Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Android Netrunner - Dynamix Edition
Game Category: Card Games
Number of Players: 2
File Size
4.909 MB
Nov 19, 2019 @ 7:49am
Jan 19, 2020 @ 4:49pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Android Netrunner - Dynamix Edition

-Cards updated to the end of the Ashes cycle (Downfall and Uprising)
-Includes all promo, alt arts

I used all the following mods to create a clean, nice Netrunner experience:

This mod is not complete yet. Please give me your feedback/comments if you have any.
warder808 Jan 18, 2021 @ 8:20pm 
How does the netrunnerdb importer work?
Wowie Jun 11, 2020 @ 1:24am 
The NISEI core 2019 box doesn't have anything in it.
The Memory and Link tokens have deprecated model links.
The "Netrunner Releases" box and every box in it has a deprecated model link.

The table is so deep below depth 0 that it's impossible to use the "slide a card under a deck" feature of TTS. Lift height measures from depth 1 at minimum. The entire setup could stand to be raised so that the main playmat is at least Y-depth 1.0 instead of Y-depth -2.34.

Most of the bagged tokens beside the playmat could stand to be stackable (change them to "Chip" custom objects instead of "Generic").

Niggles aside, this is one of the most-complete looking tables I've found, and you've done a fantastic job on it!
Dynamix  [author] May 16, 2020 @ 2:58pm 
Nice! I'm so happy that this mod seems solid to you folks. Thank you for all your support!

Cheers :)
Knaughx May 11, 2020 @ 6:15pm 
Hi, wanted you know that your mod has been added to my collection: Board Game Geek - BGG - May 2020 - Best Mod for each of the Top 500 Rated Games. Collection here:

The collection used this priority system:

1. Mod's Files Availability: Mod with all/most files still available for download
2. Feature completeness: Mod with greatest inclusion of expansions and/or promos available for the board game title
2. Scripting: Mod with scripting that most reduces work in setup/play for players
3. Component Quality: Mod with the best visuals/usability in terms of component quality
4. Table Setup/Ambiance: Mod with the best immersion with table, background, and other modeling.

Please also note that a mod that makes selection for this list very well could be one in which the mod author borrowed the majority of assets from another workshop listing, so full thanks to all who worked on a mod.

Thanks for your hard work!
Bangief Apr 7, 2020 @ 3:21pm 
How does the netrunnerdb importer work?
Axl Dread Apr 3, 2020 @ 5:25am 
For Jinteki, did you meant *.net instead of *.com? The *.com one lead me to an error. Anyway thank you, I didn"t ever knew this web page. I've bookmarked it.
Axl Dread Apr 3, 2020 @ 5:22am 
Exactly! They made a so well done job with Tabletop Simulator that this name couldn't be better chosen. Once used to the keys, i'ts top notch. Lacks only the direct touch feel.

Never tested the VR version though. It must be awesome.
Dynamix  [author] Apr 3, 2020 @ 4:58am 
Thank you for your support. These days people tend to play ANR on and not a lot coming here to test a deck, but i think the feeling of playing a card game is much stronger on TTS
Axl Dread Mar 31, 2020 @ 8:04am 
I used to play Netrunner TCG (the Android Netrunner's ancestor) a lot and I was looking since a while for a pretty complete mod like this one since I can't find someone to play Android Netrunner IRL.

Feel free to send me a friend request if you want a partner to test your decks. I'm an old veteran on NR but I just own the base ANR physical set.

Subscribed + :cozyspaceengineersc: + :cozyrealmroyale: (which means fav to me).
Ramir3z Mar 27, 2020 @ 3:22pm 
This thing is golden. I tried quite a few Netrunner mods and as a beginner, I was either very confused or frustrated at the lack of content. This thing has it all, in a neat, clear package. Mighty fine job.