The Long Dark

The Long Dark

1,669 ratings
Detailed Region Maps
By stmSantana and 1 collaborators
This game has been updated to version 2.03 in December 2022.
This has resulted in a lot of changes in the game and the item spawn locations marked on these maps are out of date.

I modified maps a bit for the current version.
I first uploaded the map to the artwork page, but decided to use the guide page for version control.

Original map creator,
Whiteberry ---
Stray Wolf ---
I referred to the following.
Topographic Maps by delta ---
Travel Guide by Repconn and Gecko ---
Software ---

(Google translated)

Please don't forget to upvote!
You can also donate if you really want to support me but this is completely optional.
How to display maps in full size

In this guide, Please click the thumbnail image , Then click the maximize button.
Stick-North (or Game North)
On most maps on this page "Stick-North" is upwards on the Y axis , regardless of compass rose.

If you drop an item while you are outdoors, most items will point in the same direction each time.
At this time, the direction pointed by the stick or arrow is tentatively called "Stick North".
Stick-North and Direction of the sun and Ingame map has no relationship nothing each other.
Stick-North is based on the ingame coordinate system (It appear in debug screenshots by F8 key).
========== Update ==========
- Dec 25 : DLC (TFTFT) Maps
- Apr 28 : BI
- Mar 30 : CH
- Feb 26 : CH
- Jan 10 : ML
- Jan 5 : BRPrison
- Jan 4 : KP
- Jan 3 : BRM
- Jan 3 : PV
- Jan 3 : Cave (Steam Tunnel (Survival) )
- Jan 3 : New: Transition Cave (BRM to TWM)
- Jan 3 : New: Cave (Ice Cave (KP))
- Dec 30 : BRM
- Dec 27 : BRM
- Dec 26 : New: Keeper's Pass - Transition zone
- Dec 23 : BRM, BR Prison (Survival)
- Dec 11: BRM
- Dec 10 : BRM (Blackrock(Mountain)) (Survival) - Region
- Dec 1 : MT
- Nov 27: Blackrock Topo
- Nov 26: Blackrock Topo (Test)
- Oct 28 : (Episode 4) Blackrock Steam Tunnel (Steam Puzzle)
- Oct 28 : (Episode 4) Blackrock Prison
- Oct 26 : (Episode 4) Blackrock Steam Tunnel
- Oct 25 : (Episode 4) Blackrock region, Prison
- Oct 23 : AC
- Oct 22 : (Episode 4) Blackrock region, MINE
- Mar 27 : New: Cave (TWM)
- Mar 24 : New: Cave (MT-HRV, MT-ML, PV-WR)
- Feb 27 : HRV
- Feb 25 : PV
- Feb 18 : AC, TWM
- Feb 13 : CH
- Feb 13 : PV, HRV
- Feb 12 : Dam, WR, FM, BI
- Feb 8 : CrH(OIC)
- Feb 7 : DP
- Feb 2 : AC
- Jan 31 : Gold Mine (AC), Cave (AC), Transition Cave (TWM_AC), AC, FM, HRV
- Jan 30 : Cave: Timberwolf mountain to Ash canyon
- Jan 25 : AC

- Dec 10 : AC (WIP)
- Dec 8 : TWM (Connections to Ash Canyon)
- Dec 6 : TWM
I'll post a draft first.

Spoiler Lv3
Complete Map
Spoiler Lv2
Explorer Map
Spoiler Lv1
Spoiler-free Map
Forsaken Airfield v.1.1
Transfer Pass v.1.1
Far Range Branch v.1.1

Change Log
========== REGION ==========
! ? What is spoiler level ? !
Spoiler Lv3
Complete Map
Spoiler Lv2
Explorer Map
Spoiler Lv1
Spoiler-free Map
All information gathered
Including : prepper caches, loot, ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes everything, Except : prepper caches, loot, climbing ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes Only : buildings, bridges, docks, roads, rivers, railways and selected waypoints.
Bleak Inlet v.2.00
Complete Map
Explorer Map
All information gathered
Including : prepper caches, loot, ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes everything, Except : prepper caches, loot, climbing ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Spoiler-free Map
Terrain Map
Includes Only : buildings, bridges, docks, roads, rivers, railways and selected waypoints.
Includes Only : docks, roads, rivers, railways.

This map was made with Inkscape[]. You can Download[] this map file (inkscape file type) and use it freely. (E.g. create a map in your own language, create a new version of the map, etc.)

Add: Bed (Interloper)

Add: Polaroid icons

Add: Vista icon

Fix: Add Icon - hatchet
Add/Change: Credit (Whiteberry, Stray Wolf)

Change: Comprehensive Icon design (Because I changed the software used and recreated everything with vector data)
Change: Some icons to unique designs (Lookout, Radio tower, Fallen lighthouse)
Change: Icon color : Radio tower (Red to Blue, because it's not accessible and it has location name)
Fix: Misspellings (Flozen to Frozen)

Add icon: Timber wolf area.
Delete icon: Cannery workshop - mag lens.
(Because it was a pick from a locker. It seems to be based on a low difficulty random loot table...)
Fix: Delete icons
Fix: Add icons
Coastal Highway v.1.99

Change log
Fix: Delete fireplace icon form Log Sort.

Fix: DELETE two old polaroid spawns.
Add: Polaroids, Icons, Bear area.
Fix: Building icons.
Add: Deer area
Add: Shallow cave icon
Fix: Icons
Add: Wolf area

  • Change: terrain
  • Add: Icon (Vista)

  • Change: the icon type of closest cabin to workbench in fishing camp.
  • Change: the shape of Jack Rabbit's island correctly.
  • Change: the location of fishing huts accurately.
  • Change: the border line between the ice and the sea exactly.

  • Add: "AURORA" Icons to Tunnel near the Log sort

  • Add: Tunnel near the "Log sort"
  • Add: Icon (Moose)
  • Change: Rename from "Quonset gas station" to "Quonset garage"
  • Change: "Fishing camp" workbench move to exterior
Mystery Lake v1.99

Add: Icons (Polaroid)
Change: Compass

Fix: position of two prepper cache icons. (Left side of the camp office, Lower left side of the dam)

Add: Icons (Deer, Wolf)
Change: Terrain details
Change: Shallow cave icon color

Fix: The prepper cache icon near the mystery lake western access was hidden.

Add: Some Icons
Add: Icons(Collectable, Birch bark)
Chage: Shallow cave color
Change: Terrain details

Add: Location name (Rail Tunnel, Lookout)
Change: Terrain details

Add: Cave icon (Near Mystery Lake (Western Access))
Add: Vista Icon
Add: Revolver Icon
Change: Terrain details
Fix: Some Icons

Add: Cave "To Mountain Town"
Change: Move "Forestry lookout"
Add: "Abandoned lookout"
Change: topography around Dam and Alan's cave
Change: topography around Clear cut and Lookout
Add: Trailers around dam
Add: Icon (Moose)

Blackrock (Survival) v1.99
Spoiler Lv3
Complete Map
Spoiler Lv2
Explorer Map
Spoiler Lv1
Spoiler-free Map
Simple v.1.11
Charcoal v.0.95
Topo v.0.95

Change Log
- Fix: Added workbench icon to Bricklayer's Retreat.

- Add: Icons
- Change: color
- Fix: Fine adjustment of position

- Add: Caution
- Change: Color (ravine)
- Add: Icon (waterfall , tree bridge)

- Add: Simple style
- Add: Icons

- Add: Icons
- Fix: Icon (Foreman's Clearcut trailer)

- Add: Icons
- Add: Prepper caches
Blackrock Prison (Survival) v1.99
Spoiler Lv0

Spoiler Lv3


Add: Icon (Bed to prison)
Pleasant Valley v.1.98 Survival
Spoiler Lv3
Spoiler Lv2
Spoiler Lv1

Change log
Add: Spoiler Lv2 and Lv1

Change: The map was redrawn from scratch to rotate it 90 degrees. Please let us know if there are any missing icons on the map.
Add: Connection to BLACKROCK region.

Add: Icons
Change: Terrain

Add: Polaroids, 3 Interloper Starter, Icons,
Change: Compass.
Fix: Bear den , Icon, Topography near the waterfall in the lower left

Add: Icons
Add: Icons (Moose)
Add: Terrain details
Delete: Distress pistol
Fixed: Prepper cache

  • Add: Icons (Revolver, Hatchet, Hacksaw)
  • Change: Prepper cache Notice
  • Change: crash site: Flare gun Notice
  • Add: Rifle icon to "Burned ridge cave"
  • Add: New cave near the "Derelict cabins"
  • Change: Rename from "Mystic River Picnic Area" to "Misty Falls Picnic Area"
  • Add: Rifle icon to the cave near the "Misty Falls Picnic Area"
  • Add: Icons
  • Add: Crash site
Timberwolf Mountain v.1.98
Colored Spoiler

Add: Connection to BLACKROCK region.

Add: Polaroids, Icons, Colored map (WIP)

Add: Connection to ASH CANYON region.

Add: Icons

Fix: point of the compass
Fix: Terrain
Add: Icons
Mountain town v1.97
Spoiler (Lv3)
No Spoiler (Lv1)

Change log
- Add: Icons (Polaroids)
- Add: Icons (Rifle, etc.)
- Fix: Location name position (Milton basin)
- Change: Tweak

- Add: Icons (Vista)
- Add: Icons (Revolver, Hacksaw, Hatchet, Rope)

- Redraw: Terrain
- Add: Icons (Hammer, Hacksaw, Rifle, Revolver, Rope, Book, Bed, Campfire)
- Add: Icons (Farmer's key)
- Change: Icons (Climbing spot no rope, One-way path, Radio tower)
- Move: Icon: Water Tower

- I modified the map made by straywolf a little. Because the map was updated with the release of "Wintermute Redux" (v1.41).
Ash Canyon v1.94
Complete Map
Explorer Map
All information gathered
Including : prepper caches, loot, ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes everything, Except : prepper caches, loot, climbing ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Spoiler-free Map
Terrain Map
Includes Only : buildings, bridges, docks, roads, rivers, railways and selected waypoints.
Includes Only : docks, roads, rivers, railways.

Colored Elevation Map
Complete Map
Spoiler-free Explorer Map
Spoiler routes Map
All information gathered
Including : prepper caches, loot, ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes Only : caves, buildings, bridges, docks, roads, rivers, railways and selected waypoints.
Includes Only : caves, buildings, bridges, docks, roads, rivers, railways and selected waypoints.
More high-resolution maps[]

Change : add a polaroid icon (X-90 Y65) , and delete a polaroid icon on the cliff

Add: One Polaroid
Change : Gold Mine icon

Add: One Polaroid
Change : Icon (cure cave)

Add: Bear area icon, Icons.

Add: One piece of Polaroid in the clifftop.
Add: A walking path up the cliff to the Homesteader's Respite.

Hushed River Valley v.1.93
Complete Map
Explorer Map
Spoiler-free Map
All information gathered
Including : prepper caches, loot, ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes everything, Except : prepper caches, loot, climbing ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes Only : buildings, bridges, docks, roads, rivers, railways and selected waypoints.
Colored Complete Map
Colored Explorer Map
Colored Spoiler-free Map

Add: Colored maps

Add: Icons, Moose carcass icon.
Small fix: Icon size (Scrub brushes)
Small change: Foot Path

Fix: Hidden cache

Add: Polaroids, hidden cache (from comments) .

Fix: Region name (Bleak Inlet => Hushed River Valley)

Add: Foot path
Add: Icons

Fix: Icon color, etc.

Change: Icon type
Add: Icons
Add: (Spoiler-free Map): Icons (Fallen tree bridge)
Desolation Point v1.93
Complete Map
Explorer Map
All information gathered
Including : prepper caches, loot, ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes everything, Except : prepper caches, loot, climbing ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Spoiler-free Map
Terrain Map
Includes Only : buildings, bridges, docks, roads, rivers, railways and selected waypoints.
Includes Only : docks, roads, rivers, railways.

Fix: Icon

Forlorn Muskeg v.1.93

Fix: version
Add: Polaroid

Add: Polaroids, Icons.

Change: Icons
Fix: Compass rose, Now the direction is based on the movement of the sun.

Add: Icons: Deer carcass, Corpse, Rifle, Bow.

Add: Icons: Spawn, Wolf, Deer, Corpse, Tool, etc.

Add: Icons: Vista, Tools, etc.
Add: Abandoned camps
Add: Fallen tree bridges and Leaning trees
Change: Color of Shortwave towers (from Red to Blue)
Fix: Icon (Add workbench to Old spence family homestead)
Fix: Detailed terrain

Add: Connection "To Bleak Inlet"
Add: Icons
Broken Railroad v1.83
spoiler map

Fiix: Add: Building icon to a vehicle near the broken bridge.
Add: Icons

Change: Terrain changes due to game version upgrades.
Add: Icons: Forge, etc.
========== Transition zones ==========
Keeper's Pass (North & South) v1.99
Spoiler Lv3
Complete Map
Spoiler Lv2
Explorer Map
Spoiler Lv1
Spoiler-free Map

Change Log
Add: Icons

Change : Map design to simple style
Add: Icons

Carter Hydro Dam & Environs (Winding River) v1.93
Complete Map
Explorer Map
Spoiler-free Map
All information gathered
Including : prepper caches, loot, ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes everything, Except : prepper caches, loot, climbing ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes Only : buildings, bridges, docks, roads, rivers, railways and selected waypoints.

Fix: Wolf icon

Fix: Compass Rose
Crumbling Highway - Old Island Connector v1.93
Complete Map
Explorer Map
All information gathered
Including : prepper caches, loot, ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Includes everything, Except : prepper caches, loot, climbing ropes, collectibles, starter locations.
Spoiler-free Map
Terrain Map
Includes Only : buildings, bridges, docks, roads, rivers, railways and selected waypoints.
Includes Only : docks, roads, rivers, railways.
Add: Icons
Change: Description

Ravine : Raven Falls Railway Line v.1.83

Change log
Add: Location name (Raven falls trestle)
Fix: Terrain
Add: Icons

Add: Connection "To Bleak Inlet"
Add: Icons
========== Transition cave, mine ==========
Cave (BRM - TWM) - Blackrock to Timberwolf Mountain
Cave (MT - HRV) - Mountain Town to Hushed River Valley

Add: Icon (Research book(Revolver), Frozen corpes)
Cave (ML-MT) - Mystery Lake to Mountain Town
Cave (PV - WR) Pleasant Valley to Winding River (Dam,ML)
Cave (TWM - AC) - Timberwolf Mountain to Ash Canyon
No.3 Coal Mine (OICCrH - DP) Old Island Connector

Cinder Hills Coal Mine (CH - PV) - Abandoned mine (Upper)
Cave (FM - BI) - Forlorn Muskeg to Bleak Inlet (v1.83)

Add: Icons: Frozen corpse, Coal
========== Winter Mute ==========
(Episode 4) Blackrock Region
Spoiler Lv0
Spoiler Lv1
Spoiler Lv2
Spoiler Lv3

Add: Prison and Mine details
Change: Collectible and Hidden cache icons details
Change: Icon color: Transmission tower (From blue to brown)
(Episode 4) Blackrock prison
Spoiler Lv1
Spoiler Lv3

Steam tunnels
Spoiler Lv1
Spoiler Lv3
Spoiler Lv4
(Steam puzzle walkthrough)
(Episode 4) MINE
Spoiler Lv0
Spoiler Lv3
Pleasant Valley v.1.62 (Episode 3 ver.)
Game v1.62 - Map ver#05
  • Add: (EP3) Joplin's cache
  • Change: (EP3) Mask random cache (Not spawn)
  • Add: New cave near the "Derelict cabins"
  • Change: Rename from "Mystic River Picnic Area" to "Misty Falls Picnic Area"
  • Add: Rifle icon to the cave near the "Misty Falls Picnic Area"
  • Add: Icons
  • Add: Crash site
Abandoned Mine (Episode3)
EP3 (Spoiler)

Change log
Add: Icons
Change: Text
========== CAVE / MINE ==========
Mine - Blackrock
Spoiler map
No Spoiler map
Steam tunnels - BRM (Survival)
Spoiler map
No Spoiler map
Ice Cave - Keeper's Pass (N to S)
Cave - FM
Cave - TWM (Entrance A-B, C-D)

Gold Mine - Ash Canyon

Cave - Ash Canyon

Ice Cave - Hushed River Valley
Spoiler map
No Spoiler map
Add: Icon

Add: Icons

Cave - Desolation Point

Abandoned Mine No.5 - Desolation Point

Coastal Highway - Abandoned Mine (Lower) - Cinder Hills Coal Mine (Aurora)
Survival (Elevator works only during aurora)

Change log
Add: Icons
//////// Mapping idea for someone ////////
It is disappointing that the console Mod fly command is now(v1.6-1.7) out of date.
Previously it was easy to map caves.

In the current version, As I said before - I made a list of F8screenshot file names and then imported them into Excel.
It is easy to graph it.

The console Mod (Fly command) is back to v1.8x !!
Jedi Jul 5 @ 6:16pm 
Broken railroad: -150 650 (deer carcass and reishi shrooms) - found a human corpse with a bow, intact arrow and broken arrow.
Grimalkin May 23 @ 6:21am 
I spent an entire night (irl) methodically mapping out 2 regions "properly" (going in blind) only to get stuck in the middle of a thin-ice lake on day 36 and kept falling through eventually drowning :steamsad: didn't realise it's permadeath :DerketoMask:
said screw it and looked up pre-filled maps, and good gods man this is the mother of all user-made map posts please take all my praise :cure: :sparkly: :sparkly:
Tonttu™ May 23 @ 4:20am 
Pleasent Valley, Survival, Hunters blind (south of Hill Top Cave), possible revolver spawn location.
wolfhumananthro Apr 18 @ 3:37am 
Hope your doing okay.
Kaiser_Powers Mar 19 @ 2:50pm 
Still the GOAT of guides.
CombatMcWombat Feb 28 @ 8:53pm 
10/10 ty ty
Luna5 (she/her) Feb 26 @ 12:34pm 
in hushed river vally you can find a hidden cache at x:1059 y:1450. close to the 2 mushroom spawns
Eleven Quicklime Feb 16 @ 11:19am 
A find: In ash canyon, by the corpse near 20,100, there can be a flare gun (the orange hardcase that comes with flare shells). It's only accessible via the one-way path down from the mid-plateau
Sigurd Cole Feb 5 @ 9:35pm 
Wanted to share a find! In Ash Canyon, at the corpse spawn near -50, -800, there can also be one of the new prepper caches!
avril 14th Jan 6 @ 11:50am 
forsaken airfield pls