198 ratings
Doom 3 Console Commands
By SkullByte
Need console commands? Look no further!

Special thanks to this guide on GameSpot! []
General Commands:
Hold Ctrl Alt ~ (Right under the ESC key) to bring up the command console.

Code - Effect

com_showfps 1 - Displays framerate
kill - Commit suicide
killmonsters - Kills all Monsters
status - Game status
quit - Close game
notarget - Invisibility to most enemies
gfxinfo - GPU information
freeze - Freeze all on screen
benchmark - Game Benchmark
aviDemo - Saves a demo of your playing to an AVI movie file
give armor - Gives you 125 armor
pm_jumpheight ### - Defines how high you jump.
com_allowconsole 1 - This will make it so you only have to press ~ to open the console, no longer alt+ctrl+~
pm_walkspeed ### - Defines how fast you are when you walk
pm_runspeed ### - Defines how fast you are when you run/sprint
pm_crouchspeed ### - Defines how fast you are when you crouch
pm_noclipspeed ### - Defines how fast you move with the "noclip" code turned on
give keys - All keys
r_brightness <#> - Set brightness level
r_gamma <0-3> - Set gamma level
s_showlevelmeter 1 - Toggle sound level display
g_showprojectilepct 1 - Toggle hit % to HUD
say <message> - Send message to everyone in multi-player
killmoveables - Kill all moving enemies
killragdolls - Kill all non-moving enemies
listmonsters - Lists images of monsters
listlightdefs - Lists indicated def file settings
noclip - Walk through solid objects
give all - All weapons with full ammo, health and armor
god - God Mode
give ammo - Max Ammo
give health - Max Health
g_showplayershadow 1 - You can see your shadow during singleplayer
give pda - Gives PDAs & Disks of the level you're in
give berserk - Berserk mode
editor - Opens up map editor
g_nightmare 1 - Unlock Nightmare Mode
set g_dragEntity 1 - Grabs objects & bodies when you aim and fire at them
clear - Clear console text
idkfa - Secret message
Com_Fixedtic -1 - Removes 60 FPS Limit
clearlights - All lights turn off aside from flashlight
testlight - Spawns a light
gotohell - Instant win

Third-Person Mode:

pm_thirdperson 1 - 3rd Person View ON
pm_thirdperson 0 - 3rd Person View OFF
pm_thirdPersonRange "Value" - Change the distance the camera is from you in third person. 0 is a face view, 80 is default
pm_thirdPersonHeight "Value" - Change the height you are viewed in third person. Negative numbers are below normal
pm_thirdpersondeath 1 - Play from third person with your HUD, cross-hair, etc
pm_thirdPersonAngle "Value" - Change the angle your character is viewed in third-person. 180 is a front view
Spawn Monsters, Objects & Weapons:
Use the "Notarget" code so they don't attack you right away.

spawn monster_boss_guardian_spawner - A floating blue object above the Guardian
spawn monster_boss_guardian_seeker - Guardian's Seeker
spawn monster_boss_maledict_cinematic - An immobile, untouchable, unremovable Maledict, which can be seen at the ending cinematic of the game
spawn monster_boss_sabaoth - CPU boss, Sabaoth
spawn monster_boss_Vagary - Spider boss, Vagary
spawn monster_demon_revenant - Revenant
spawn monster_boss_guardian - Guardian from Hell
spawn monster_zombie_boney - Boned zombie
spawn monster_zombie_bernie - Flaming zombie
spawn monster_flying_lostsoul - Lost Soul
spawn monster_demon_imp_crawl_armdoor - Imp in a fixed position. Doesn't move
spawn monster_demon_imp_crawler - Spawns an Imp that starts out in crawling position
spawn monster_demon_cherub - Spawns a Cherub
spawn monster_flying_cacodemon - Flying Cacodemon
spawn monster_demon_mancubus - Mancubus demon
spawn monster_demon_archvile - Arch-Vile demon
spawn monster_demon_tick - Tick demon
spawn monster_demon_hellknight - Hell Knight demon
spawn monster_demon_maggot - Maggot demon
spawn monster_demon_trite - Trite demon
spawn monster_demon_pinky - Pinky demon
spawn monster_demon_imp - Imp
spawn monster_zombie_commando - Tentacle zombie
spawn monster_zombie_commando_cgun - Chain-gun zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint - Yellow jacket zombie
spawn monster_zombie_morgue - Morgue zombie
spawn monster_zombie_fat - Fat zombie
spawn monster_boss_cyberdemon - Cyber-Demon
spawn monster_zsec_pistol_slowfire - Zsec with a pistol, fires slowly
spawn monster_zsec_shotgun - Zsec with a shotgun
spawn monster_zsec_machinegun - Zsec with a machine gun
spawn monster_zsec_pistol - Zsec with a pistol


spawn char_campbell - Campbell
spawn char_campbell_bfg - Campbell holding BFG
spawn char_campbell_bfgcase - Campbell holding a BFG case
spawn char_betruger - Betruger
spawn char_swann - Swann
spawn char_hazmat - hazard suit scientist
spawn marscity_marine_helmet_p90_walking - armed guard
spawn char_security_goggles_pistol - guard with a pistol


spawn moveable_base_brick - base brick
spawn moveable_burger - burger
spawn moveable_paperwad - wad of paper
spawn moveable_burgerboxclose - closed burger box
spawn moveable_burgerboxopen - open burger box
spawn moveable_base_boulder - boulder
spawn moveable_base_domino - domino
spawn moveable_base_barrel - barrel
spawn moveable_base_fixed - base
spawn moveable_computer - computer
spawn moveable_ktable - table
spawn moveable_chair (1,2 or 5) - chair
spawn env_gibs_leftarm (or right) - bloody arm
spawn env_gibs_leftleg (or right) - bloody leg
spawn env_gibs_torso - bloody human torso
spawn env_gibs_spine - bloody spine
spawn moveable_base - base
spawn moveable_wrench - wrench
spawn moveable_cannister - canister
spawn moveable_blaptop - laptop
spawn moveable_cartonbox (1-8) - carton
spawn moveable_cokecan - coke can
spawn moveable_monitor - monitor
spawn moveable_gizmo (1-3) - gizmo
spawn moveable_item_(any weapon here) - static weapons
spawn moveable_burningtank - oxygen tank that explodes when shot
spawn moveable_explodingtank - oxygen tank that explodes when shot
spawn moveable_burningbarrel - highly explosive barrel
spawn moveable_explodingbarrel - explosive barrel
spawn env_ragdoll_skeleton2 - skeleton
spawn env_ragdoll_skeleton - bloody skeleton

If nothing spawns, ONLY type Spawn or Give in the console commands, don't type them both.

give all - All weapons with full ammo, health and armor
give weapon_plasmagun - Plasma gun
give weapon_bfg - BFG
give weapon_chainsaw - Chainsaw
give weapon_rocketlauncher - Rocket launcher
give weapon_shotgun - Shotgun
give weapon_machinegun - Machine gun
give weapon_chaingun - Chain-gun
give weapon_flashlight - Flashlight
spawn weapon_soulcube - Soul Cube
spawn weapon_plasmagun - Plasma gun
spawn weapon_rocketlauncher - Rocket launcher
spawn weapon_machinegun - Machine gun
spawn weapon_chaingun - Chain-gun
spawn weapon_shotgun - Shotgun
spawn weapon_bfg - BFG
spawn weapon_pistol - Pistol


spawn/give ammo_cells_large - Large ammo for Plasma gun
spawn/give ammo_cells_small - Ammo for Plasma gun
spawn/give ammo_bullets_large - Large ammo for Pistol
spawn/give ammo_bullets_small - Ammo for Pistol
spawn/give ammo_bfg_small - Ammo for BFG
spawn/give ammo_belt_small - Ammo for Chain-gun
spawn/give ammo_clip_small - Ammo for Machine gun
spawn/give ammo_clip_large - Large ammo for Machine gun
spawn/give ammo_grenade_small - Hand Grenades
spawn/give ammo_rockets_small - Ammo for Rocket Launcher
spawn/give ammo_rockets_large - Large ammo for Rocket Launcher
spawn/give ammo_shells_small - Ammo for Shotgun
spawn/give ammo_shells_large - Large ammo for Shotgun
When you load specific levels you will spawn with weapons & ammo you'd normally already have throughout this point.

map game/alphalabs2 map game/alphalabs2 - Alpha Labs 2
map game/alphalabs3 - Alpha Labs 3
map game/alphalabs4 - Alpha Labs 4
map game/caverns1 - Caverns 1
map game/caverns2 - Caverns 2
map game/comm1 - Comm 1
map game/commoutside - Comm Outside
map game/cpu - CPU
map game/cpuboss - CPU Boss
map game/delta1 - Delta 1
map game/delta2 - Delta 2
map game/delta3 - Delta 3
map game/delta4 - Delta 4
map game/delta5 - Delta 5
map game/enpro - Enpro
map game/hell1 - Hell 1
map game/hellhole - Hellhole
map game/mars_city1 - Mars City 1
map game/mars_city2 - Mars City 2
map game/mc_underground - MC Underground
map game/monorail - Monorail
map game/pdas - PDAs
map game/recycling1 - Recycling 1
map game/recycling2 - Recycling 2
map game/alphalabs1 - Alpha Labs 1
map game/site3 - Site 3
map game/mp/d3dm1 - Multiplayer Map 1
map game/mp/d3dm2 - Multiplayer Map 2
map game/mp/d3dm3 - Multiplayer Map 3
map game/mp/d3dm4 - Multiplayer Map 4
map game/mp/d3dm5 - Multiplayer Map 5

Test Maps:

map testmaps/test_lotsaimps - Large room with lots of enemies
map testmaps/test_boxstack - Tall room with domino effect boxes
map testmaps/test_box - Simple room
Multiplayer Commands:
You must use exec mp_vchat for this cheat to become activated.

These commands allows you to give voice responses in the multiplayer mode. It's mostly recommended for Team Death Match as it's used to command your teammates.

exec mp_vchat - Activates the cheat
Press 0 (Zero) - "Great Game"
Press 1 (One) - "Cancel That"
Press 2 (Two) - "Pull Back!"
Press 3 (Three) - "Prepare for Attack"
Press 4 (Four) - "Grab the Armour"
Press 5 (Five) - "Cover Me"
Press 6 (Six) - "Over Here"
Press 7 (Seven) - "Attack Now"
Press 8 (Eight) - "Move In "
Press 9 (Nine) - "I'll Take That"
Press . (Period) - "That Sucked"
Press * (Star) - "Hack"
Press / (Backslash) - "Die Already"
SkullByte  [author] Aug 27 @ 4:36pm 
For anyone still using this guide, I have once again updated it! I tried consolidating sections and making commands/effects more visible. Thanks for coming by!
roma 1000 Aug 27 @ 1:42am 
@Islate you can spawn bruiser but only in resurrection of evil mod in DOOM 3 it doesnt work
LiLSkagg2313 Jul 9 @ 11:48am 
is there a way to start Phobos with console commands. i cant get phobos to work and its pissing me off lol.
Denton Mar 11 @ 1:20pm 
Noclip, saved me from playing the game all over because of the fucking elevator bug in delta lab 1 which breaks the game and has never been fixed
Jäger Oct 30, 2023 @ 3:30pm 
Does spawning the guardian without seekers make it invulnerable to damage?
Or is it more like the Boss Guardian from the Lost mission Campaign.
SkullByte  [author] Oct 30, 2023 @ 3:05pm 
@islate: "monster_demon_d3xp_bruiser"
Islate Oct 30, 2023 @ 6:44am 
how do u spawn a bruiser?
Jäger Mar 23, 2022 @ 8:54pm 
PDAS level command doesnt work :(
SkullByte  [author] Oct 16, 2021 @ 9:49am 
@HenpeckedLeader Nope. Base game works just fine.
EVIL TWOMAD Oct 16, 2021 @ 8:52am 
Do I need to mod the game to use these commands?