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[WD] Himalayan bear habitat
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Blueprints: blueprint, habitat
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2019년 10월 2일 오전 3시 52분
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[WD] Himalayan bear habitat

!! This is a beta bleuprint, so some tweaking is required to make it work.!! Sorry for the inconvience.

Well hello, fellow zookeepers,

We are in Bhutan, a small country east of Nepal. The Himalayan brown bear once lived there, now it is believed that they are extinct in Bhutan. I created this habitat, which is based on the Tiger's Nest (monastary in the west of Bhutan) to recreate the habitat they lived in years ago.

Furthermore I like to make themes that are not in the game, yet, I noticed that a lot of Indian pieces were used (A very versatile building set).


The "HIDE ME" sign indicates how far you should lower the blueprint in the ground.
There is room for a water threatment and power generator at the back of the habitat.
The paths can easily be placed around the perimeter. Just make sure to raise it a couple centimeters/inches above the rocks/ground.

If you would like to click on the habitat, there is only one piece of fence, where the door is located.

Oh yea, best seen ingame with some weather effects :-)


Cheers Woody
댓글 20
Mythophile 2020년 3월 19일 오전 7시 46분 
GG Try removing the keeper door and adding it again after boxing the animal.
Graceless Gray 2020년 1월 25일 오후 11시 54분 
The design is absolutely beautiful, but my 2 Himalayan bears are showing absolutely *no* traversable terrain and low welfare due to 'lack of space'. I spent so much time incorporating such a wonderful display...any way to save it?
Wolens 2020년 1월 17일 오전 6시 01분 
Thanks for the quick reply, that actually did the trick, being new to this type of of building system certainly leaves me many things to learn. But keep up the great work, this is a truly stunning home.
Woody  [작성자] 2020년 1월 17일 오전 4시 48분 
@Fiji, thank you, for teh path problem, raise teh path a couple of centimeters above the ground so it counts as a bridge. that way you can place the path next to the fence.
Wolens 2020년 1월 17일 오전 4시 13분 
i absolutely love the design of this habitat, my only gripe with it is that you cant put the path very close to the fence therefore it ends up looking a little weird with it being so far from the ledge but all in all a wonderful home for bears :)
Saltymeme 2020년 1월 4일 오전 3시 32분 
Beautiful Build!
Blooman 2019년 11월 14일 오후 4시 21분 
I had some minor collision issues when I first placed this exhibit (may have been how I placed it that messed up). Checked the bears' traversable area heat map and moved two rocks like a couple feet each.
Now it is working perfectly and is easily one of my favorites. Thank you so much for this beautiful creation!
Rohan 2019년 11월 11일 오전 11시 33분 
Fitz the Pickle 2019년 11월 10일 오전 11시 22분 
I LOVE this blueprint, you are genius. It's gorgeous, I've started building other exhibits to mach this style and it's really hard but I adore it so much. This habitat next to the tibetan monastary blueprint is just amazing. Give me more please!
Marlon 2019년 11월 9일 오후 7시 53분 
I would like to start franchise mode with the zoo facilities ready. Could you send a save?