Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Belfort (ALPHA)
Game Category: Board Games
Tags: 4+
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367.166 KB
Sep 30, 2019 @ 6:18pm
Nov 19, 2019 @ 7:06pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Belfort (ALPHA)

Based on the awesome strategy game from Tasty Minstrel Games.

This mod is still a WIP. All the assets needed for you to play a full game are already there (it is possible I missed something. Leave a comment if you notice something missing). However, it's basically unscripted at this point. I wrestled with myself over whether or not to upload the mod in this state, as I want to script as much of the game as possible, but seeing as there are no other mods of this game on the Workshop, I figured that there may be some people out there who might appreciate the ability to play the game the old fashioned way.

Stay tuned for plenty of updates coming in the near future.
Alandric Nov 16, 2023 @ 1:33pm 
Thanks, I'm finishing up Banish the Snakes right now and this is next on my to do list! It's ok, I should be able to just copy the links in TTS of anything I want to move over to mine.
Teddy Mother-fucking Roosevelt  [author] Nov 16, 2023 @ 4:53am 
@Alandric - Go for it, though I seem to recall that my house models were a little rough. That was one of my first attempts at making a game asset in Blender. You should also be aware that I grabbed the images for the boards from online somewhere (Board Game Geek, I think?). I would love to say that I'm coming back to finish this one day, but I've largely moved on. I'll check back to your workshop to see your version. Let me know if you need me to send you anything directly. I think I still have most of my files saved on my harddrive somewhere.
Alandric Nov 10, 2023 @ 7:31am 
mind if I use your assets? If so I will prob upload the base + both expansions
BA|Oddbod May 14, 2020 @ 5:02pm 
@Vulycan Glad to hear it's still in your rotation :) There was an expansion a while ago that was also out of print ("The Expansion Expansion"). Last year they did a kickstarter for a reprint of the base game, the expansion, and a new expansion ("Her Majesty's Civil Service"), which is currently shipping to backers.
Teddy Mother-fucking Roosevelt  [author] May 14, 2020 @ 3:02pm 
@Knaughx - Wow! I feel so humbled... thanks mate, this mod is still largely a WIP from my perspective, and it's far from where I want it to be

@BA|Oddbod - It hasn't fallen off of my radar, though I will admit I haven't looked at it for a few months... I shifted focus a little bit to make some mods for Civ 5, then started modeling a few props for Cities Skylines... I'll cycle back to this one, likely some time in the summer. If I'm being honest I wasn't aware this game had expansions, so I'm not sure how that's going to affect my priorities between continuing to script the setup, script the gameplay, and apply what I've learned from C:S modeling to improve my models for Belfort.... I might need to make that take priority over the other enhancements >.>
BA|Oddbod May 12, 2020 @ 3:23pm 
Are you still working on this mod? The deluxe version is shipping in various parts of the world and it includes the two expansions, which would be great to also have in TTS, since the US shipping hasn't even started yet :)
Knaughx May 12, 2020 @ 12:33pm 
Hi, wanted you know that your mod has been added to my collection: Board Game Geek - BGG - May 2020 - Best Mod for each of the Top 500 Rated Games. Collection here:

The collection used this priority system:

1. Mod's Files Availability: Mod with all/most files still available for download
2. Feature completeness: Mod with greatest inclusion of expansions and/or promos available for the board game title
2. Scripting: Mod with scripting that most reduces work in setup/play for players
3. Component Quality: Mod with the best visuals/usability in terms of component quality
4. Table Setup/Ambiance: Mod with the best immersion with table, background, and other modeling.

Please also note that a mod that makes selection for this list very well could be one in which the mod author borrowed the majority of assets from another workshop listing, so full thanks to all who worked on a mod.

Thanks for your hard work!
Informal_Geek Oct 4, 2019 @ 4:26pm 
Sounds good. Let me know how I can contribute. Maybe we need to get on at the same time? Not sure how that part works.
Teddy Mother-fucking Roosevelt  [author] Oct 2, 2019 @ 10:24am 
You know, I hadn't thought about snap points, but that's a great idea. I'm still learning what things are even possible with all the tools in TTS. I'm currently working on building a start menu for the game that will let you configure things like how many players will play, which guild sets are you using, do you want scripting enabled, stuff like that (I should probably add a list of planned features lol). If you want to add snap points for various items around the board, that'd be great. Otherwise, I'll just add it to my to-do list, likely right after I finish with the config menu and auto-setup feature.
Informal_Geek Oct 1, 2019 @ 5:08pm 
This has always been one of my favorite games. Thank you for supplying the mod. If you want some help, I can add the Rotate Snap points for you.