb 3, 2020 @ 7:56pm
Feb 13, 2020 @ 9:10pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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JoshLmoa's Dark Vanilla UI

I always liked the default kenshi UI design, but the layout has never been perfect and colour could be d a r k e r.
In my simple, humble opinion, there's quite a few things that don't need to be as big as they are, or in the area that they're in, so I just dun tried and mess with it a bit to create a more comfortable UI for myself and you can all kinda just have it too if you want.

----------------------------| Release changes |----------------------------

-Display names on portraits moved from bottom middle of the picture to top left. This is in both the squad management window and the squad box at the bottom of the game UI.

- Redesigned the health bars a bit
- Orange bar is normal healthy boi
- Thinner, bandage-looking bar is, well, bandaged/healing
- Dark bloody red probably needs a bandage
- Crossed out limbs still has X's, but not blocking the name

- Removed big bright part backing the squad portraits, so it's nice and dark now.

- Unusable inventory slots like hiver feet also have a cross through them for style points.

----------------------------| update 1 |----------------------------

Changed the layout for a few things.

- Main menu has smaller buttons, they're closer together now. Found it nicer to look at, myself.

- Limb replacement window takes up less space and has the background figure removed. Sorry bud, but you didn't serve much of a purpose. The limbs themselves have been swapped from left to right so are now on the correct side relative to their respective side. They are also labelled for your convenience <3

- The loading screen has a smaller box for the hints and loading text. Just to show a bit more background.

- I slightly adjusted the inventory layout by nudging a couple things around and removing the text "Weapon I" and "Weapon II" and just adding a new one that says "Weapons"
(I realised later that other languages exist and this wont be translate. If enough people care I can undo/redo this)

----------------------------| update 2 |----------------------------

More layout changes!

- Settlement information window. It used to be the too-big-for-it's-purpose box that would appear above the right UI block. I turned into a top bar. Since it's hella outa the way, and you never reeeaally need to look at it or interact with it for very long.
-The "PAUSED" tab that shows up when your game is, well, paused, is also adjusted slightly to accommodate for this.

- Health bars have been slightly darkened, as in dark areas you'd easily notice how bright the yellow was. The health bars have also been shrunken down, fitting under the little tab where your faction name is displayed. This includes the status of being normal/unconcious/dead. More screen space to see people die in :)

- Squad list (bottom of screen). Shrunk it down a little bit, just cause by default there's a bit of free space that isn't even used under the largest icons. So I just decided to free up, again, some more screen space but nudging it down a bit. It was also stretched long-ways due to me also shrinking the health bars.

----------------------------| update 3 |----------------------------

- Reverted the top bar for the settlement information back to it's old spot, but shrunk it.
JoshLmoa  [author] Oct 21, 2022 @ 8:36am 
Sorry its been a few. Just needed to find the time to work on it. If you're still interested I'll have another version uploaded soon. Feel free to let me know when it's up if things are too vibrant still a pain for the eyes. :beeped:
CaptainVietnam Oct 18, 2022 @ 5:26pm 
Thanks, can't wait to see how it turns out.
JoshLmoa  [author] Oct 18, 2022 @ 12:28am 
I can certainly look into that. I've been looking for an excuse to be productive.
CaptainVietnam Oct 17, 2022 @ 9:47pm 
Any chance we can get a version with Different limb colors? Tan, Dark tan and gray hurt my eyes to try and see what the hp is at.

Green for hp
red for hp loss
yellow for healing
blue for robo limbs

or something along those lines.
JoshLmoa  [author] Jan 27, 2022 @ 3:34am 
Hey Cyrus, I can certainly do that.
I had a look just now to remind myself how it all worked.
Are you able to specify what it is you like about it? Like, anything graphical, or just how things have been arranged? I'll fix that up and upload it for you if you get back to me here.
Cyrus Jan 26, 2022 @ 6:41pm 
I'd love to have the portraits as a separate mod, I'm scared to mess with a whole UI mod now and you have the best portrait setup
Septimless Miscreant Dec 29, 2021 @ 1:46pm 
Love this UI; perfect :cactusrum::beeped:
Jørn Mar 30, 2021 @ 3:21pm 
Thanks for this, I didnt like Dark UI, this one looks far nicer
RebyRedBean Jun 8, 2020 @ 7:48pm 
I really like your UI Scheme, but the description ( Slave Remaining Time, Bounty Expired Time, Weapon Qualities, Disguised Status Percentage ) font is in light blue color that make it difficult to read, and the Name Also Squad is in Light Red Color that sometimes make it hard to see, I hope you still updated this mod