Spirit Hunter: NG

Spirit Hunter: NG

40 ratings
Spirit Hunter: NG - [Spoiler Warning] Spirit Encounter / Ending / D-Man Card Location
By Dinnyforst
A short guide of Spirit Hunter: NG (エヌジー) that contains heavily spoiler (text and image) of method to purify / destroy each spirit, ending guide, and location of collectables (D-Man cards). I highly recommend you to experience the first playthough by yourself before checking this guide.
NG allows player to investigate haunted area to learn backstory and collect key items to banish the spirit. Most of key items are quite hard to miss since it bound to event / story progression. However, you need to reexamine area before final encounter. Fighting spirit is straightforward compared to Death Mark. If you want best experience, I suggest skip this guide for your first try.

Purify / Destroy The Spirits
• You can choose to “purify” or “destroy” the spirit using different key item in sequence. The rest of option results different bad end.
• Unlike Death Mark, banishing spirit is more simplified and require one key item at a time (no item combo like Death Mark).

► Spirit #1 - Yuri Takamura
Yuri is a first spirit that doesn’t have purify / destroy choice, just for story progression.

Day 7/31
Scene 1
Get Crowbar from the drain → Shutter (Right Side) → Crowbar
Scene 2
Observe the pier pipes (Top-Left) → Observe the left fence → Climb the fence and jump
(Alternative) Pier Pipes → Crowbar

► Spirit #2 - Urashima Women

Day 8/3
Scene 1
Trees (Right Side) → Yoga Book
Scene 2
Urashima Woman (Left Hand) → Safe Birth Amulet
Last Scene
[Destroy] Urashima Woman (Face) → Stillbirth Certification
[Purify] Urashima Woman (Face) → Calligraphy Flyer

► Spirit #3 - Kubitarou of Kintoki

Day 8/7
Scene 1
Kubitarou → Dog Pouch

Day 8/8
Scene 1
[Destroy] Railroad Tracks → Headless Plushie
[Purify] Offerings (Bottom Left) → Utility Knife (Obtain Repaired Plushie)
Final Scene
[Destroy] Railroad Tracks → Repaired Plushie
[Purify] Kubitarou → Repaired Plushie

► Spirit #4 - Screaming Author

Day 8/14
Scene 1
Wires (Above Screaming Author) → Clump of Stiff Hair
Scene 2
[Destroy] Bird Legs → Hard Shoes
[Purify] Bird Legs → Spray Paint
Scene 3
[Destroy] Lamp (Left Side) → Incense (Obtain Lit Incense)
[Purify] Lamp (Left Side) → Incense (Obtain Lit Incense)
Last Scene
[Destroy] Screaming Author (Trunk) → Lit Incense
[Purify] Screaming Author (Trunk) → Lit Incense

► Spirit #5 - Killer Peach

Day 8/18
Scene 1
Puddle (Bottom Left) → Pinky Bath
Final Scene
[Destroy] Killer Peach → Ogre Blue
[Purify] TV/VCR (Right Side) → Memorial Video

► Spirit #6 - Demon Tsukuyomi
Demon Tsukuyomi is second spirit that doesn’t have purify / destroy choice, just for story progression.

Day 8/20
Scene 1
Upper-Left Face → Melted Stick
Lower-Left Face → Burnt Robot
Lower-Right Face → Laughing Girl
Lower-Right Face → Cymbal Gorilla
Scene 2
Upper-Right Face → Katana (Obtain Blackened Blood)
Last Scene
Monument → Blackened Blood → Using blood to write “Tomoko Okayama

The rest of options will result different game over scenes.

► Spirit #7 - Kakuya
Kakuya encounter is straightforward and involved around crisis choices.

Day 8/21
Who do you love the most?
Don’t give any answers (let the time runs out)
Which one gives us a change?
Choice (1)
And for that, I’ll need to…
Choice (1)
Which hand do I use to offer the doll?
Choice (2)

Ending Guide
► Ending Branches
• There are three types of ending: Bad / Normal / Good
• The death and presence of your partner will affect the ending braches and some additional scenes.
• Destroy spirit instead of purification will result death of your current partner.
• Judge system doesn't affect the story, only character preference.
• If Hazuki survived from Urashima Woman. After Kubitarou confrontation, there is an event that let you choose to rescue Hazuki or Amanome first. The decision will result two different routes of Normal and Good ending (Hazuki / Amanome route).
Maruhashi’s Death doesn’t affect any changes of all endings.

► Bad Ending
Main Condition
• Both Kaoru Hazuki and Seiji Amanome are dead.

There are also 3 different patterns in bad ending depending on Rose Mulan condition.

1st Pattern Condition
• [Screaming Author Chapter] Rose Mulan survived.

2nd Pattern Condition
• [Screaming Author Chapter] Partner with Rose Mulan and purify the spirit.
• [Killer Peach Chapter] Destroy the spirit and Rose Mulan is dead.

3rd Pattern Condition
• [Screaming Author Chapter] Rose Mulan is dead.

Complete final chapter will unlock "Bad Ending" achievement.

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► Normal Ending
Main Condition
• One partner is dead.

There are also 2 different patterns in normal ending

1st Pattern Condition
• One of partner is dead, but Kaoru Hazuki survived (Trigger Hazuki unique event).

2nd Pattern Condition
• One of partner is dead, but Seiji Amanome survived (Trigger Amanome unique event).

Complete final chapter will unlock "Normal Ending" achievement.

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► Good Ending
Main Condition
• Everyone survived including Kaoru Hazuki and Seiji Amanome.

There are also 2 different patterns in good ending

1st Pattern Condition
• [Kubitarou of Kintoki Chapter] You choose to rescue Kaoru Hazuki first (Trigger Hazuki unique event).

2nd Pattern Condition
• [Kubitarou of Kintoki Chapter] You choose to rescue Seiji Amanome first (Trigger Amanome unique event).

Complete final chapter will unlock "Good Ending" achievement.

D-Man Card Location
D-Man card will spawn when you get phone message from D-Man. Make sure to revisit past areas and reexamine before certain events.

Collect all 10 D-Man cards will unlock "Explorer of the Untapped World" achievement.

D-Mail No.
Area Name
Card Spot
Inside Convenience Store
• Inspect “cashier”
Underpass (Apartment)
• Inspect “red mailbox” on the right
• Inspect “right pillar” near Jizo shrine
Apartment front
• Inspect “gas meter” in front of Akira’s apartment
Underpass (Entrance)
• Inspect “fire alarm” on pillar
Living Room (Miroku Residence)
• Inspect “old pendulum clock”
• Select “Move the long hand forward” 3 times
Convenience Store (Front)
• Inspect “trash bins” and obtain “three coins”
• Use coin on photo booth (Underpass Entrance)
1F, Elevator Hallway
22F, Office Hallway
• Inspect “light” on the top left side
• Inspect “painting” at the end of hallway
44F, Kid’s Plaza
• Inspect “burnt vending machine”
D-Man Crisis Choice
(event will be unlocked when all cards are collected)
• Select “Explore the untapped world”

If you love to collect CG gallery, most of CGs automatically unlock when player reach to specific point of event including character’s dead scene. Full CG gallery requires multiple playthrough.

Condition of specific CGs
CG Name
How to Unlock
Loser’s End
After Ami’s disappearance (Day 7/31), choose “let the police handle” during crisis choice
Urashima Lakebed
Fail Urashima Woman’s crisis choice
Urashima Woman Loss
Destroy Urashima Woman with Hazuki
Kubitarou Loss 1-2
Destroy Kubitarou with Hazuki / Amanome
Screaming Auth. Loss 1-2
Destroy Screaming Author with Ban / Rose
Killer Peach Loss 1-2
Destroy Killer Peach with Ban / Rose
Danger - Amanome
Partner with Amanome in Kubitarou’s final encounter
Thunderbolt 1-3
Experience 3 events after Kubitarou fight
1) Purify Urashima Woman / Destroy Kubitarou with Hazuki
2) Purify Urashima Woman / Destroy Kubitarou with Amanome
3) Purify Urashima Woman / Purify Kubitarou with Hazuki or Amanome
Amanome at Work
In Amanome rescue route, you’ll get unique event after Killer Peach chapter.
Extra (RPG) profile pages of all characters
Keep building good relationship between character in judging system before last chapter (Ex: positive expression for some arguments)
Background Concept Art
Unlock after complete the game

I hope this guide provide useful information for your NG experience.
Any feedback to improve guide are welcome. Please provide a credit if you share the guide to other website.

Dinnyforst  [author] Jan 15, 2022 @ 9:11pm 
@Tathareth As long as you meet main condition, the game will direct you to that ending route. The variation of sub condition only trigger different dialogues during bad ending route. So, it doesn't matter of Ban lives or not as far I as I remember.
Tathareth Jan 13, 2022 @ 9:44am 
I want to see all the ending variations but I’m a little confused on how to get the bad ending first pattern. I assume you partner with Rosé in Screaming Author and pacify the spirit, and partner with Ban in Killer Peach, whether he lives or dies doesn’t matter. Is that right?
Dinnyforst  [author] Feb 23, 2021 @ 5:30am 
@sEsamE I remembered choosing neutral / smile face in "most" judges. Hard to specify because they're hidden value. It should unlock Maruhashi's RPG page by the end of chapter 3 and Amanome's RPG page by the end of the game (in his route).
SeSame Feb 23, 2021 @ 2:26am 
I can't unlock amanome and maruhashi's RPG profile. Is it because I chose amanome route? I didn't use any negative expression during Judges.
BrrrS Nov 30, 2020 @ 12:21am 
@Jester If you write Masaru's name, you'll get a bad end shortly after.
alyusenka Feb 20, 2020 @ 1:12pm 

alyusenka Feb 20, 2020 @ 1:08pm 
Great guide, thank you! :grin: :successchip:
Plato Karamazov Feb 9, 2020 @ 11:00am 
I really wish you included the Crisis Choice answers too because they are a pain in the ass
Jester Jan 11, 2020 @ 12:56pm 
There is one flaw I see, Demon Tsukuyomi does have a purify and destroy route depending on the name you write on the plaque, if you right Tamako's name you manage to appease the victims while making sure Masaru is defeated, but if you write Masaru's name his victims will becomes destroyed, I'm not sure how this affects the events after though.