Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages

Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages

R5FC Aozora Nine - Healogram Sniper
标签: R5FC Aozora Nine
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2019 年 7 月 4 日 上午 1:50
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R5FC Aozora Nine - Healogram Sniper

This is a general use Aozora Nine template. It is also capable of completing any scenario on the pool difficulty, even Zombie Mode (if you make a single simple modification), which is helpful since the D5R ship is the other rogue ship that is good at Zombie Mode, but you can't achieve the Zombie Mode Mastery achievement with it, but you can achieve it with this ship. Perfect for anyone who hates using the gemini array because it is one of few rogues that doesn't use it. Anyone who has messed with this particular hull for a decent amount of time will tell you that this ship is just simply MADE to be equiped with the railgun, and it also happens to be the only rogue that can equip it in the first place. The railgun does massive damage already, but it has a synergy with the rogue's shroud veterancy ability and some other rogue passives that makes it do an absurd amount of damage in one shot. On low difficulties the rail gun can easily do over 1000 damage in a shot, and even on the Pool or Union difficulties, this build can still do 300 or 400 per shot.

Of course, like most rogues, this ship is quite lightly armored, which means that it is more or less a glass cannon. It can usually take at least a hit or two though, and your cloak should hopefully keep you from being hit more often than that. And if you do take lethal damage, first the critical time loop will go off, which will probably restore all of your hull and shield. And then if you take lethal damage again, stubborn thread will go off, which will almost always keep you from actually dying long enough to make an escape and recover your shield. And then if you take lethal damage again, the shroud ability will consume charges built up from previous kills to restore your hull and shield in a final effort to keep you alive. Hopefully it won't come to that because those same shroud charges are most of the reason the rail gun is so powerful. Then, if you take lethal damage after that... well, the critical time loop only takes 30 seconds to cool down, so there is a good chance it will be ready again, and the loop of saving from death can start over. In fact, the critical time loop always goes off first if it is ready, so the only time you will lose shroud charges will be if the other 3 abilities are ALL on cooldown.

As mentioned, the ship can beat Gladiator mode. In order to do so, you need to make sure to play on a gladiator map that has space debris for obstacles. If you get an asteroid map or a city map, restart. You are specifically looking for a space debris map that has one of those long skinny obstacle things in a corner, oriented in such a way that there is a triangular corner that is mostly blocked off by the obstacle. This sort of scenario will randomly generate more often than you might think. I found that you only need to restart about a dozen times or so on average to generate such a map. The thing is, for some reason, the enemy AI can be really stupid about pathfinding around these particular obstacles if you are parked on the opposite side of it, right up against it, along the middle of it lengthwise. This means that you can shoot them through the wall of your cover with impunity, and you probably won't even be hit. Even if they happen to have a railgun that can shoot back, they spend too much time pointing the wrong way while trying to pathfind, so they almost never hit you twice. Most of the enemies that can successfully navigate around the cover are so speedy that they almost invariably are lightly armored, so you can often kill them before they can actually get to you.

And it's a good thing that the railgun gets such an overpowered buff from this ship, because its usually the ONLY weapon you are hitting with. Some of the tankier enemies you'll have to shoot fifty times in order to kill them. But, some ships will inevitably find their way to you anyway. This is the moment that you use the Redirect Beam, which might be the only weapon that gets more powerful on high difficulties, because it redirects all damage done to you to the target. Not just reflect, but redirect, as in, you don't actually take any damage while it's working. Since hard enemies have such a huge damage buff, they'll often take out half of their shield or more. Just try not to miss, it has a longish cooldown. Also an aside, the redirect beam can also double as a life saving device rather than as a weapon. For example, in wave mode, you will have to contend with several tier 5 ships at a time, and sometimes they will randomly spawn with a weapon loadout that will kill you very quickly, even though they are not bosses. If you find yourself dying very quickly on such a wave, just shoot any opponent with the Redirect Beam. Anybody, it doesn't even matter whether you get the tough guy or not, it will make you invincible for five seconds no matter who you hit. And five seconds is enough time to take out a ship or two, thus lowering the collective DPS the opponents have.

If the Redirect Beam isn't enough to kill your gladiator opponent/boss and they are too close to you for comfort, start running, and try to get to the other side of your cover again, as it will almost always buy you more time to recover and let your abilities cool down. Leave Starseeder blasts behind you constantly while the opponent is near you. With a few random opponents, they might have such high shield regen that you can't actually overcome it. You'll just have to hold out for sudden death mode. Wave mode doesn't have sudden death mode, but on the other hand, the bosses in it don't seem to be as strong as gladiator opponents, and there are fewer of them, so if you are lucky, you won't need it.

And now, here is the thing that makes this template different from most other Aozora Nine templates. It combines healograms with the Perseus Projector. The super-powerful railgun and the starseeder both will trigger the Perseus Projector every single time you hit anybody with them, which ultimately means you heal yourself when you hurt other ships. And it seems that the healing is also buffed by the shroud ability, because it will heal you for A LOT. Which brings me to Zombie mode. In order to win Zombie Mode with this ship, just change out everything in the shield node with a Rigid Shield and three Shield Max Modules. Your shield capacity will be rather large, but your shield regen will be almost nothing. This does not matter too much however because of the healograms. When you start getting large groups of zombies around your ship, a single cast of the starseeder will restore your entire hull and shield all by itself, strangely. Even on the pool difficulty. At the end, you will be constantly falling down to almost dead and then suddenly jumping to full health. Strangely effective.

[AUX-1C] Overthrust Module
[AUX-1U] Dampener Optimizer
[AUX-5P-PA] Mending Drive
[BAR-1C] Thermal Shield Regen Module x 2
[BAR-3P] Elastic Shield
[CLK-1C] Stealth Module
[CLK-1P-PA] Cloaking Device
[CLK-1U-PA] Advanced Avoidance Plating
[CLK-1U-PA] Cloak And Dagger
[CLK-1U-PA] Perilium Harmonizer
[CRN-2U-PA] Black Worm
[CRN-3U-PA] Transcendence
[DIM-1A-AT] Telepotentiator
[DIM-1U-FD] Starseeder
[DIM-1U-PA] Critical Time Loop Device
[ENG-1C] Thrust Module x 2
[ENG-1U] Rotation Module
[ENG-2P] Spitfire Engine
[FXC-1U-PA] Improved Photocell
[FXC-1U-PA] Short-Cycle Chamber
[FXC-2U-LZ] Rail Gun
[HSK-1C] Cooling Module x 2
[HSK-3P] Advanced Heat Sink
[POW-1C] Energy Regen Module
[POW-3P-MS] Advanced Power Hub
[RVT-1P-PA] Shroud
[RVT-1U] Advanced Stealth Module
[RVT-1U-PA] Auxiliary Projectors
[RVT-1U-PA] Healograms
[RVT-1U-PA] Insulated Perlite
[SBS-1U-LZ] Redirect Beam
[SBS-1U-PA] Perseus Projector
[SBS-1U-PA] Predator System
[SBS-1U-SB] Mirrored Decoy Projector
[UTL-1C] Armor Plating
[UTL-1P-PA] Melee Plating
[WPN-4U] Spare Shield Stabilizer
[WPN-4U-PA] Laser Amp