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Traffic Jam
Mission Type: Heist
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Oct 16, 2013 @ 11:48am
Oct 24, 2013 @ 8:32am
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Traffic Jam

Infamous Monaco 8 Stopped by Law Forces

This evening the criminal group known as the Monaco 8 saw the last of their heist spree, as a joint effort between the Monte Carlo Police and SWAT departments was successful in stopping the robbers during their getaway from their latest assault.

Four of the eight criminals were killed in the midst of a heated pursuit that took place on a packed highway. Two robbers were apprehended near the accident and other two are still to be found, but authorities guarantee they haven't left the area.

Banque Georgette Ransacked in Violent Heist

Today at four in the afternoon, Banque Georgette was another victim of a series of heists perpetrated by the Monaco 8.

“They cleaned the whole place, everything”, told one of the witnesses who did not want to be identified.

Sources say that the robbers broke in from inside the main vault and worked their way out of the bank's entrance.

Another witness, who declined to give her name, said that the robbers did not encounter any resistance. “Before we could understand what was happening, the lights were out and all of the security was knocked out.”

After leaving Banque Georgette, the getaway vehicle was driven into a traffic jam and ended its escape in an accident that brought chaos to the highway, resulting in multiple injured and two deaths.

The driver from the escaping van died instantly from the crash, while two other robbers resisted the law forces and where killed in the gunfight. Another criminal was found deceased two hours later on the rooftop of a nearby building after bleeding to death. The authorities arrested other two that attempted to escape the location and are still looking for the remaining two robbers.

Victims from the traffic accident are already receiving medical assistance but additional support is having difficulty reaching the scene due to the intense transit.

The stolen goods are currently being recovered by the Monte Carlo Police and SWAT officers.
More information as the story develops.
P0rtal Gunn3r Jul 22, 2019 @ 2:14pm 
PanCham Mar 8, 2016 @ 6:39pm 
Nice map :)
Indigetti Apr 24, 2014 @ 2:57pm 
this level... is awsome. I cant see why it wouldent be up there with all the 5 star ones.
tuglaw  [author] Oct 24, 2013 @ 8:38am 
Thank you very much! And hopefully I just made my last tweak/update.
N/A Oct 23, 2013 @ 8:36pm 
Very well made. Great job on this one!
tuglaw  [author] Oct 21, 2013 @ 5:55pm 
Thanks! Hope you had fun playing it.
Toxic Ghost Oct 19, 2013 @ 4:32pm 
nice level you got here.