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Galactic Market Foundation Tweak
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2019년 9월 21일 오전 6시 04분
2023년 5월 18일 오후 10시 52분
변경 사항 28개 ( 보기 )

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Galactic Market Foundation Tweak

Are you tired of small empires establishing the galactic market within their borders?
- Then this is for you!

Empires with higher trade income are now even more likely to host the galactic market!

As of Federations, the base game included a small deliberation of this fact already. But, even with Orion, Paradox has still not touched some of the issues present in the event chain (which are fixed by this mod).

This mod tweaks the event that chooses the country to lead the galactic market. It also fixes the relocation of the market through the galactic community, which still uses the completely outdated formula in the vanilla game (it was forgotten by the Paradox developer who updated the event chain).

Country wide trade income will be increasing the likelihood of being chosen as the host (the income is multiplying the chances of getting chosen) if you use this mod.
The base game only uses the trade flowing through the solar system of the planet as well as the candidate rating displayed in the planet modifier.
The vanilla rating system has been kept, this mod just applies an additional multiplier.

It effects all countries (including the AI) the same way.

This makes the luck-of-the-draw more predictable and accurate for empires with a different trade_income.

All in all this ensures that countries with more trade have way higher chances of being selected, while pushing your rating is still very much worthwhile, if most countries are on the same level. You should also carefully choose the planet to nominate, as its location will strongly influence your rating. Your capital system will be a great candidate, because all your trade routes connect there.

Single system galactic market hosts are therefore way more unlikely and you, the player, are able to strategically decide, if going for more trade value to acquire the 10% Market Discount that the station provides is worth it or not with a strong guarantee that it'll work out how you planned.

The system of the hosting country where the station will be installed, is the one home to the nominated planet.
This is a change from vanilla, where any planet of the empire still had a very slight chance to be chosen (however it was pretty much already impossible with weights of 1:9999).

Should be save game compatible, for as long as the founding event hasn't fired.
Ironman compatibility status is questionable due to changes for a vanilla event chain (please leave a comment if you notice otherwise).

The Galactic Market event chain starts when the resolution in the Galactic Community to found it has been passed.

Calculation of drawing weights:
weight = ( 5 * rating_multiplier ^ 2 ) * trade_income * system_trade_value )

Calculation of the rating multiplier:
  • Weak = 5
    = ( 1 )^2 * 5
  • Adequate = 20
    = ( 2 )^2 * 5
  • Strong = 45
    = ( 3 )^2 * 5
  • Exceptional = 90
    = ( 4 )^2 * 5
  • Perfect = 125
    = ( 5 )^2 * 5


This mod edits on_action_events.txt and galactic_community_events.txt. Currently the two events that are overwritten will be FIOS (first in - only loaded) due to ASCII order and the vanilla file will not be overwritten. Thus this mod should be compatible with any other mods that don't also edit the country events
This is may break between updates - but it didn't for Federations and Orion, so it should be safe to assume it will continue to work even if I (god forbid) abandon the mod one day. Still, if you notice any bugs (like a way too small empire hosting the galactic market), please report it in the comments so I can fix the issue.

Future Development & Notes
As requested, another mod that will exclude isolationist nations, less likely to engage in strong intergalactic trade, like xenophobe empires, will probably be developed in the near future. It will be posted on its own though, since it'd probably not be for everyone. Especially when playing a xenophobe empire yourself, you'd probably not want that mod enabled. I'll leave a link here when I get to it.

If requested I can look into developing another mod that guarantees the country with the highest trade income will host the galactic market. In my opinion though, having a chance for each country, corresponding to their economic trading power is more realistic. This is especially true if multiple countries are on the same scale.

I tried to query a planets trade value directly, by the way. However, there was no way to read the value so prominently displayed ingame on the colony window. It was only possible to get access to a system's trade route value. And that is sadly inflated by other routes running through the system and/or doesn't differentiate between multiple colonies in the same system.

The whole trade value interface under the hood is still "slightly" lacking.

If you have any information that would help me out concerning these problems, please do leave a comment!

Sadly, even the Federations and Orion updates didn't change this fact.

Obligatory Footnote
Looking for my other creations?

Thanks for reading the description, downloading & playing with my mods!

Don't forget to leave a comment, smash that like button, subscribe and hit the bell icon!!!
인기 토론 모두 보기(1)
2023년 8월 30일 오전 5시 24분
[Issue] Galactic Market isn't foundable, at least in my game session.
LST Theunknown
댓글 130
Sophia Ferddinand 2024년 5월 24일 오후 7시 02분 
Hey there! Does this mod work with 3.12? BTW, great mod! Thank you for your work!
Anonim 2024년 3월 8일 오후 8시 12분 
I agree with the comment before I also remove the mod and the market just forms, So I hope if u have the time can you recheck the code? thx for the mod btw its helpful
sirjackthereaper 2024년 2월 12일 오후 12시 14분 
Once I removed your mod the galactic market did form, so i'm not sure how it was caused but it does block it maybe double check the code in a game with it?
nighthawk  [작성자] 2024년 2월 5일 오후 12시 20분 
@sirjackthereaper: As detailed in the description, this mod doesn't interfere with anything, except for how the winner is calculated. Maybe something changed about this in the last few patches, but it shouldn't have (at least according to the full change notes).
sirjackthereaper 2024년 2월 5일 오전 6시 49분 
Im not sure if it is this mod, but the galactic market never forms.
nighthawk  [작성자] 2023년 12월 1일 오전 6시 28분 
@Uncle Iroh: It should be, the change logs don't mention anything relevant. I am a little too tired and overworked to update the number at this moment.
Uncle Iroh 2023년 12월 1일 오전 3시 52분 
Would this be fine for 3.10?
nighthawk  [작성자] 2023년 9월 26일 오전 8시 45분 
@crimson.dolarhyde: Thank you for providing a workaround. I'll have to take a look later, too.
crimson.dolarhyde 2023년 9월 25일 오후 6시 06분 
For anyone else having trouble here, take the following steps:

1. open the debug console
2. type observe
3. enter "debugtooltip" without quotes
4. hover over a system of the AI nation that keeps winning the nomination to get their nation ID
5. enter "play #" (#= the ID of the nation that keeps winning the nomination)
6. now that youre the AI nation, find the planet they've nominated
7. go into planet decisions and un-nominate the planet
8. pass time until your original empire wins the nomination
9. go back into observe mode and switch back to your original nation
10. relax.

Kinda defeats the purpose of having a mod for this issue, but thats the best I can offer for now. Little things like this can completely derail my RP playthrough, but doing this (after legitimately boosting the hell out of my nomination efforts and trade) put my mind at ease.
crimson.dolarhyde 2023년 9월 25일 오후 5시 33분 
This may not be compatible with the latest update (3.9.1). I've got a system and capital plant that is by far the best trade spot in the galaxy and I've boosted it's candidacy twice so that it's rated 'Exceptional' and repeatedly lose the Galactic Market's foundation to another nation's smaller, lower trade value system/planet (which it looks like the AI has boosted to have a Strong rating -- which is not better than Exceptional), I even went back a few years and focused specifically on trade, replacing other useful stuff to max it as much as possible - same results.