108 次評價
Verdun - 100% Achievement Guide [ENG]
由 ✪ OberSp[A]ltPilz 發表
This is my 100% achievement guide with all necessary information and explanation about every single achievement of "Verdun - Western Front 1914-1918". Have fun!

Updated 25 May 2021: Added the new Gold medal "Played a match in offline mode"
Hello everybody. First of all sorry for any grammatical mistakes but english is not my native language. If you find any verbal mistakes just let me know.

In this guide I have ordered the different achievements in different categories. You have to invest many hours of playtime to get 100% achievements depending on your own skill (about 80 - 125 hours).

In the following I would like to give you some general information about the different categories of achievements.

Personal Level & Level related Achievements:

The maximum level you can reach in Verdun (personal & squad level) is 100. For the personal level 100 you need 581,000 XP. After reaching the maximum personal level of 100 you can gain prestige. Prestige means that you can start again at personal level 1. All already unlocked loadouts and weapons will be reset and you will get a special colored badge next to your name to let all players know that you are a real Verdun Veteran!
For every level-up you also gain "career points" which are used to unlock new loadouts for every role of each squad and new weapons available (ONLY in Attrition & Rifle Deathmatch game modes). You need 120 career points for unlocking every single loadout and the achievements connected with it.

Medal Achievements:

For outstanding performances during a match, special medals are awarded in Verdun at the end of each match. Each medal can be awarded several times. Each player's account will display the medals and the number of medals received. The medals are trophies and do not grant any advantages in the game apart from a small XP bonus. There are four different categories of medals:

  • Elite Medals (Gold) - each granting a 500/550 XP Bonus
  • Veteran Medals (Silver) - each granting a 100/150 XP Bonus
  • Common Medals (Bronze) - each granting a 50/100 XP Bonus
  • Special Medals

Please note that medals are only awarded on public servers (except Squad Defence game mode). Since some medals have very unclear titles/requirements, I have attached a short description to each medal in this guide under the point "Medal Achievement", so that you know the requirements to receive it.

Cumulative Achievements:

In Verdun there are also a few farming/grinding achievements. For example "Get X Kills" or "Get X Headshots" etc. Note that you can also reach and boost these achievements on private "custom" servers (alone or with friends). The best game mode for this is "Frontlines". The host or server admin can use several very helpful server commands that make farming achievements easier. If you open the chat ingame and type "/help", you get the complete list of all existing server commands. I have summarized the most important and helpful ones in the following:

Server Command
Possible Value
The match will end immediately as if the timer has expired.
/openmap value
true, false
Enables (= false) or disables (= true) forbidden sectors on the map so that you can enter/not enter all trenches (friendly and enemy).
/setabilitycooldownmodifier value
>0 and <50
It affects the cooldown time of the NCO's abilities. The smaller the value, the lower the cooldown time.
/setbotaccuracy value
It affects the accuracy of the bots' shots. The smaller the value, the lower the accuracy.
/setbotdamage value
It affects the damage done by bots. The smaller the value, the lower the damage.
/setbotshootrange value
It sets the range in which bots will shoot at enemies. The smaller the value, the lower the range.
/setbotsightrange value
It sets the range in which bots will see enemies. The smaller the value, the lower the range.
/setfactionspawntimemodifier value faction
≥0, Central, Entente
It affects the respawntime for a specific faction. The smaller the value, the lower the respawntime.
/setfillbots value faction
≥0 and ≤512
It affects the respawntime for a specific faction. The smaller the value, the lower the respawntime.
/setnextmap value
Aisne, Argonne, Artois, Champagne, Douaumont, Flanders, Picardie, St. Mihiel, Vosges
It sets the next map for the next match.
/settimelimit value
It sets the duration of the current match in minutes.

And now let us begin with each individual achievement.
Personal Level & related Achievements (Part 1)
Level 25
Reach personal level 25
Gain XP through any game mode until you reach personal level 25. You can check your actual personal level right under "Account" and "General". There you see your total XP, your current personal level and how many XP are missing for the next personal level.

You will need 51,000 XP to reach personal level 25.

Level 50
Reach personal level 50
Gain XP through any game mode until you reach personal level 50. You can check your actual personal level right under "Account" and "General". There you see your total XP, your current personal level and how many XP are missing for the next personal level.

You will need 141,000 XP to reach personal level 50.

Level 75
Reach personal level 75
Gain XP through any game mode until you reach personal level 75. You can check your actual personal level right under "Account" and "General". There you see your total XP, your current personal level and how many XP are missing for the next personal level.

You will need 296,000 XP to reach personal level 75.

Level 100
Reach personal level 100
Gain XP through any game mode until you reach personal level 100. You can check your actual personal level right under "Account" and "General". There you see your total XP, your current personal level and how many XP are missing for the next personal level.

You will need 581,000 XP to reach personal level 100.

Sidi Brahim
Unlock all specializations for the Chasseurs
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Chasseurs Alpins (i.e. Guide, Tireur d'élite, Observateur, Éclaireur) the achievement will pop up.

Honneur et Patrie
Unlock all specializations for the Poilus
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Poilus (i.e. Caporal, Fusilier, Mitrailleur, Grenadier) the achievement will pop up.

We Stand on Guard
Unlock all specializations for the Canadians
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Canadians (i.e. Assault Leader, Flanker, Specialist, Raider) the achievement will pop up.

For King and Country
Unlock all specializations for the Tommies
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Tommies (i.e. Corporal, Rifleman, Gunner, Bomber) the achievement will pop up.

Personal Level & related Achievements (Part 2)
Vor De Koning
Unlock all specializations for the Belgians
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Belgians (i.e. Korporaal, Schildwacht, Schutter, Renner) the achievement will pop up.

This We'll Defend!
Unlock all specializations for the Doughboys
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of U.S. Doughboys (i.e. Corporal, Rifleman, Gunner, Grenadier) the achievement will pop up.

Semper Fidelis!
Unlock all specializations for the Marines
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of U.S. Marines (i.e. Sergeant, Sapper, Specialist, Base of Fire) the achievement will pop up.

In My Defens God Me Defend
Unlock all specializations for the Highlanders
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Highlanders (i.e. NCO, Marksman, Observer, Scout) the achievement will pop up.

Advance Australia
Unlock all specializations for the ANZACs
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Anzacs (i.e. Sergeant, Digger, Sapper, Fire Support) the achievement will pop up.

Impavidum Ferient Bella!
Unlock all specializations for the Tirailleurs
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Tirailleurs Sénégalais (i.e. Chef D´Assaut, Flanqueur, Spécialiste, Éclaireur) the achievement will pop up.

In Treue Fest
Unlock all specializations for the Alpenjäger
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Alpenjäger (i.e. Oberjäger, Scharfschütze, Überwacher, Aufklärung) the achievement will pop up.

Personal Level & related Achievements (Part 3)
Gott Mit Uns
Unlock all specializations for the Landsers
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Landser (i.e. Unteroffizier, Schütze, MG-Schütze, Grenadier) the achievement will pop up.

Providentiae Memor
Unlock all specializations for the Stoßtrupp
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Stoßtrupp (i.e. Truppführer, Sturmmann, Waffenspezialist, Nahkämpfer) the achievement will pop up.

Anker wirf!
Unlock all specializations for the Pioniere
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Pioniere (i.e. Feldwebel, Sturmpionier, Flammenwerfer, Musketier) the achievement will pop up.

Furchtlos und Treu
Unlock all specializations for the Schutzen
Every time your personal level rises you get one career point. The career points can be used to unlock new loadouts for every role in the 15 different squadtypes. Every role has three different loadouts (specializations). The first level loadout is always unlocked and you have to invest one career point each for the second and third loadout. Therefore you need eight career points for this achievement. You can see the current number of your career points at the top left next to your level and name. After unlocking all loadouts for every single role of Schützen (i.e. Grabenkommandant, Schütze, MG-Schütze, Bote) the achievement will pop up.

Medal Achievements (Part 1)
Bronze x100
Receive a total of 100 bronze medals
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. After you have collected 100 bronze medals in total the achievement pops up.

There are a total of 29 bronze medals:
  • Most Longshot Kills ~ In one match kill the most enemies by longshots (over 70 Meters distance).

  • Last Kill ~ Get the last kill of the entire match.

  • First Kill ~ Get the very first kill of the match.

  • Longest Distance Kill ~ Kill an enemy with the longest distance shot of the entire match.

  • Most Shots Fired ~ Fire the most bullets in the entire match.

  • Most Melee Kills ~ Kill the most enemies with melee attacks in the entire match.

  • Most Time in friendly sector during Defence ~ Stay for the longest time of all players in the friendly trench during the defense phase.

  • Most Kills of Same Player ~ Kill a particular player more often compared to other players.

  • Most Kills of Higher or Equal Rank ~ Kill the most enemies with a higher or equal personal level than yours.

  • Most Kills of Lower Rank ~ Kill the most enemies with a lower personal level than yours.

  • Longest Distance Travelled ~ Travel the longest distance of the entire match.

  • Most Time spent Prone ~ Lie down for the longest time of all players throughout the match. (Default Key: LEFTCONTROL)

  • Most Time spent Crouched ~ Crouch for the longest time of all players throughout the match. (Default Key: C)

  • Most Time spent Sprinting ~ Sprint for the longest time of all players throughout the match. (Default Key: LEFTSHIFT)

  • Highest Average Altitude ~ Be sure you stay for the longest time on high craters/obstacles/hills.

  • Lowest Average Altitude ~ Be sure you prone for the longest time inside deep trenches/craters.

  • Most ADS Kills ~ ADS means Aim(ing) Down Sights. Make sure you got the most kills while aimed down sights. (Default Key: RIGHTMOUSEBUTTON)

  • Most Hipfire Kills ~ This is the exact opposite to ADS. Make sure that you get the most kills out of your hip.

  • Most Scope Kills ~ The second role of almost all squads have as a third loadout a rifle with mounted rifle scope. Make sure that you get the most kills of the entire match by aiming through your scope.

  • Most Binocular Kills ~ Make sure that you play a role with a binocular loadout (for example every role of the Chasseur Alpins has a loadout with a binocular). Now get the most melee kills by using your binoculars.

  • Survived 4 Waves in Aisne ~ On the map "Aisne" reach wave 4 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 4 waves.

  • Survived 4 Waves in Argonne ~ On the map "Argonne" reach wave 4 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 4 waves.

  • Survived 4 Waves in Artois ~ On the map "Artois" reach wave 4 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 4 waves.

  • Survived 4 Waves in Champagne ~ On the map "Champagne" reach wave 4 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 4 waves.

  • Survived 4 Waves in Douaumont ~ On the map "Douaumont" reach wave 4 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 4 waves.

  • Survived 4 Waves in Flanders ~ On the map "Flanders" reach wave 4 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 4 waves.

  • Survived 4 Waves in Picardie ~ On the map "Picardie" reach wave 4 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 4 waves.

  • Survived 4 Waves in St. Mihiel ~ On the map "St. Mihiel" reach wave 4 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 4 waves.

  • Survived 4 Waves in Vosges ~ On the map "Vosges" reach wave 4 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 4 waves.
Medal Achievements (Part 2)
Silver Collector
Receive all silver medals
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. After you have collected every single silver medal at least once the achievement pops up.

There are a total of 24 silver medals:
  • Most Assists ~ Get the most assists of all players throughout the match (take a pistol, hit the enemies just once and wait until a friendly player kills the wounded enemy).

  • Highest Multikill ~ Perform the highest amount of kills with a single shot/grenade/explosive of all players throughout the match. Best done with grenades or artillery ordered as NCO.

  • Most Gaskills ~ Get the most kills out of your fired artillery shell, releases any kind of gas cloud of all players throughout the match. You have to play as NCO as one of the following squad type: Canadians, Tirailleurs Sénégalais, Stoßtrupp.

  • Most Attack Command Score earned ~ Every NCO of any Squad can put down an order for their squad (Default: "Q" + "LMB"). Depending on whether your faction is currently in the attack phase or defense phase, the command order is an Attack Order or a Defense Order. For every kill while staying inside the attack command order you will get (green) bonus score ("Followed Order + 15"). Earn the most green bonus score of all players throughout the match.

  • Most Defend Command Score earned ~ Every NCO of any Squad can put down an order for their squad (Default: "Q" + "LMB"). Depending on whether your faction is currently in the attack phase or defense phase, the command order is an Attack Order (blue symbol with crossed swords) or a Defense Order (blue symbol with a shield). For every kill while staying inside the defend command order you will get (green) bonus score ("Followed Order + 15"). Earn the most green bonus score of all players throughout the match.

  • Most Time in Enemy Sector ~ During the attack phase(s) stay for the most time of all players in the enemy's sector a.k.a. trench.

  • Most Time in No Man's Land ~ During the entire Match stay for the most time inside the No Man's Land. It is the sector behind the contested trench.

  • Most Time in Aura ~ Every NCO of any squad has an aura around them. It is a yellow circular area. You can see the aura on your (mini)map. Stay for the most time in the aura of all players throughout the match.

  • Most Time in Command Order ~ Every NCO of any Squad can put down an order for their squad (Default: "Q" + "LMB"). Depending on whether your faction is currently in the attack phase or defense phase, the command order is an Attack Order (blue symbol with crossed swords) or a Defense Order (blue symbol with a shield). Stay for the most time in the command order of all players throughout the match.

  • Most Scores earned in Aura ~ Every NCO of any squad has an aura around them. It is a yellow circular area. You can see the aura on your (mini)map. Earn the most scores while staying inside the aura of your NCO.

  • Most Teamspawns on you ~ This medal is very misleading! I'm also not quite sure if this was what the developers wanted. Actually, I assumed (like many other players) that you get this medal when most squad members choose me as their spawn point and so spawn "on me". But after I didn't win this medal once after more than 70 hours of playing time even after many frontline matches in which I as NCO definitely had the most team spawns, I searched the forum and the community hub and found what I was looking for. The medal is awarded to the player who has selected the most time a squad member as a spawn point. So because of the large number of bots on the public frontline servers that die very quickly and often, you should try to die as quickly and often as possible, respawn on a teammate and die again and so on. I think this is very ridiculous. In my opinion the "best" NCO that delivered the most teamspawns on him should deserve such medal.

  • Fewest Deaths ~ Die the least of all players and the medal is yours.

  • Longest Life ~ Stay alive for the longest time in a single life.

  • Highest Score of Squad ~ Earn the highest score in total of your squad throughout the match.

  • Most Kills of Squad ~ Get the most kills in total of your squad throughout the match.

  • Survived 7 Waves in Aisne ~ On the map "Aisne" reach wave 7 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 7 waves.

  • Survived 7 Waves in Argonne ~ On the map "Argonne" reach wave 7 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 7 waves.

  • Survived 7 Waves in Artois ~ On the map "Artois" reach wave 7 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 7 waves.

  • Survived 7 Waves in Champagne ~ On the map "Champagne" reach wave 7 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 7 waves.

  • Survived 7 Waves in Douaumont ~ On the map "Douaumont" reach wave 7 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 7 waves.

  • Survived 7 Waves in Flanders ~ On the map "Flanders" reach wave 7 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 7 waves.

  • Survived 7 Waves in Picardie ~ On the map "Picardie" reach wave 7 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 7 waves.

  • Survived 7 Waves in St. Mihiel ~ On the map "St. Mihiel" reach wave 7 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 7 waves.

  • Survived 7 Waves in Vosges ~ On the map "Vosges" reach wave 7 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 7 waves.

Silver Hoarder
Receive all silver medals 10x
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. After you have collected every single silver medal at least 10 times the achievement pops up.

Silver x100
Receive a total of 100 silver medals
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. After you have collected 100 silver medals in total the achievement pops up.
Medal Achievements (Part 3)
Gold Collector
Receive all gold medals
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. After you have collected every single gold medal at least once the achievement pops up.

There are a total of 19 gold medals:
  • Longest Killstreak ~ Get the highest amount of kills of all players throughout a single life.

  • Most Headshots ~ Get the highest amount of headshots in total of all players throughout the entire match.

  • Most Kills ~ Get the highest amount of kills in total of all players throughout the entire match.

  • Best Kill/Death Ratio over 10 kills ~ Have the highest Kill/Death ratio of all players throughout the entire match. However, you must have at least 10 kills.

  • Best Squad of the Match ~ Have the highest squad score (all individual scores of the squad members added) of all squads.

  • Best Advancing Squad ~ Earn the highest score as squad (all individual scores of the squad members added) during the attack phase(s).

  • Best Defence Squad ~ Earn the highest score as squad (all individual scores of the squad members added) during the defense phase(s).

  • Best Player ~ Earn the highest individual score of all players throughout the entire match.

  • Most Shots & none missed ~ This medal is also unfortunately a bit misleading or unclear. First of all: NO you don't have to fired the most shots of all players throughout the entire match PLUS none of them missed. To be honest this is just impossible without an aimbot (= Cheat). Instead you must have the highest amount of consecutive shots fired that all hitted an enemy. For example Player A fired 20 consecutive shots and all hitted (not necessarily killed) an enemy and Player B fired 15 consecutive shots without a miss before he missed one. In this case Player A will get the medal. Nevertheless this medal is strange. I tried it many times by patiently playing with a scoped rifle and always shot when it was a 100% safe hit. Many times I got like over 20 shots (and kills) without a single miss but never got the medal. But when I once played as Specialist from the U.S. Marines with the "Trench Gun" (= Shotgun) in a match, I got this medal for the first time. And look there: Every time I played this class with this gun and didn't even try hard with many shots missed, I got this medal. So I recommend farming this medal with the above role + loadout.

  • Survived 10 Waves in Aisne ~ On the map "Aisne" reach wave 10 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 10 waves.

  • Survived 10 Waves in Argonne ~ On the map "Argonne" reach wave 10 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 10 waves.

  • Survived 10 Waves in Artois ~ On the map "Artois" reach wave 10 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 10 waves.

  • Survived 10 Waves in Champagne ~ On the map "Champagne" reach wave 10 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 10 waves.

  • Survived 10 Waves in Douaumont ~ On the map "Douaumont" reach wave 10 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 10 waves.

  • Survived 10 Waves in Flanders ~ On the map "Flanders" reach wave 10 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 10 waves.

  • Survived 10 Waves in Picardie ~ On the map "Picardie" reach wave 10 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 10 waves.

  • Survived 10 Waves in St. Mihiel ~ On the map "St. Mihiel" reach wave 10 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 10 waves.

  • Survived 10 Waves in Vosges ~ On the map "Vosges" reach wave 10 in the game mode "Squad Defence". Please note that you don't have to stay alive through all 10 waves.

  • Played a match in offline mode ~ To do this, you first have to start Steam in offline mode. Then start the game Verdun. Click on "Play" in the main menu. Here, only the two game modes "Frontlines" and "Squad Defence" are available. Start a game, finish the match and the medal is yours.

Gold Hoarder
Receive all gold medals 10x
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. After you have collected every single gold medal at least 10 times the achievement pops up.

Gold x100
Receive a total of 100 gold medals
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. After you have collected 100 gold medals in total the achievement pops up.
Medal Achievements (Part 4)
That's another one down!
Receive the gold medal "Longest killstreak" 10 times
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. For a description of how to obtain this specific gold medal scroll up to the achievement "Goald Collector".

Golden Headhunter
Receive the gold medal "Most headshots" 10 times
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. For a description of how to obtain this specific gold medal scroll up to the achievement "Goald Collector".

Shoot, Cover, Reload, Repeat
Receive the gold medal "Most kills" 10 times
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. For a description of how to obtain this specific gold medal scroll up to the achievement "Goald Collector".

Hunting the Hun
Receive the gold medal "Best Kill/Death ratio over 10 kills" 10 times
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. For a description of how to obtain this specific gold medal scroll up to the achievement "Goald Collector".

There is no I in team
Receive the gold medal "Best squad of match" 10 times
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. For a description of how to obtain this specific gold medal scroll up to the achievement "Goald Collector".

Offense is the best deffence
Receive the gold medal "Best advancing squad" 10 times
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. For a description of how to obtain this specific gold medal scroll up to the achievement "Goald Collector".

Let them, come to us
Receive the gold medal "Best defence squad" 10 times
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. For a description of how to obtain this specific gold medal scroll up to the achievement "Goald Collector".

Receive the gold medal "Best player" 10 times
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. For a description of how to obtain this specific gold medal scroll up to the achievement "Goald Collector".

Receive the gold medal "Most shots & none missed" 10 times
Please Note: Medals can only be obtained by playing on public Servers! Except the Squad Defence Medals.

Each medal will be awarded at the end of each match showing up in the After Action Report (AAR). Therefore you should not disconnect until the end of the match if you want to receive a medal. For a description of how to obtain this specific gold medal scroll up to the achievement "Goald Collector".
Cumulative Achievements
Corpseman I
Reach 500 kills
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just reach 500 kills in total across all game modes. Bot kills does also counts. You can check your total amount of kills at the general account info page. Anyone who wants to boost their kills is welcome to use the method described under the co-op achievement "War is better with friends IV" in this guide. However, if you want to achieve 100% of the achievements, you don't need to boost your kills, because they are most likely achieved by then.

Corpseman II
Reach 5,000 kills
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just reach 5,000 kills in total across all game modes. Bot kills does also counts. You can check your total amount of kills at the general account info page. Anyone who wants to boost their kills is welcome to use the method described under the co-op achievement "War is better with friends IV" in this guide. However, if you want to achieve 100% of the achievements, you don't need to boost your kills, because they are most likely achieved by then.

Corpseman III
Reach 10,000 kills
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just reach 10,000 kills in total across all game modes. Bot kills does also counts. You can check your total amount of kills at the general account info page. Anyone who wants to boost their kills is welcome to use the method described under the co-op achievement "War is better with friends IV" in this guide. However, if you want to achieve 100% of the achievements, you don't need to boost your kills, because they are most likely achieved by then.

Make 100 headshots
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just make 100 headshots in total across all game modes. Bot headshots does also counts. You can check your total amount of headshots at the general account info page. Anyone who wants to boost their headshots is welcome to use the method described under the co-op achievement "War is better with friends IV" in this guide.

Make 1,000 headshots
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just make 1,000 headshots in total across all game modes. Bot headshots does also counts. You can check your total amount of headshots at the general account info page. Anyone who wants to boost their headshots is welcome to use the method described under the co-op achievement "War is better with friends IV" in this guide.

Make 5,000 headshots
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just make 5,000 headshots in total across all game modes. Bot headshots does also counts. You can check your total amount of headshots at the general account info page. Anyone who wants to boost their headshots is welcome to use the method described under the co-op achievement "War is better with friends IV" in this guide.

Manual Labour I
Make 10 melee kills
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just make 10 melee kills in total across all game modes. Bot melee kills does also counts. You can check your total amount of melee kills at the general account info page. Anyone who wants to boost their melee kills is welcome to use the method described under the co-op achievement "War is better with friends IV" in this guide.

Manual Labour II
Make 100 melee kills
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just make 100 melee kills in total across all game modes. Bot melee kills does also counts. You can check your total amount of melee kills at the general account info page. Anyone who wants to boost their melee kills is welcome to use the method described under the co-op achievement "War is better with friends IV" in this guide.

Manual Labour III
Make 500 melee kills
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just make 500 melee kills in total across all game modes. Bot melee kills does also counts. You can check your total amount of melee kills at the general account info page. Anyone who wants to boost their melee kills is welcome to use the method described under the co-op achievement "War is better with friends IV" in this guide.
Special Achievements
Developers, Developers, Developers
Check out the credits screen
From the home site click on "Options" and then on the very right on "Credits". As soon as the credits starts the achievement will pop up. Please note that you do not have to watch the whole credits for the achievement.

Eagle Eye
Kill an enemy from over 100 meters
Very self-explanatory achievement. Just kill an enemy from over 100 meters. It's really not hard to perform a longshot. A rifle with a scope attached will help you a lot if you are not that experienced shooter player.

Worth It
Kill an enemy player while you are dead
This achievement sounds harder than it really is. There are many different ways to achieve this achievement. Probably the easiest way to get it is to throw grenades into the enemies and let them then shoot you. While you are dead your thrown grenade will (hopefully) kill an enemy.

Setting an example
Kill 10 enemies as a squad NCO in 1 match
Just pick the noncommissioned officer (NCO) of any squad type (always the first role of each squad) and kill 10 enemies in 1 match. It can be done in any game mode. The most easy one is probably Squad Defence.

Blast fishing
Make a triple kill with explosives/grenades
As described you have to kill 3 enemies with one explosive or grenade. The easiest way to do this:

  1. Pick a NCO that can order one mortal shell/round (i.e. "Korporaal" from the Belgians or "Grabenkommandant" from the Schützen)
  2. Press "Q" to open the command order menu (Default Keybinding)
  3. Aim for a spot that is full of enemies and press "Right Mouse Button" (Default Keybinding)

Do You Even Die?
Survive a full Frontlines match without dying.
As in the description you have to survive a full* Frontlines match without a single death. It is kinda easy as you just always stay completely behind the trench at the end of the map (to not get killed by arty). Then prone and wait until the match will end. Do not stay completely afk as you will kicked out of the server automatically. Voilà! There is your achievement.

* Full means from the very start of the match until its end. Do not disconnect! It may also be possible to join an already running match to save time. Unfortunately I can not test it anymore since I already got the achievement. Maybe one of you guys can try it and post it in the comments. Thank you in advance!

Extreme Headhunter
In a Frontlines match headshot 5 enemies in a row without dying.
As in the description you have to headshot 5 enemies in a row in a single life in a Frontlines match. Preferable pick a sniper (rifle with attached scope), prone behind a cover, play patiently and headshot resting/camping enemies. Please note that you can miss shots. It doesn't have to be five consecutive shots!
CO-OP Achievements
Not alone
Join a friend
Make sure you have a friend in your steam friendlist and join him while he is playing on a server.

War is better with friends I
Gain 10k co-op XP with a player
In Verdun players of the same squad standing near each other are gaining co-op XP by killing enemies. Every (random) player counts towards this achievement. He has not be in your friendlist. Nevertheless, it makes the most sense to unlock these achievements together with a friend, as this is the most effective and time-saving method. It can be done in every game mode except Rifle Deathmatch. Gain 10.000 co-op XP with one unique player and the achievement will pop up.

For the easiest way to gain massive co-op XP in a short playtime scroll down to the achievement "War is better with friends IV".

War is better with friends II
Gain 50k co-op XP with a player
Gain 50.000 co-op XP with one unique player and the achievement will pop up.

For the easiest way to gain massive co-op XP in a short playtime scroll down to the achievement "War is better with friends IV".

War is better with friends III
Gain 100k co-op XP with a player
Gain 100.000 co-op XP with one unique player and the achievement will pop up.

For the easiest way to gain massive co-op XP in a short playtime scroll down to the achievement "War is better with friends IV".

War is better with friends IV
Gain 250k co-op XP with a player
Gain 250.000 co-op XP with one unique player and the achievement will pop up.

Easiest & fastest way:

1. Select "Custom" and create your own private Frontlines-Server.

2. Change the Squad to the Canadians, the Tirailleurs Sénégalais or the Stoßtrupp (as every NCO of these squad types has a Gas Ability). One player will choose the squad role "NCO" and the second player preferable the machine gunner.

3. Now open the ingame chat and type in the following servercommands one by one.
(Big thanks to @Thomas and his excellent guide concerning server commands and custom match administration.)

Server Command
/setfillbots 128
It increases the amount of slots that will be filled by bots if not filled by human players. Maximum amount of slots possible is 512.
/setbotshootrange 1
Sets the range in which the bots will shoot at enemies to 1 meter. (Default: 100 meters).
/setbotdamage 0
The damage done by bots is set to 0. This does not apply to melee damage.
/setbotaccuracy 0
The accuracy of the bots is set to 0.
/setabilitycooldownmodifier 0.001
The cooldown timer of the NCO's abilities is set to 0.001 seconds.
/setfactionspawntimemodifier 0 Entente or Central
Set the respawntimer of your enemy faction to 0. Now the enemies will respawn instantly
/settimelimit 60
The match time limit is set to 60 minutes. This will save you time as you don't have to restart/change the map. You can also set a higher match time if desired.

4. Both players have to stay close to each other now and behind their trench, if they don't want to get killed by the bots' artillery strikes.

5. The NCO player put the Command Order 1 (Default: "Q" and "Left Mouse Button") right on the ground in front of him which will increase the XP gain. Now the NCO player continuously spam the Command Order 2 (Default: "Q" and "Right Mouse Button") on the enemy trench and bot spawn locations.

Play together with the same friend 50 times
The achievement is very self-explanatory. Just end 50 matches of any game mode together with one friend and the achievement will pop up. For an easy and fast way to boost this achievement scroll down to "Blood Brother"-Achievement.

Play together with the same friend 100 times
The achievement is very self-explanatory. Just end 100 matches of any game mode together with one friend and the achievement will pop up. For an easy and fast way to boost this achievement scroll down to "Blood Brother"-Achievement.

Blood Brother
Play together with the same friend 250 times
The achievement is very self-explanatory. Just end 250 matches of any game mode together with one friend and the achievement will pop up.

Easiest & fastest way:

1. Select "Custom" and create your own private Squad-Defence-Server.

2. After the map is loaded, open your ingame chat and type in one of the following server commands (The current map can not be set as the next map!):

  • /setnextmap aisne
  • /setnextmap argonne
  • /setnextmap artois
  • /setnextmap champagne
  • /setnextmap douaumont
  • /setnextmap flanders
  • /setnextmap picardie
  • /setnextmap St. Mihiel
  • /setnextmap vosges

3. Now open the ingame chat and type in "/endmatch" to end the current match/map.

4. After the next (set) map is loaded repeat steps 2. and 3. until the achievement is unlocked.
Closing Remarks
Hopefully I could have helped you all. If you find any mistakes just message me or write it in the comments. Any constructive criticism is desirable!

If you like my guide, I would be very happy if you give it a thumbs up and add it to your favorites.

Thanks a lot!

Now have fun with this great game. Hopefully see ya ingame! :-)

31 則留言
NEPGEAR 6 月 17 日 下午 12:58 
Nastial 6 月 17 日 上午 7:41 
I search someone for coop XP and play 250 times together :ACODC_Group: thank you !
Roi Sébastien I 2023 年 9 月 13 日 下午 4:01 
I search someone for coop
Sv. Prolivije 2023 年 8 月 12 日 上午 11:01 
Most Scores earned in Aura can be done by yourself as the NCO. You don't need to be a non-NCO unit to earn this achievement
Valito07 2023 年 5 月 19 日 上午 6:40 
If anyone wants to do those coop achievements with me let me know
Purzel2205 🎀🍫🔪 2022 年 10 月 15 日 下午 6:23 
you can get the "Do you even die?" achievement by simply opening a private match and typing /endmatch
migueldenorte 2022 年 9 月 13 日 上午 11:20 
I need some help with the Coop achievements, I don't seem to get them.
NEPGEAR 2022 年 9 月 9 日 上午 5:28 
Need help with coop ones, please add and play with me :lovekamiheart:
Sv. Prolivije 2022 年 8 月 31 日 下午 5:13 
You should update the "Most Teamspawns on You" description as it is now awarded if you get the most teamspawns on you, as it says.
Sv. Prolivije 2022 年 8 月 6 日 上午 10:15 
I don't recommend ⎛⎛[TTC] Lord Sithaniel [GER] (the person asking for help in the comments here) as your partner for the co-op XP farm. He quit midway through (I at 107k and him at 78k xp) because his game kept crashing past the 30th minute. So instead of us lowering the duration to 10 or so minutes, he convinced himself I wouldn't help him farm the difference, because I would get to 250k before him, and of course I wouldn't want to do nothing for 2 hours to help him farm the difference. So he decided to quit. He justified this by me being rude when I told him he wasted my time by doing this shit now.

I grinded far worse stuff than this co-op xp, and never left anyone hanging. But this man probably has and will, and is doing it to me now.

So I suggest you don't waste your time with a person that is ready to quit so easily because of his own bogus convictions.

If need be, I can post screenshots of our conversation proving he decided to quit and the reasons for it.