111 ratings
Star Trek TNG Mod
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813.856 MB
Jan 2, 2020 @ 10:23am
Jan 28, 2020 @ 9:46pm
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Star Trek TNG Mod

Welcome to My Star Trek TNG (tm) mod!

**The latest update is live and includes an all new STARFLEET MAP and the shuttlecraft crash site, whose replicator can weave starfleet uniforms and boots..

All of the TNG crew are in here, included in 3 starts, all the uniforms and of course, Phaser Rifles! I hope you all have as much fun as I have seeing what becomes of our favourite characters all over again! Extra treats include tricorders and Lt. Commander La Forge's famous visor!

Phaser Rifles: I managed to get them working, though not perfect, I'm proud to have perfected the best lazer effects yet seen..still no sound effect guys (sorry, it just can't be done!)

Type I Works as a single shot weapon. The poor ensigns get these..
Type II has a three shot capacitor. Adjutants get these.
Type V have a five shot capacity and is owned by the security chief.

For now there are uniforms for Admiral, Captain, Commander, Lt. Commander, Lt. and ensign's 1st and 2nd Class, so there should be something for every rank! Thats in science, command and ops divisions..

The three included starts are:
TNG Command crew *DANGER* - Spawn near a random Cannibal Village, with an injured Admiral.
TNG Command crew - A gentler mod starting in the HUB.
TNG Your Command crew - A start with no names so you can create your very own crew!

PS-If the icons seem broken move the Icons from the TNG Mod/Icons into Kenshi/data/icons folder.

I also included a non BP workbench where you can build the boots and uniforms yourself..for now the only phaser rifles available will be equiped by your Ops crew. Watch that ammo. :)

It has been tested on vannilla and only includes vanilla files, so you should be able to slot this in with most other mods..

Future updates hope to include:
* Staship crash site (Done..)
* Phaser Turrets (Done..)
Klingons and Batleth
Faction HQ
Dialogue (There are bits in already but lets walk before we run eh?)
Separate Hair Mod

Don't forget my new STAR TREK GUI mod, I've made it separate so you can switch it on and off..find it here:

I've added a screenshot so you can see what you're missing ;)

Please leave comments and rate..and hope you have fun!
If you do enjoy, let me know what you'd like to see in any updates or post any crew stories, epic names of ship's, anything! I'd love to hear what happened in your own voyage where noone has gone before! :) x


To all who brought us TNG, the Trek that did the impossible by improving on the original!

The Masters of war that brought us Kenshi!

'Kit' for his excellent Mandalorian Mod, the Idea for the Lasers came from him and even though mine are better, they could not exist without Kit's peerless work on the Mandalorian mod. I also used the Icon for his ammunition, soz Kit, I couldn't edit it, it was too perfect :)

oi__io - For his EXCELLENT mod tutorial, without this nothing would be possible! Thanks oi__io! :) xx
Please leave comments and rate..and hope you have fun!
If you do enjoy, let me know what you'd like to see in any updates or post any crew stories, epic names of ship's, anything! I'd love to hear what happened in your own voyage where noone has gone before! :) x

Mabs Oct 15, 2024 @ 9:39am 
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had this idea.
mopsisgone  [author] Aug 26, 2023 @ 12:42pm 
@RAT FELLA: Will do, if I can only find the funding! :D
RAT FELLA Aug 19, 2023 @ 7:33pm 
keep up the good work!
mopsisgone  [author] Aug 6, 2023 @ 8:44pm 
@Collins (Big Momma): Yes, work continues :) Check out my reddit for some teaser releases!
The Irish Texan Aug 1, 2023 @ 12:21pm 
The last update was back in 2020, are you still working on this at all? I was pretty excited when I saw you had plans for adding klingons.

I'd love to see Klingons, even as a standalone that doesn't add any of the uniforms or high-tech weapons. I feel like roleplaying the game would be fun in one of those scenarios Trek likes to occasionally talk about where time travel stuff causes certain people to be lost in the past and be stuck there and have to ditch their broken tech and survive on local resources, or similar situations with crashes and never being rescued from lower-tech worlds.

Being a stranded bunch of Klingons would be a lot of fun with only local tech and none of the higher Trek stuff. Though a lot of Klingon uniforms and cultural weapons and architecture and symbology would feel right at home on the world of Kenshi.

Klingons wouldn't simply survive in Kenshi's world, they would thrive there and very easily be able to fit into the local factions and cultures.
mopsisgone  [author] Apr 23, 2023 @ 7:07pm 
@AngerMittens: Download the mod and find out! No ads to other mods in my feeds please, such posts are always deleted..refer such comments to the respective mod feeds thanks.

Glad you are having fun :)
mopsisgone  [author] Aug 1, 2022 @ 12:43am 
@Arg: Thanks, I made a turret version as well :)
Arg Jul 31, 2022 @ 7:54am 
nice laser
mopsisgone  [author] Jul 6, 2022 @ 1:12pm 
@BananasRamblin: Red shirts are command ops in Next Gen so they got more chance than most! :)
ScaredeyCat Jul 6, 2022 @ 6:15am 
See those guys in the red shirts? Theyre not going back to the ship.