They Are Billions

They Are Billions

364 értékelés
29 年后
29 年前的一天,人们不约而同,人们走出家门,人们游行抗议;倏忽间,人们狂暴无比,人们相互攻击,留下满目荒夷。该事件被后人称为“血雨”。29 年过去了,被“血雨”感染的人类数以亿计,仅存的文明火种零星散布于世界的角落。如今,在一代人之后,灾难的幸存者们终于夺回了他们曾经的家园,并试图一点一点地夺回这个曾经繁荣的世界。然而,这些幸存者们了解到的所谓真相,只是“血雨”的冰山一角而已……

本自定义战役地图为《28 年后》的续作,建议您先游玩前一篇之后再游玩本作(非必须)。

《29 年后》战役地图的预计发布时间如下:

“第四篇 - 心魔一现”
第 13 章 - “生逝之间” - 2019/12/20
第 14 章 - “善恶彼方” - 2019/12/20
第 15 章 - “四叶苜宿” - 2019/12/26
第 16 章 - “巨兽觉醒” - 2019/12/30

“第五篇 - 愿尔在旁”
第 17 章 - “主权之国” - 2020/01/16
第 18 章 - “百塔之城” - 2020/02/06
第 19 章 - “为盟” - 2020/02/06
第 20 章 - “归家” - 2020/02/06

“第六篇 - 太阴之阴”
第 21 章 - “瓦尔基里” - 2020/02/18
第 22 章 - “衰变理论” - 2020/03/03
第 23 章 - “风暴之眼” - 2020/03/17
第 24 章 - “昔在今在” - 2020/04/10



中文版本的汉化与测试由 Soapp 完成——我又来辣!

同时感谢 Bow_Car 的汉化审校与测试工作,期待你的配音!

来自原作者 POBmaestro:
地图发布的时间表仅为预计时间。所有的内容皆由我和 Soapp 利用自己的业余时间来完成,希望大家能喜欢!不过,这也意味着我们现实中的工作得放在第一位,请大家能够理解。最后,希望大家和我们一样,怀着紧张而激动的心情,期待这一趟精彩的旅程吧 :)
Elemek (12)
29 Years Later - Phase 13 - Amongst The Living
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… The se...
29 Years Later - Phase 14 - Beyond Good and Evil
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… This m...
29 Years Later - Phase 15 - Four Leaf Clover
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… This m...
29 Years Later - Phase 16 - Leviathan Wakes
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… This m...
29 Years Later - Phase 17 - Sovereign Nation
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… This m...
29 Years Later - Phase 18 - City of a Hundred Spires
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… This m...
29 Years Later - Phase 19 - The Union
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… Phase ...
29 Years Later - Phase 20 - For The Reunion
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… Phase ...
29 Years Later - Phase 21 - Valkyrie and Valhalla
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… This m...
29 Years Later - Phase 22 - The Decay Theory
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… This m...
29 Years Later - Phase 23 - Eye of the Storm
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… The ga...
29 Years Later - Phase 24 - Alpha and Omega
Készítette: POBmaestro
A secret organisation called the Prosperous commissioned a project to control the world’s population using Control Towers. On activation the project took a catastrophic turn and 29 Years Later they are now looking to you to help take the world back… Hello ...
Összekapcsolt gyűjtemények (1)
14 elemet tartalmaz