Worms Clan Wars

Worms Clan Wars

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Water Fun
Tags: Landscape
File Size
1.666 MB
Sep 21, 2013 @ 11:57pm
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Water Fun

Very Hard, water is flying everywere. most fun with 4 people
SukuraRocks Oct 1, 2014 @ 4:08pm 
Ǵ̶͓̂͑lí̴̤̀̄́tcĥ̸ Oct 22, 2013 @ 2:46pm 
Easy fix is to create four areas, two on each side, that are completely dry, where each team has their worms sort of spawn - or at least have set spawns that are spread out, but in dry areas, so nobody loses worms due to the environment before anyone even gets a turn (I've lost two worms before the game started).
Ǵ̶͓̂͑lí̴̤̀̄́tcĥ̸ Oct 22, 2013 @ 2:46pm 
Heavily flawed map.

Great concept but the execution was a bit off man.

-Anytime you spawn on the bottom of the map, you are guaranteed to either be pushed into a hole almost right away (sometimes before you even get a turn).

-Also if you spawn on the bottom near a mine, water will push you into the mine more than likely before anyone gets to move. I've had me and a couple others spawn near a mine and a few barrels and each group lost at least 1 worm before the first guy even got a turn.

-Spawning on an upper ledge, other than the center one, will sometimes have you get washed off and either take fall damage or fall directly into a hole on the bottom, especially if you spawn beneath one of the two waterspouts.