Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Luigi - Luigi's Mansion
19.181 MB
2019. nov. 15., 8:27
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Feliratkozás a letöltéshez
Luigi - Luigi's Mansion

A mod that adds the video game character Luigi as the leader of Luigi's Mansion in Civilization V. The Year of Luigi may have ended back in 2014, but now the most infamous of "Player 2" characters has chance to build an empire where every year is the Year of Luigi!

The Green Thunder
+1 Science for every 4 Citizens in a city. Recieves a free Great Scientist upon discovering Scientific Theory. +25% Production when building Armor Units.

Replaces the Hotel. In addition to its usual benefits, it provides an additional +10% Science, +10% Culture and +10% Gold.

Combat Strength: 44
Production Cost: 320
Replaces the Great War Infantry. Costs no maintenance, gains +1 Movement in exchange for weaker Combat Strength, and gains the Sentry promotion.

Peace Theme - Dark Rooms - Luigi Humming High, Medium and Low Health (Luigi's Mansion)
War Theme - Main Theme - Luigi's Mansion (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)

I highly recommend to have all Civ 5 DLC (including the Gods and Kings and Brave New World expansions) before playing this mod, as it may not work otherwise. Given that the Hotel Building (which Luigi's Unique Building replaces) was only introduced in Brave New World, you will need the Brave New World expansion at the very least for the mod to work.
10 megjegyzés
campbellmc14 jún. 5., 6:59 
I'd be very tempted to suggest a King Boo Civ.
The GOODMAN  [készítő] 2019. dec. 31., 5:57 
@CarlmanZ I agree the civ name sounds awkward depending on the grammar the game uses, but I don't think there's much I can do to fix it. When testing the mod, I noticed the civ being called "The Luigi's Mansion" depending on the context, so I believe I altered the name to "the Mansion of Luigi" for those instances to make it less awkward.

I don't have any plans to update the current mod at the moment (unless a bug gets reported, but it seems as if everything is working as intended), but maybe somewhere down the line I might tweak the UA. Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
The GOODMAN  [készítő] 2019. dec. 31., 5:57 
@Harkodos I like the concept of your idea, but I worry in execution it would be potentially frustrating for reasons @LordPancake mentioned. Not to mention, it could screw over players during the early game. I would think most human players that lost one of their first settlements randomly would just restart the game rather than continue. The rework LordPancake suggested sounds interesting. I would probably only set it to 1% though since population growth happens a lot more than settling. Could even make it strategic by increasing the rate once civs become popular, influenced or dominant.
Lucas 2019. nov. 19., 10:39 
@The GOODMAN I know people had been requesting for a Luigi civ since PHXHRC's Marioland, so I'm glad to see someone deliver after all this time!
Lucas 2019. nov. 19., 10:37 
@Harkodos Your idea is actually very clever! It would also be relatively easy to implement in Lua as-is. The problem I see with it is that it may be not very viable IMO, but instead frustrating to use. Because the chance of you acquiring an opponent's city is completely random, it won't always be beneficial for you (it could be on the other side of the map and relatively easy for the opponent to take back, etc). You could implement additional criteria to make it more viable, but I won't go into details here since this really isn't the ideal place for it.

A way I see to rework your idea to be more useful and still fit the thematics of Luigi's Mansion would be this: "Whenever a citizen is born in a foreign civilization, there is a chance based on your cultural influence over that civilization that the citizen will instead migrate to your capital." Just food for thought!
CarlmanZ 2019. nov. 15., 12:52 
Hell yeah! Luigi! The only thing I can criticize is that the name of the Civ itself is kinda awkward, though, I'm not sure what else you could make it. Great job!
Harkodos 2019. nov. 15., 11:04 
But anyways, before I forget: I wanted to thank you for making this Mod. I've been wanting someone to make it for a while now, and seeing it in the Workshop just really made my day. Now if we could just get a King K. Rool Civ with a unique ability involving him using a helmet to switch his brain with that of a Crystal Coconut, we'd be all set...
Harkodos 2019. nov. 15., 10:27 
I've had this idea cooked up for some time, I just never thought I'd actually make use of it (I'm not qualified to do Luigi's Mansion justice): "Prize Sweepstakes: Whenever another civilization founds a new non-Capital City, there is a 2% chance that it will immediately convert over to your side." This ability is much more unique, and I feel this is also a bit better thematically (Luigi actually gets his Mansion from a Sweepstakes; also the ability has an intentionally low triggering rate because it can be somewhat overpowered otherwise; I'd raise it to no higher than 5%). Granted this ability would be quite difficult to program, but the folks on the Civfanatics forums should probably be able to help with the Lua needed to make it work.
The GOODMAN  [készítő] 2019. nov. 15., 10:14 
I was honestly surprised that a Luigi mod hadn't been done yet with the many Mario characters that have already had their own mod. I think only Yoshi and Rosalina (out of the remaining major Mario characters) still have yet to have one.

@Harkodos What would you suggest for an alternate UA? I'm still new to Civ 5 modding, so I tried not to overcomplicate the traits.
Harkodos 2019. nov. 15., 9:47 
Yeah! I've been waiting for someone to do a Civ of Luigi (How come Mario gets all the love?) The Unique Ability's a little generic though (I could suggest a much more Thematic one if you'd like, since I have one in mind).