The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

88 ratings
Nagas Cavern
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28.264 MB
Mar 25, 2012 @ 6:24pm
Jan 4, 2015 @ 10:17pm
17 Change Notes ( view )

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Nagas Cavern

In 1 collection by Mikey
MsChif's Favorite Mods
11 items
**Update 1.9 @ (1/05/2015)**
-Added another entrance/exit to make access easier ( you can skip the entire underwater entrance by using this backdoor located on the ledge above the regular entrance or exit behind the hanging banner in the first alchemy room)
-Redid the water, never knew you could scale water tiles so I used multiple tiles which created small gaps and made you pop up and down while exploring the underwater areas, replaced those multiple tiles with one scaled to size tile, so no more gaps and no more akward underwater air pockets.

A lovely video, Exploring the Naga Cavern HD 1080p, made by xBonderx (

Followers will get stuck sometimes and have to be lured to follow you again, just go back to them and eventually they will either follow you or bounce/teleport onto the next Navmesh tiles. This is the best I can do without totally redoing the entire underwater lay-out, I made the mod and tested it the entire time without followers because I don't use them, but for everyone that enjoys them I took the time to painstakingly Navmesh the place for you, so please understand that its not a nice even flow, and not because my Navmesh job is bad, but because I made some very tight spots and areas you have to jump up a little because I wasn't using followers and it didn't seem to matter. So you will have to provoke them into the area you want sometimes because they will not ever JUMP up, and I made a few areas where you have to jump a 1/2 a foot to get over a rock etc... and followers just will not do it, so you have to push them or run ahead of them a little ways and come back towards them, after a few times of this they usually bounce to your location or realize they can walk around the rock. I didn't make the followers AI so I cant help they are dense. =) Enjoy!


A cavern abode made for my Argonian but usable by any race in Skyrim.

This is my first mod! So it is probably not the most effecient or practical, but its fun and creative. I tried to make a place that felt like somewhere an Argonian would live. Hope you like to get wet!!!

Nagas Cavern is located behind a waterfall north of Rorikstead, west from Talking Stone Camp. A cave system, with plenty of water, waterfalls, plants and critters plus an ambient atmosphere, the entrance leads to an underwater ruins with exotic gardens and creatures which then opens up into a unique player home. Geared for Argonians, but usuable by anyone, it provides all the necessities. As well as plenty of storage containers and trophy display, along with lots of other surprises.

-Fast travel marker to entrance
-A bed
-A cooking pot
-A blacksmith forge
-An anvil
-A smelter
-A grindstone
-A workbench
-A tanning rack
-A wood chopping block
-Two alchemy stations
-Two enchanting stations
-35 scaled satchels
-30 scaled strong boxes
-2 safes
-3 (5 slot) weapon racks
-4 shield/dual weapon plaques
-9 "miniature" mannequins
-2 bookshelves (77 books storage total)
-removable torch sconces for prefered lighting

Also, provides a bathing area under two small waterfalls with benches and wash basin, a dining/kitchen area, a swamp cooler with clam and barnacle aquariums, a salmon fishery and hatchery and two minnow bowls complete with ornaments, a Hist tree that provides Hist Sap and Resin (both edible) and a regenerating Hist tree (plan to make this so player can pray at the tree and get a skill bonus), a poison and disease shrine, a mysterious ball lighting room (Hist Sap hallucinations, plan to make this a portal room as well) and knickknack shelves with miniatures ( still adding to this), among many other sights for the eyes. Don't forgot to look up, a lot, there are multiple skylight holes and the cavern also has day/night effects.

**Old Updates**

*Update 1.8 @ (5/23/2012)**
-Removed and Redid the spiral staircase to try to fix the invisible collision box or whatever it is preventing some player from passing

*Update 1. 7 @ (5/13/2012)*
-Redid the underwater area, it is now no longer completely underwater and everyone can enjoy the area without drowning.
-Redid the exit tube from the water area to the cavern, it is much easier to get from point A to point B, re-Navmeshed as well
-Added more plants and critters to the water area, lots!

*Update 1. 5 @ (5/12/2012)*
-Added 2 more torch scones to the crafting area
-Removed the fog in the Hist tree area and replaced it with mist, I like this much better and it doesn't seem to lag as much in there as well
-Added Bonderberry Bushes, a special thanks for Bonder for making a really nice video of the cavern and allowing me to share it
-Added a third fish bowl
-Rearranged some clutter and added some new clutter to the bookshelf room
-Removed a very bright light in the crystal geode to hopefully stop CTD it may have been causing some people

**Update 1.2 @ (5/6/2012)**
-Added Navmesh throughout the entire cavern
-Added some more decorations and pretty containers
-Changed some terrain in a few spots so followers don't get stuck as much on the newly added Navmesh

**Update 1.1 @ (5/2/2012)**
-Properly made a lot of objects/items that were meant for decoration only, STATIC!
-Removed activation text on all the minnow/salmon in the fish bowls and all the plants and decorations on the miniature shelf, you can now view these without the annoying "activation" text =)
-Added Some new colored moth/dragonflies/torchbugs in jars as decoration
-Added two new types of torchbugs in the Hist Tree area
*Moon Bug*
*Lightning Bug*
Special Thanks and credit to Conquestus and the mod "Butterfliegen"for the new bugs

***File Credits***

LittleBaron, for all the help with the CK and the .nifs provided, thank you!!!

ChickenDownUnder, for the lovely new plant meshes/textures from the modders resource "Harvestables", thank you!!!

Blary for the modders resources, "OpenBooks Resource", "FoodContainer Resource" and "BookSets Resource", Thank you!

Eldiabs for the bookshelves, weapon racks, plaques and mannequins! I used his modders resource "Modders Resource-Weapon Racks-Bookshelves-Plaques-Mannequins" , Thank you!

Conquestus and the mod "Butterfliegen" for the new bugs and flowers, Thank you!!!

Oaristys for modders resource "Modders Resource Pack" for the meshes for new items, Thank you!

Tamira and Arion (known on Skyrim Nexus as Ariont50), for cute stuffed teddybear from the modders resource "teddybears", Thank you!

Oh, and please enjoy and "Rate" or leave a comment if you like, That's all I ask! =)
baroesja Jun 24, 2015 @ 4:47am 
a nice difference with the snowy mountains
WaningCrescent Apr 22, 2015 @ 3:10am 
quite a few people over at the nexus have been asking if you abandoned the mod, unaware that you have a much more up to date version over here... should probably add a note to direct people over here if you don't want to mess with the nexus version

aside from that, the home looks amazing, i look forward to exploring it once i get my skyrim install sorted out
Mikey  [author] Jan 6, 2015 @ 8:34am 
**Update 1.9 @ (1/05/2015)**
-Added another entrance/exit to make access easier ( you can skip the entire underwater entrance by using this backdoor located on the ledge above the regular entrance or exit behind the hanging banner in the first alchemy room)
-Redid the water, never knew you could scale water tiles so I used multiple tiles which created small gaps and made you pop up and down while exploring the underwater areas, replaced those multiple tiles with one scaled to size tile, so no more gaps and no more akward underwater air pockets.
WitchKnight Mar 26, 2014 @ 11:26am 
@Kyndig01 : Medusa was a Gorgon, not a Naga, XD
ZodiacDragonStar Sep 29, 2013 @ 11:50am 
am I the only one that thought that this would be a place where the player would either fight or encounter a few of the naga aka were snakes or half snake people like say medusa for example. just was wondering.
Ordo Corvus Jul 31, 2013 @ 6:17pm 
Constructive criticism-

The good: Huge area, everything one could need. Beautiful interior space with a lot of pretty nifty effects. One of the more unique and pretty mods I've played.

The bad: Interior is huge, but has a lot of cramped spaces and corridors to nowhere. A more open space that is easier to move around in would be nice. Also takes way too long to get to what you need.

Not a bad start at all, but could be improved. Just my two cents.
CaptainCreatine Jul 5, 2013 @ 2:51pm 
maybe an additional room with a bed would be nice. But love the rest!
redruM Apr 8, 2013 @ 8:24am 
After 5 hours of screenshots a finaly come to screenshots of home in that cavern :D
Yanker Feb 12, 2013 @ 4:24pm 
That is a lot of screenshots! Nice :D
MGdragon13 Oct 21, 2012 @ 11:38am 
Thank you for the mod!