NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst

Advanced Sasori Guide
โดย acrilycz
This guide will teach you how to use sasori effectively. I am a puppet master and im here to share my knowledge.
How to use Sasori properly.
This Guide assumes that you already have basic knowledge of how puppets work in general and how to do things such as keep the puppet up etc.

1:The key to doing anything with sasori is the shuriken glitch. To do this you must first hold guard, then move the left stick left to right at a fast pace.While doing this press square frantically. If you do this correctly it should allow you to throw shuriken while blocking and if the puppet ever gets knocked down this should bring it right back up quickly.
2:Another key element to even beginning to use sasori correctly is knowing how to move the puppet around effectively.The best thing you can do to move the puppet is hold guard and just move the stick to move the puppet around. they will obviously try to dash at you while you move the puppet so you must make sure that when moving the puppet it is always infront of the enemy so they dash into the puppet that is guarding allowing you to start a combo,etc.

Now that we have the basics out of the way, im going to explain everything sasori can do and when a certain move should be used and how to deal with pressure.

Tilt:Sasori's tilt is one of the most useful in the entire game. Even with how much cc2 has nerfed its damage in storm 3 compared to gen/storm 2 it can still be considered one of the best tilts because it acts as a stun and helps the puppet stay close to the enemy at far distances.An advanced tip for using the tilt is to chase people with it at far distances and use the shuriken glitch to change its direction, this can be extremely useful.

Grab:Sasori's grab is something that can really change the tide of a losing game or ensure a swift victory. The grab is insanely fast and when used after doing the shuriken glitch it can be almost impossible to escape if placed correctly.After getting a grab to land, if they have subs the best course of action is to throw a poison tag then do a jutsu.

Air combo:Sasori's aircombo is something that can be heavily abused. Something very useful that goes hand in hand with the aircombo is the ninja move where you double tap x and it makes you jump towards them. After doing this just press circle while in the air and if you are close enough to them it should get them in an aircombo even if they are not necessarily right next to the puppet.also another use for the aircombo is to knock out support, if you see a support about to do its jutsu then just do the shuriken glitch and quickly jump and do the aircombo and it should knock out the support unless its something like neji or kimmimaro support.

Ground Combo:Sasori's ground combo has been buffed quite a bit in storm 3. On top of his combos being the most damaging in the whole game, they also have a decent start up time now.getting ground combos to land against a skilled enemy is quite tricky, the best bet you have is to use support like tobi (or anything that could potentially keep them in place for a moment) and while they are stuck in place you start the combo. I cant give you any real tips on how to make the combos land because its all a variation of shuriken/support pressure and finding an opening to make it hit.


Dealing with High Tier Combo Characters:High tier combo characters such as nagato,hanzo,mifune, etc. give sasori by far the most trouble. The best thing you can do when faced against these characters is to make sure to pick a big map. having a big map is key because without it you stand almost 0 chance of survival. when they are close to you and comboing, guard and do the half tilt as many times as you need to dont be afraid to spam the ♥♥♥♥ out of it because thats your only real means of getting them off of you if they have already moved past the puppet. At a medium distance you want to make it rain with the shuriken glitch and do the "jumping" shuriken glitch which i will explain below. Tobi support can be a huge lifesaver in a situation such as this. if they are ever blocking inside of tobi's bombs be sure to move the puppet over to them as quickly as possible and do a shuriken glitch to grab because it will 100% of the time hit even if they sub if you place it correct. Avoid close combat at all costs. dont be afraid to spam jutsu from far away and spam tilts up close. you want to keep the shuriken pressure on them very high so theyare forced to rush you. When they move in from a medium/far distance make them dash into the ground combo which will then cause them to sub and as soon as they sub you want to be sure to continue raining down on them with the shuriken jump glitch to ensure they dont try to rush you immediately. Basically just try to find very small openings at a medium distance to hit them and if they are moving in close too much for comfort then back dash and spam jutsu. High tier combo characters are the biggest problem for sasori and it takes an extremely skilled sasori to take them down.

Shuriken "Jumping" Glitch:This is the most tricky thing you can do with shuriken in the game. how it works is like this: you want to do the shuriken glitch that i explained above and right after teh shuriken leaves teh puppet you want to time the jump and throw another shuriken and rinse and repeat. if you do this at the correct timing/pace it should look like a ♥♥♥♥ load of shuriken coming after them and if you use a support such as itachi and call it out when you jump and throw the shuriken it will always hit because this glitch gets people stuck in place for a second if the shuriken hits them whether they guard or not. a good sasori user will find the perfect opportunities to really take advantage of this and add almost double the pressure from far away.

Finding Ways Around People that just jump around and throw shuriken: if you are trying to have a fun/balanced game something that can really ruin the experience is someone only hopping around and throwing shuriken. Good for you you are playing as sasori and you have this guide :). Basically what you want to do is if they are throwing normal shuriken then you obviously want to double tap x and go for that aircombo like i described above. If they are being smart and adding the occasional chakra shuriken to make sure u cant chase them by double tapping x then your best bet is to do the shuriken jumping glitch the entire game and try to get your itachi/dei support to hit and when you have time do as many jutsus as you can get off even if they block it. it does a good amount of bleed damage and you want to make sure your health is a good amount above theirs the entire game. keep in mind that they do not have to throw shuriken the entire game. If their strategy begins to fail it is very likey they will mix it up by constantly rushing you and trying to get around your puppet. if they mix up their strategy then you should mix up yours by doing maybe like 3 backdashes in a row then doing as many jutsus as they will allow you to. When/ if they finally catch up to you i would just shuriken tilt/grab spam them. They started the war by acting like a rabbit and throwing kunai for days/ so all is fair in love and war ;D

Well thats it for now, i will come back to this post and add more as i see fit and i will for sure add a section for mirrors but for now this should be enough to get you started and doing pretty well with sasori online. Enjoy
13 ความเห็น
Camic 19 ก.พ. 2018 @ 7: 06pm 
Hey thanks I had to relearn storm 3 in order to fight someone and this guide helped me do it in one hour.
LeithLion 14 ก.ย. 2014 @ 12: 04pm 
Wow, this is one of the best Sasori's guide, if not the best. I'd also like to see Camic play against high level players without being able to pick puppets back up. Puppet characters feel really useless to me when the puppets are really easy to knock down and stay down for a while.
Zeroxsub 15 ก.ค. 2014 @ 4: 51am 
Tobi is a realy good support
Camic 9 ม.ค. 2014 @ 6: 23pm 
Tobi and kakuzu have a good bonus with sasori, so I use them. I use kakuzu to add pressure or hit attackers when they have me in an air combo. Tobi I use defensively and dance around the bombs so that they are always in front of me. If I get hit I sub and combo immediately with sasori's reach (no dash) and predict when I need to dash. If I really do get beaten badly enough I rely on awakening (only when I have to). I have effectively beaten hero level players with max bp on xbox who are using teams desighned specifically to kill sasori. I will admit that I used to lose a lot using Sasori, but ive practiced to the point where I can win almost every time. It just takes a little improvising when things go badly.
Id like to play you on xbox as I can not use steam at this point in time.
Camic 9 ม.ค. 2014 @ 6: 22pm 
Sorry I didn't respond until now, my pc stopped working about a month ago and I haven't been able to log in due to some issues with email. The way I use sasori is by using pure defense, and not messing up if I can help it. I play Sasori all day every day on Xbox now. I guard until my opponent comes toward me then tilt them half way. If they sub I guard and usually block their combo until a frame where I can interrupt with the tilt. This beats most lower level players on its own. When I fight a really good player I usually end up having to use my supports in conjunction with my defensive attacks.
acrilycz  [ผู้สร้าง] 7 ธ.ค. 2013 @ 4: 13pm 
camic how exactly do you beat good players without bringing the puppet back up when it falls down? because thats the glitch and exploit you are talking about. i would love to see you play with sasori without doing this.
Vector 7 ธ.ค. 2013 @ 10: 53am 
tendi nada aew, alguem traduz kkk
Camic 5 ธ.ค. 2013 @ 10: 57am 
I dissagree about the key elements you described above. Those glitches and exploits are not neccasary to beat even the best players. They give you an advantage for sure, but they are glitches and personnally I refuse to use them. I mained sasori on ps3 for about a year and I'm sure you know there are way more tricks to using him. I did learn a few things from this guide I will admit becouse I never use those tactics.
PraQnick 1 ธ.ค. 2013 @ 4: 04pm 
Really enjoyed the guide thanks alot man! a video would be awesome
acrilycz  [ผู้สร้าง] 19 พ.ย. 2013 @ 1: 13pm 
true but i cant record but if someone wants to for me il make one, but if you read the guide then pay attention to what im doing in the vid it will teach you how to put everything together and use it right