Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

876 ratings
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 100% Achievement Reference Guide
By X-ztnZ
Right now the market for KCD achievement guides is overflowed with sluggish, long and hard to fathom guides that read more like a madman's evil experimentation notes than a neat and ordered overview of achievements. This guide is intended to fill up the gap by providing a quick and comprehensive overview of the different achievements in KCD.

As such, it is not intended as a walkthrough, but rather as a reference guide in which you can quickly look up your progress. Basic information and hints are given in a concise way to help you in prioritizing and unlocking the achievements. Where needed, the reader is given links to more in-depth guides, walkthroughs and other such reference works.

Welcome to the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 100% Achievement Reference Guide. Widest selection, lowest prices, and nary a fancy illustration! Just the achievements, bare and plain.
Hear ye, hear ye! I can already imagine thee sighing in desperation that this is 'yet another one of those guides that promises a 100% achievement guide for Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but instead only offers a list of names and descriptions that I can find everywhere on the net!'

Fortunately for you, good Sir, this is nothing like that. Yes, you will find a tally of the different quests here, but with the small addition of actually giving you some extremely compressed information on the nature of this quest. As such, this is not an indepth walkthrough. And, quite fortuitous for those who are seeking for such an endeavour, I've added—wheresoever I deemed it of benefit to the matter at hand—links to the necessary vast works of compendium that contain such arcane knowledge.

Now, as might be guessed by such an undertaking as the one that is at hand, the present work contains a lot of content that might be seen as spoiling the delicate savouring of the thrill and excitement of wandering in a world of wonders and mystery for the first time, for here thou wilt certainly trespass unto unexplored territory full of danger and forbidden knowledge. This work will most certainly and without a shroud of doubt contain spoilers. I.e. HERE BE SPOILERS.

Hence, cavaet lector! Let the reader beware!
Useful links
• Ary's Full Achievement guide (Vanilla & DLC-Walkthrough) + Herbs, Hunting and overall Tips [EN] Steam Guide – a fine work-in-progress walkthrough here on Steam that has invaluable tips on how to complete several quests. Could use a bit of restructering though.
• Gamepressure's Kingdom Come: Deliverance Guide[] – a quality guide with several tips and walkthroughs
• Neoseeker's Kingdom Come: Deliverance Walkthrough and Guide[] — an extremely compressed and dense walkthrough for the main questline with some nice tips and tricks.
• Powerpyx' KCD roadmap[] – provides a roadmap for the order in which you can best complete all the vanilla achievements of KCD.

• Gamepressure's Reconstruction of Pribyslawitz Guide & Walkthrough[] – a great guide on how to manage your own fiefdom in From the Ashes DLC.
• PainOfDemise's A Woman's Lot Achievement Guide at Playstationthropies[] — an outstanding collection of hints on the A Woman's Lot achievements.
• Phoenix' From the Ashes Steam Guide – a nice step-by-step Steam guide on how to get the most out the From the Ashes DLC.
• X-ztnZ's Band of Bastards Steam Guide — a complete walkthrough and full achievement guide for the Band of Bastards DLC written by yours truly.
• X-ztnZ's Johanka's A Woman's Lot Quests Steam Guide — a complete walkthrough and full achievement guide for Johanka's quests in A Woman's Lot DLC written by myself.

Fandom's KCD wiki[] — A very useful wiki and it describes some DLC content.
Gamepedia's KCD wiki[] — The best wiki for the base game, unfortunately almost no DLC content.
IGN's KCD wiki guide — It has some good parts and it's written by IGN so quality wise it's okay, unfortunately it's also very incomplete.
Main storyline achievements
Blacksmith's Son
Complete the first quest
◘ Missable: No
◘ Hints: Complete the very first quest 'Unexpected Visit' and the achievement is yours. Unless you plan on spending the rest of your life living a peasant's life in Skalitz, this achievement cannot be missed.

Save Theresa from the Cumans
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Hints: Easily missible. The get the achievement you must save Theresa from the Cumans during the 'Run!' quest in the Skalitz prologue. After stealing a horse, you will hear a woman by a mill screaming because she's attacked by Cumans. Try and be a hero by distracting the soldiers, either through attacking them, whistling at them, or by any other means you can think of.

Join Sir Radzig's garrison
◘ Missable: No
◘ Hints: Can't be missed. Unlocked upon completion of the eponymously titled 'Awakening' quest.

Save Lord Capon from the Cumans
◘ Missable: No
◘ Hints: Also unmissable. Received upon completion of 'The Prey'.

Save Ginger from the bandits
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Merciful)
◘ Hints: This achievement can be unlocked after investigating the recent events at the Neuhof stables. Simply save Ginger from the bandits (by killing them) during the 'Ginger in a Pickle' quest. Doing so will, however, forfeit the Merciful achievement. Afterwards talk to him to make him return to Neuhof. Achievement should pop after you talk with him in Neuhof (thanks @Croatian Cowboy for bringing this to my attention).
◘ Walkthroughs: Powerpyx[], YouTube video guide.

Get drunk with Father Godwin
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Virgin)
◘ Hints: During 'Mysterious Ways' you will be tasked with going to Uzhitz. Do so and eventually your trail will lead to Father Godwin. It is important that you do not convince him to give you the information you want. Instead he'll offer to meet you at the tavern in the evening. When you do he'll ask you to spend the night drinking with him. Agree and the achievement should unlock the next morning. This will, however, forfeit the Virgin achievement.

Kill Runt
◘ Missable: No
◘ Hints: Kill the bandit commander in 'Baptism of Fire' and the achievement is yours. Killing him is mandatory, so you can still get the Merciful achievement after completing this.

Become a monk
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Hints: During 'If You Can't Beat em' you're tasked with killing a certain Pious. Find a way to join the monastery as a novice and the achievement is yours.
◘ Walkthroughs: Powerpyx[]

Find out who your real father is
◘ Missable: No
◘ Hints: Unmissable. Will unlock naturally while progressing through the main story in the 'The Die is Cast' quest.

Conquer the enemy camp in Vranik
◘ Missable: No
◘ Hints: Can't be missed. Received upon completing 'Payback'.

Complete all Optional Objectives in Siege quest
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Hints: You need to complete all the optional objectives during the main quest 'Siege'. Talk with Sir Robard, Sir Bernard, the Quartermaster, Lord Divish, and Master Feyfar and complete their quests. I hope you like playing fetch.
◘ Walkthrough: Powerpyx[]

Find out about Erik's past
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Hints: To get this achievement you will need to pass a series (4) high level conversation checks during 'Family Value'. This quest follows directly after the battle in 'Cold Steel, Hot Blood', so make sure to get clean your clothes before you talk with Erik at the Talmberger camp. You need to pass two speech checks, one charisma, and one strength check.
◘ Walkthrough: Powerpyx[]

The End
Complete the main story line
◘ Missable: No
◘ Hints: Complete 'Epilogue' and be rewarded for your efforts with this achievement.
Side quest achievements
Bad Trip
Dance with the Devil
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Virgin)
◘ Hints: During the main quest 'Mysterious Ways' you will be sent to Uzhitz. Here you'll be tasked to investigate a group of women on behest of the Father Godwin. Doing so will start the 'Playing with the Devil' side quest. Follow the women into the woods and cavort with them. Upon completion you get the achievement, which makes the Virgin achievement unobtainable.
◘ Walkthroughs: GosuNoob[], VG24/7[]

Court Lady Stephanie
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Virgin)
◘ Hints: You can first get this after escaping Talmberg. Return to Lady Stephanie after the prologue and complete her quests. Make sure to accept and equip the shirt she offers you. Completing Casanova makes the Virgin achievement unobtainable.
◘ Walkthroughs: Gamerevolution[], Gamepressure[], VG24/7[]

Get jailed in Skalitz
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Hints: You must complete this during the Skalitz prologue before starting the Run! quest, as it becomes unachievable afterwards. Get caught committing a crime in Skalitz and surrender to the guards.

Betray your friends in the Gallows Brothers quest
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Friends without Benefits)
◘ Hints: For this quest you find Fritz and Matthias at the Wagonner's Inn in Sasau, this should start the 'A Friend in Need...' quest. Play through their entire questline until they end up at the Inn in the Glade. Eventually, you'll start 'A Rock and a Hard Place'. Do not immediately proceed with that quest, instead talk to innkeep Andrew first. Accept his proposition, which should start 'Gallow Brothers'. Complete Fritz and Matthias quest and afterwards sell them out to Sir Robard.
◘ Walkthrough: Friends without Benefits / Judas Steam Guide, Gamepressure[]

Win the Talmberg horse race
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Hints: You need the win the Horse Race in the 'The Sport of Kings' side quest, which is not as easy as it might sound. The competition is fierce. To win you need to know the lay of the land very well.
◘ Walkthrough: Ary's Walkthrough for a superb picture guide for this achievement.

Master Huntsman
Become the Talmberg Huntsman
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Hints: You will need to have a chat with the Master Huntsman in Talmberg which starts the 'Hare Hunt' quest. When prompted continue to the innkeeper at the Inn in the Glade and complete the 'Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing' quest. Afterwards you'll meet with Hanekin Hare. Side with him and make sure he survives. Complete his side quest 'Cherchez la Femme' and you get the achievement.
◘ Walkthrough: Gamepressure[]

Court Theresa
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Virgin)
◘ Hints: Once you're at the Rattay Mill you'll get a chance to hang out with Theresa. Go see her whenever the game prompts you to and be nice to her. Eventually, after meeting up a couple of times you will end up doing the laundry together and the achievement will unlock. Completing McLovin makes the Virgin achievement unobtainable.
◘ Walkthroughs: Powerpyx[], VG24/7[]

Plague Doctor
Heal all the sick in Merhojed
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Hints: You need to successfully complete the 'Pestilence' quest, which is a side-quest that starts during the 'Questions and Answers' main quest. Get the correct cure and heal all villagers. Failing to identify the correct cure will keep the achievement from unlocking.
◘ Walkthroughs: Gamepressure[], VG24/7[]

Robber Baron
Complete Robber Baron quest
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Hints: Talk with Lord Capon after completing 'The Prey' and he should give you the optional quest 'Next to Godliness'. After completion talk to Lord Capon again and the eponymous quest 'Robber Baron' should start. Complete it for the achievement.
◘ Walkthroughs: VG24/7[]

Sabotage all three executions
◘ Missable: Yes
◘ Exclusive: Sorta (with Trial-and-error)
◘ Hints: Play through the Rattay Executioner's quests until you get the 'Money for Old Rope' quest then proceed to sabotage all three executions. Because you need to be able to read, this is incompatible with Trial-and-error, which requires you to be illiterate. You can, however, get both in one playthrough if you finish the latter quest first (thanks @Blackpot for bringing this to my attention).
◘ Walkthrough: Gamepressure[]
Gameplay achievements 1/2
Become addicted to alcohol
◘ Hints: Whoever needed a reason for drinking, right? Well, you got one now and you will need to stock up big time on ale, beer, mead, schnapps and wine. Keep hitting the sauce until you see the drunk icon and don't let up until you see the alcoholic icon. Start drinking on an empty stomach to get the most out of your binge.

Starve for three days
◘ Hints: Stop consuming food and beverages and once your nourishment drops to 50 the hunger icon appears. After three more days of mediaeval diet the achievement should unlock.

Level up Speech to maximum
◘ Hints: You need to reach level 20 in speech. Good luck with that. Click as many new [white] dialogues as you can and try to win as many speech checks as possible.
◘ Walkthrough: Powerpyx[] for the locations of 4 speech books.

Read twenty books
◘ Exclusive: Kinda (with Trial-and-error)
◘ Hints: For this quest you will need to find a scribe who can teach you how to read. Doing so will, however, make Trial-and-error of the From the Ashes DLC unobtainable, so be sure to complete that one first if you want both. After you learned how to read just keep on reading books and the achievement will unlock at the twentieth.

Complete all quests
◘ Hints: Well the bad news is that you need to complete a lot of quests to achieve this. The good news is, it's only 80 quests out of a possible 105 in the base game—and DLC quests count too! Small side-note: it's best to complete most quests before starting 'The Die is Cast', because a lot of side quest become unavailable thereafter.

Spend three days in prison
◘ Hints: Be a really naughty immoral peasant throughout the game (for example by stealing or by killing innocents) and get caught. Serve at least 72 hours in jail (either consecutive or in separate successive stretches) and you'll get the achievement.

David Horak
Collect 10,000 herbs
◘ Hints: 10.000 herbs sounds like a lot? It isn't really. As you level up your Herbalism skill you'll be able to pick up a dozen herbs with a single click.
◘ Walkthrough: Gamepedia[] for an overview of collectible herbs.

Edward Kelly
Brew fifteen types of potion
◘ Hints: It needs to be fifteen different types of potion. Collect recipes and ingredients and painstakingly follow the instructions. After you brewed your fifteenth unique potion at the alchemy bench you get the achievement.

Be stuffed to bursting for two days
◘ Hints: Keep consuming food and beverages and once your nourishment reaches 100 the overeat icon appears. Keep your nourishment above 100 for two days and the achievement should unlock.

Carry out 100 combos in combat.
◘ Hints: 100 combos. Yeah I know, the noble game developers must really hate us lowly peasant gamers. Mid-game all enemies either insta-riposte your attacks or a single mace to the face is all it takes. Luckily, however, there is Captain Bernhard. Start a training session and rack up combos until this achievement unlocks.
◘ Walkthrough: Thanks to ToasterCoaster for this handy overview on Reddit.

Win 1,000 Groschen in the dice minigame
◘ Hints: Win a lot of money playing dice. Weighted dice can help (especially odd, lucky and lest common die). A single Devil's Head die can come in handy too.
◘ Walkthrough: Vidyawiki[] (weighted dice guide)

Save 2000 Groschen by haggling
◘ Hints: Simply use the haggle option during buying/selling and the achievement should unlock eventually. Use the Final Offer perk to barter even more audacious.

Bag fifty game animals.
◘ Hints: Kill and poach 50 game animals (i.e. hare, red deer, roe deer, and wild boar).
Gameplay achievements 2/2
Don't sleep for two days and nights
◘ Hints: Stop going to bed and once your energy drops below 50 the oversleep icon appears. After two days of non-stop raving the achievement should unlock.

King Charming
Be popular in every town and village
◘ Hints: You need a reputation of at least 81 in all main towns, which means Ledetchko, Merhojed, the Monastery, Neuhof, Rattay, Samopesh, Sasau, Skalitz, Talmberg, and Uzhitz. With all DLC installed it seems to be any ten towns above 80—i.e. including Sir Kuno's Camp and Pribyslavitz. If you're having trouble improving your reputation get the Infamous perk, give extra money when haggling and complete random events.
◘ Walkthrough: Gamerguides[]; Tyranocif's Reputation Steam Guide

Level Cap
Reach maximum level
◘ Hints: Easy peasy. Just reach level 20 in your agility, speech, strength, and vitality stats.
◘ Walkthrough: Powerpyx[] for a exploit to quickly max your agility, strength and vitality stats. This exploit now seems to be patched out.

Don’t kill anyone during main quest line (except Runt)
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Serial Killer, Sniper and Stealth Killer)
◘ Hints: Hard as ironwood. Can't kill anyone (nope noone). Okay, perhaps you can kill Runt. But none besides him. This quest brought bigger men than you and me to their knees, so don't even try it. Also incompatible with a lot of other achievements.

Find all wayside shrines and conciliatory crosses.
◘ Hints: Actually, you only need to find (and than interact) with 90 art objects (out of 114)—this includes murals in churches.
◘ Walkthrough: Mons' guide with pictures!

Walk more than 50 Km
◘ Hints: This achievement should unlock naturally while progressing through the story line. It will be hard to miss, unless you really try.

Hoard 5,000 Groschen
◘ Hints: Another achievement that is hard to miss. It should unlock naturally while you progress through the story line, just make sure to sell lots of loot and keep the change.

Serial Killer
Kill 200 people
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Merciful)
◘ Hints: Most people get this one on their own while progressing through the story as a crazy debased murderous lunatic killing lots and lots of people. All kills count for this one—including innocents and guards.

Kill 50 enemies with headshots
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Merciful)
◘ Hints: Depending on how good you are with a bow, this can be a relatively easy or hard achievement. If you can't hit the broadside of a barn, either activate the crosshair through console/mods, or draw a big x in the middle of your monitor.

Stealth Killer
Kill twenty enemies by stealth
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Merciful)
◘ Hints: For this achievement you will need to have a dagger equipped. After having done so, approach a sleeping or unaware enemy and stealth kill him. The achievement unlocks after killing 20 enemies—i.e. no guards and innocents this time.

Steal things with a total value of 30,000 Groschen
◘ Hints: To get this achievement you will need to live the life of a true kleptomaniac by stealing items from other people. These items will be marked with the stolen icon. You don't need to sell the loot, only steal them into your inventory. You can steal from homes, shops and chests or by pickpocketing people.

Discover all locations on the map
◘ Hints: Not as hard as it sounds. Just discover all settlements in the base game (i.e. Ledetchko, Merhojed, Neuhof, Pribyslavitz, Rattay, Rovna, Samopesh, Sasau, Skalitz, Talmberg, Uzhitz and Vranik) and it will unlock (thanks Ary)

Stay celibate and complete the entire game as a virgin
Exclusive: Yes (with Bad Trip, Casanova, McLovin)
Hints: Don't use special services at bath houses, don't accept Lady Stephanie's gift, don't ask for a second date with Theresa, don't get drunk with Father Godwin, and most certainly don't follow the witches into the woods—and by chance also miss out on the most bizarre quests in KCD.
Walkthrough: VG24/7[]
Hardcore mode and tournament achievements
With the 1.6 update the lads and lasses of Warhorse Studios graced us by releasing a new update for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. This time they added a more immersive, one might almost say mediaeval, mode to the game that ante's up the difficulty. This new hardcore mode can be started by beginning a new game. It features 3 new achievements.

In the 1.7 update Warhose added the free Tournament! DLC. This time they introduced a knight's tournament in Rattay. In this mêlée tourney Heinrich can test his mettle—with sword, shield, axe and warhammer—against the best of realm. It also added another achievement to the game.

Hardcore mode achievements
Hardcore Henry
Finish the game in Hardcore Mode
◘ Hints: Start a new game and select hardcore mode. Select your negative perks (as in: debuffs) and you're ready to roll. Now the hardest part is actually making it through the end, because there is no compass, no hints, no health bar... In short they've gone completely mediaeval on your hiney. Good luck with that—well it ain't that bad I just hope you like doing the dirt nap.
◘ Walkthrough: Gamepressure[]

Kingdom Did Not Come
Die for the first time in Hardcore Mode
◘ Hints: I'm pretty sure you'll manage to figure this one out on yourself.

'Tis but a scratch
Finish the game in Hardcore Mode with all negative perks
◘ Hints: It's really the same as Hardcore Henry only a tiny bit more difficult in that you'll be suffering from nightmares, claustrophobia, hemophilia, numbskull, consumption, shakes, tapeworm, somnambulance, and brittle bones.
◘ Walkthrough: Gamepressure[]

Tournament! DLC achievement
Arena Master
Get a complete set of armour from the Rattay tourney
◘ Hints: Once a week a big mêlée tournament is held in Rattay Upper Castle. Head there and pay a whooping 60 gold to participate. Choose your favourite method of murder and continue to pummel your enemies into submission. Each time that you win the tournament (after defeating 3 different opponents) you'll be provided with a single piece of Lords of Leipa armour. Collect all five pieces (breeches, cuirass, gauntlets, helmet and pauldrons) to unlock the achievement.
From the Ashes achievements
The From the Ashes was the first proper DLC to be released. In it you are tasked with restoring order, justice and serfdom in Pribyslavitz. In lieu of that goal all you have to do is rebuild the entire village from the ground up. Sounds easy right? Well it is. The DLC also introduced four new achievements.

From the Ashes achievements
Ensure the renewal of Pribyslavitz
◘ Hints: After completing Baptism of Fire you are prompted to visit Sir Divish again and he has an offer you simply cannot refuse: shed your humble blacksmith heritage and become bailiff of a town instead. Graciously accept and continue expanding the town until you've build on every plot of land.
◘ Walkthrough: Gamepressure[], VG24/7[]

Friends without Benefits
Invite Fritz and Matthew to Pribyslavitz
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Judas)
◘ Hints: Continue through the Fritz and Matthew questline and eventually they'll want to do a heist everybody will remember. Afterwards (if they survive) they should be willing to join you at Pribyslavitz. Make sure to talk to them both. Of course, completing the Judas achievement will most definitely bar you from completing this quest, because a short drop and a sudden stop with a rope around their neck tends to inhibit Fritz' and Matthew's ability for lateral movement quite severely.
◘ Walkthrough: Friends without Benefits Steam guide.

Make 2,000 Groschen a day from Pribyslavitz
◘ Hints: This is not as hard as it sounds. Just make sure to put a building on every plot of land. Just refrain from completing the Rathaus or Church (they don't generate but only cost money). Scavenge the world for specialists that give your economy a nice boost (e.g. Kunnesh,Kornelius, Raspberry), haggle for cheap resources, build expansions that bring in good money, and you should eventually reach the 2.000 Groschen a day mark.
◘ Walkthroughs: Phoenix' Steam guide, Gamepressure's[] building breakdown, Reddit specialist thread.

Renew the whole of Pribyslavitz without being able to read
◘ Exclusive: Sorta (with Bookworm, and Spoilsport)
◘ Hints: This one is similar to Bailiff but with a twist: Heinrich must be completely illiterate when rebuilding Pribyslavitz. Use a guide, and your good senses, when constructing your buildings and you should be okay. Make sure to finish Rathaus and the Church last, because they're money drains. Because you can't read, this achievement is obviously incompatible with the Bookworm achievement (which you can safely get after completing this one), and and Spoilsport (ibid, thanks @Blackpot for bringing this to my attention).
◘ Walkthrough: Phoenix' Steam guide, Gamepressure[]
The Amorous Adventures achievements
Everybody's favourite spoiled and pampered heir apparent got his own questline when The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon DLC was released. This new addition to Kingdom Come: Deliverance features 7 new achievements, and unlike the previous DLC (From the Ashes) some of them are exclusive, meaning you can't get both in the same playthrough.

I.e. you have to choose between I Can Quit Anytime or Lord Capon's Ghost, and Christian Burial or Not-so-Christian Burial (although this's nothing a hard save shan't fix).

The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon
Christian Burial
Ensure eternal salvation for the wretched charcoal-burner, Lev
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Not-so-Christian Burial)
◘ Hints: Eventually Lord Capon will procur your services once again—this time to get a love potion. Agree to help your brother-from-another-mother out and depart for the 'learned healer' (the Charlatan). Depending on how far you progressed in the main game, you can either find him in Sasau or Ledetchko. Where ever he is, do not agree to buy the potion. Instead become his apprentice. He'll ask you to dig up a grave. Being the eager-to-please student you do what your master tells you. Afterwards, when you can ask the Charlatan what to do with the bones, he'll want to buy them. Do not sell them. Instead go to the churchyard in Rattay and click on the big stone cross in front of the church entrance to bury the remains and get the achievement. Save and reload before you bury the remains if you also want Not-so-Christian Burial achievement.
◘ Walkthrough: No Rest for the Wicked Steam Guide

I Can Quit Anytime
Dice are most important, the rest will work itself out somehow
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Lord Capon's Ghost)
◘ Hints: Start the DLC by talking to Lord Capon in Pirkstein castle. This should start the Honeyed Words quest. Further talking with Lord Capon reveals he lost a precious heirloom which you must reclaim (starting the sub-quest Game of Throws). Follow the breadcrump trail that goes from Ledetchko to beyond Sasau and eventually you'll find yourself (once again) in a robber baron's camp. This one has a twist, however, because it's inhabitants seem to take a liking to gambling and first prize is nothing other than Lord Capon's misplaced heirloom. Get some loaded dice ('cuz the robbers certainly will) and give 'em a taste of their own medicine. Upon winning the dice tournament and reclaiming the heirloom the achievement is yours. Note that completing this achievements locks out the Lord Capon's Ghost achievement, so make sure to get a hard save before entering the camp if you want both achievements.
◘ Walkthrough: Ary's guide

Ledetchko Revenant
Think up even more ways to haunt the Ledetchko villagers than the charlatan told you
◘ Hints: After you've been at the grave and reported back to the Charlatan the two of you should come up with several ways to scare the people of Ledetchko (replace eggs with charcoal, replace meat with spoiled meat, colour the bathwater red, and steal rosaries). In addition to these four tasks, you'll need to complete another two. The Charlatan mentions talking to the bailiff and traders. The bailiff should point you to some itinerants, go to them and ask their help. Next go to the grocer and he'll tell you a story about spoiled eggs. Get the eggs you stole earlier to spoil and throw them in the well near the bathhouse. After you've done this, finish the quest and the achievement is yours.
◘ Walkthrough: No Rest for the Wicked Steam Guide

Lord Capon's Ghost
Get back Capon's necklace without permission from anyone
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with I Can Quit Anytime)
◘ Hints: The start for this achievement is pretty much the same as for I Can Quit Anytime. Go to Pirkstein castle, talk with Lord Capon and start Honeyed Words/Game of Throws. Keep following the quest updates until you've discovered the robber baron's camp. However, instead of entering the camp, go around the back (preferably by night) sneak through the basement and steal the missing heirloom from a big (guarded) chest in the back of the camp. Use stealth/and or kill the guard and non will be the wiser—and Heinrich is both an heirloom and an achievement richer. Note that this achievements locks out the I Can Quit Anytime achievement, so make sure to get a hard save before entering the camp if you want both achievements.
◘ Walkthrough: Ary's guide

Not-so-Christian Burial
Grant peaceful rest to the soul of the wretched charcoal-burner, Lev
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with Christian Burial)
◘ Hints: Find the charlatan when told to and don't buy the potion from him. Become his apprentice and dig out the grave when prompted to. When asking him what to do with the bones, do not sell them. Find the town gossip and persuade her (speech check 0). She'll tell you where Lev's wife and child are buried. Return to the charcoal-burner's grave and look a bit downhill to the right, you should see three large wood carvings. Bury the remains and get the achievement by doing so. Save and reload before you bury the remains if you also want Christian Burial.
◘ Walkthrough: No Rest for the Wicked Steam Guide

True Friend
Capon will succeed, even though you sent him off with a nasty rash
◘ Hints: When you and Lord Capon are on a nightly quest to steal miss Karolina's heart you will have to make a couple of timed choices.The correct choices are: 1. Gentle night... 2. And now my heart in sorrow dwells... 3. Ah Lord, let me not wait in vain... 4. Blame it on the French! After these four Capon disappears and the butcher enters the churchyard. After this much up or don't and the achievement is yours.
◘ Walkthrough: Wingman and True Friend Steam Guide.

Everything has to go according to Sir Hans' plan
◘ Hints: When you and Lord Capon are on a nightly quest to steal miss Karolina's heart you will have to make a couple of timed choices.The correct choices are: 1. Gentle night... 2. And now my heart in sorrow dwells... 3. Ah Lord, let me not wait in vain... 4. Blame it on the French! After these four Capon disappears and the butcher enters the churchyard. Pass the persuasion (10), charisma (14), or intimidation (15) checks. When you're out of witty replies 1) start singing, 2) continue singing and 3) continue singing and the achievement is yours.
◘ Walkthrough: Wingman and True Friend Steam Guide.
Band of Bastards achievements
The third DLC released for Kingdom Come: Deliverance was the Band of Bastards add-on. It features a totally new designed company that takes the player along on their skirmishes. There are 7 achievements to be had in this one, and two of them are mutually exclusive (Torturer and Pinky Promise).

Band of Bastards
Chivalrous Soul
Persuade Kuno to attack the mill right away
◘ Hints: During the second mission (Uninvited Guests) the company is approached by a refugee from an ongoing attack. Sir Kuno wants to wait till the attackers are drunk. For the achievement you need to convince him to attack right away (speech 7 or charisma 10).
◘ Walkthrough: Band of Bastards Steam Guide.

Game Over
The Ring of Bacchus made its way back to its original owner
◘ Hints: Just play through all stages of the Ring of Bacchus activity. After giving someone the ring rest for two or three hours and another contender should call for you. Repeat this with several companions and the achievement will eventually unlock.
◘ Walkthrough: Band of Bastards Steam Guide.

Lost Trinket
You're not the only one playing the Ring of Bacchus game, so watch out for the others!
◘ Hints: Instead of directly giving the ring to one of the players in the Ring of Bacchus game, keep the ring and go to sleep in Sir Kuno's camp. Once you wake up (around 7 am) the ring is gone and you get the achievement.
◘ Walkthrough: Band of Bastards Steam Guide.

Mercenary's Honour
Arouse the mercenary's sense of honour
◘ Hints: During the last mission (What Price Honour?) you will need to convince Sir Kuno (speech check 7) to stand and fight. Do so and to get the achievement.
◘ Walkthrough: Band of Bastards Steam Guide.

Pinky Promise
Keep your word at any cost
◘ Exlusive: Yes (with Torturer)
◘ Hints: In the fourth mission (Thirty Pieces) you get the to interrogate Jakey. At a certain point you should be get an option to persuade Jakey do not pick that option instead answer "I'll untie you" and the achievement will unlock after the dialogue. Note: you cannot unlock this together with Torturer anymore. They're 100% exclusive now, so make a save before interrogating Jakey.
◘ Walkthrough: Band of Bastards Steam Guide.

Leave Jakey to consider the error of his ways
◘ Exlusive: Yes (with Pinky Promise)
◘ Hints: In the fourth mission (Thirty Pieces) you get the to interrogate Jakey. At a certain point you should be get an option to persuade Jakey do not pick that option instead answer "You don't want to talk? Alright." Return after a day and the achievement will unlock after the dialogue. Note: you cannot unlock this together with Pinky Promise anymore. They're 100% exclusive now, so make a save before interrogating Jakey.
◘ Walkthrough: Band of Bastards Steam Guide.

Track down the raiders who attacked the mill
◘ Hints: When you ride out with the band on your first mission (Bad Blood) you will come across an attacked farm (I'm quite sure there's no mill there). Investigate the goings-on and head into the forest. Eventually you should find the raiders' hideout. Once you do the achievement unlocks.
◘ Walkthrough: Band of Bastards Steam Guide.
A Woman's Lot achievements
A Woman's Lot is the last DLC released for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. In it you'll revisit Skalitz before the raid and get a glimpse into mediaeval life from a pious woman's view. There are four achievements connected to the Skalitz chapter and another seven to the Sasau Monastery chapter. Two of the latter are mutually exclusive (Angel of Mercy and You Had One Job!).

Theresa's story
Bad Girl
Shirk your morning chores!
◘ Hints: At the start of the 'Daily Routine' quest, Theresa is tasked with doing some petty chores around the mill and then head out to town. Neglect your tasks and go straight to Skalitz instead.

Death by Splinter
Cause Henry a mortal wound!
◘ Hints: While in Skalitz (during 'Daily Routine') Theresa will see Heinrich practicing his sword play on the training ground. Challenge him to a duel and knock him out for this achievement.

Rescue all the survivors
◘ Hints: During the mission 'Angel of Mercy' you get the option to rescue 4 refugees. Rescue them all for the achievement.
◘ Walkthrough: Trueachievements[]; Playstationtrophies[]

Woman's Lot
Complete Theresa's story
◘ Hints: Unmissable if you finish the DLC. Unlocked after completing 'Aftermath'.

Johanka's quests
Angel of Mercy
Help save Johanka from the most grievous charge of heresy!
◘ Exclusive: Yes (with You Had One Job!)
◘ Hints: Unlocked in the events at Sasau after completing 'The Wicket Gate'. To get the achievement it's best to have played through 'The Madonna of Sasau' quests in a good—selfless—way. When preparing for the trial, talk with all witnesses. Also talk with the blacksmith's wife and get her to admit she sent the ruffians. Make absolutely sure to talk with Nicodemus and afterwards tell Johanka not to provoke the Inquisitor. You need to speak to Nicodemus again and talk with Matthias afterwards to get his dice. Return to Johanka with the dice and convince her a second time. During trial call all witnesses and use every speech option to intervene.
◘ Walkthrough: Johanka's Quests Steam Guide; Playstationtrophies[]

Cleric's Pet
Report to the Inquisitor all the wrongdoing going on in the province
◘ Hints: Unlocked in the events at Sasau after completing 'The Wicket Gate'. You need some prior work to complete the achievement. To get it you need to have: gotten drunk with father Godwin in 'Mysterious Ways'; found father Simon in 'A Man of the Cloth', found out the heretics in 'Waldensians', cavorted with the witches in 'Playing with the Devil', found the devil's skull in 'The House of God', and caught the monks drinking in 'A Needle in a Haystack'. Report them all to the Inquisitor to get the achievement, make sure to give him a real monk's name (Lucas).
◘ Walkthrough: Johanka's Quests Steam Guide; Playstationtrophies[]

Full House Sinner
Have on your conscience every sin Johanka can think of
◘ Hints: Lots of people report problems with this one. You can get this after you get into a row with some villagers after the 'Bonum Commune' quest. You need to have committed, and confess to, every sin Johanka can think off: sleep with Lady Stephanie, fornicate with a bathmaid, steal something, serve time in jail, kill Runt, murder someone else, and get drunk. You have to commit all sins some time (i.e. days) before triggering the event, so that the in-game reputation system can spread the rumor of your foul deeds. However, according to some, having jail/sex/alcohol (de)buffs active helps unlock the achievement.
◘ Walkthrough: Johanka's Quests Steam Guide; Playstationtrophies[]

Infernal Justice
The punishment fits the crime
◘ Hints: During the mission 'Infernal Dream' you'll eventually end up in a fight with a brigand dressed as a Skalitz guard. Kill the fiend and dispose of him in the same way as he did with his victims (throw him in the nearby well/mineshaft). Once he tumbles down you get the achievement.
◘ Walkthrough: Johanka's Quests Steam Guide; Playstationtrophies[]

Like a Ghost
Recover Pavel's treasure without being discovered
◘ Hints: During the mission 'Bonum Commune' find and return a treasure for Pavel. The catch to unlocking the achievement is that you cannot be spotted by the Cumans camping next to the treasure. You can, however, stealth kill them. Wait till it's dark and you should be able to sneak into the derelict house behind the Cumans, grab the treasure from the chimney and report back to Pavel to unlock the achievement.
◘ Walkthrough: Johanka's Quests Steam Guide; Playstationtrophies[]

See what Henslin has in his braies without being observed
◘ Hints: Unlocked during 'Go, and Sin No More'. You need to have the Pickpocket skill (you can learn it from Peshek at the Rattay mill). Convince the bathhouse madam to let you into Adela's quarter when she's fighting Henslin. Sneak and pickpocket the powdered unicorn horn from Henslin and the achievement is yours.
◘ Walkthrough: Johanka's Quests Steam Guide; Playstationtrophies[]

You had one job!
Drink yourself into oblivion with Ambrose!
◘ Exclusive: Might be (with Angel of Mercy)
◘ Hints: Extremely missable and unobtainable with a Drinking skill above 10. You need to fail the quest 'Casting Lots' by passing out during a drinking binge with Ambrose (the Sasau tailor). Being intolerable to beer (Wine Drinker perk) and alcohol (True Slav perk) seems to help. During dialogue choose the high alcohol options (three kegs). You get the achievement when you get a loading screen saying "You're unconscious!" Might be unobtainable with Angel of Mercy, but needs more testing.
◘ Walkthrough: Johanka's Quests Steam Guide; Playstationtrophies[]
Solmyr Apr 15 @ 8:36am 
As a note, Lord Capon's Ghost does NOT lock out I Can Quit Anytime. present yourself at the camp and begin the dice tournament, but don't play to the end - win a couple of games first. After that, sneak to the rewards chest and steal the necklace (make sure you are not spotted). Then continue the dice tournament and win it. Voila, both achievements in one playthrough!
Fobitros Nov 27, 2023 @ 3:20am 
For the merciful achievement if your dog kills the oppoment with sic it doesn't count as your kill, this is what the statistics show..
Mirror_Man Nov 5, 2023 @ 1:58am 
Does anyone know the reason that most guides show 83 achievements for the PC (84 trophies on PS4 with the platinum trophy for getting all the other achievement) but Steam only seems to acknowledge 82 Achievements? Which one does Steam not acknowledge? Or is there something else I am missing?
Silver Aug 22, 2023 @ 6:49pm 
Tip/ suggestions if doing merciful:
1)don't get a horse before you are given Pebbles, that way you can stealth the Cumans if needed when saving Hans
2) you can return to Bernard for help with the bandits hunting Ginger
3) you can knock out and take all equipment from the 3 bandits hunting Reeky before going to find him to make this fight a bit more level
4) if fighting use your fists... unless fighting Runt then anything goes. Fists tend to knock out rather than kill if you happen to get into a fight. Alt plan is to run/ ride away
5) save and check your player stats frequently. reload if needed
6) Level your speech, wear charismatic clothes, take perks that help you in dialogue, train combat with Bernard and don't be afraid to equip a bloody sword you stole for better dialogue check ability
zainsalam03 Aug 19, 2023 @ 4:26pm 
thanks for this guide. a great help for achievements
kindacruise Aug 18, 2023 @ 2:27pm 
You can simply knock the bandits in Ginger unconscious and escort him back to neuhoff
MrDrunkems Aug 9, 2023 @ 2:32am 
For the Judas achievement, I had to do the robbery first then snitch on Matthew and Fritz and Andrew to Robard. Just going to Robard first and then completing the quest did not give me to achievement. I don't know if that happened to anyone else but just leaving this here for anyone that needs it. :missing:
sergykid Jul 19, 2023 @ 7:32am 
King Charming / Be popular in every town and village

this one doesnt work to me, i have Infamous perk and giving extra money to vendor at haggle doesnt raise it. I get the icon showing "reputation gained" in the corner twice but in the stats panel the reputation stays same number. I vendored a few thousand grochen and trader reputation raises but town reputation not. Random events are horribly rare and definitely not a reliable source of doing the achievement. I also tried losing at dice and i get reputation but again the town one doesnt raise, just the specific npc one.
So what can i do now? i suppose this achievement is actually missable if you dont raise the reputation properly when you do their specific quests.
Заебал Jul 19, 2023 @ 6:36am 
About achievement regarding ginger [bit of spoiler]:
Its not exclusive, was doing merciful run and if you are quick enough and can pass all speech checks (lie about dealing with bandits, friends with ginger, etc.) and direct him back to neuhof and telling him that he should confess about stuff what's been happening, after some time you'll find him back at neuhof working at stables. Speaking to him will reward you with some money, reputation and achievement for saving him.
Заебал Jul 15, 2023 @ 10:41pm 
Wanted to add note about insomaniac achievement:
Altough achievement says dont sleep for 2 days and 2 nights, it won't work unless you have sleep debuff active [going below energy 50 for 2 days and 2 nights].