Starpoint Gemini 2

Starpoint Gemini 2

237 hodnocení
Getting started in the vast universe of Starpoint Gemini 2
Vytvořil: Zenoslaf
Welcome captains, smugglers and traders! In this guide, you will find useful information that will help you to get started in the beautiful universe of Starpoint Gemini 2. I wrote this for alpha release but the guide is now covering beta release that is currently on Steam too. For additional information, visit official Starpoint Gemini 2 forum[].
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What is it all about?

Well, the developers say that "Starpoint Gemini 2 is an action space-sim combined with diverse RPG elements."

You can control various space ships, ranging from small and agile gunships to lumbering, but deadly carriers. You have the option to explore, trade, research and fight in a star system no longer hindered by loading points.

One of many differences between first SPG and the sequel is that now the entire Gemini star system is one giant area thanks to the implemented streaming technology.

What can I expect in this version?

Since Starpoint Gemini 2 entered Beta, you can expect a lot. You'll see how the Gemini star system looks like, you can explore, travel around, fight enemy ships, mine asteroids (by demolishing them), trade some goods, buy and upgrade ships and various weapons, do freelance missions, basically, most of the things you'll be able to do in the final version minus storyline.

What can I expect in the final release?

Developers have compiled their To-do list so check the link and comment if you have suggestions or questions.

SPG 2 To-do list
Game manual (.pdf)
For those of you who like to read huge pdf documents, feel free to click on the pdf manual and wait for it to load.

Ridiculously "heavy" game manual :)
Map of the universe
This is the map of Starpoint Gemini 2 universe. There are tons of stations, systems, and regions to explore. The image is not that detailed due to Steam's size restriction, for full 12MB big detailed map, visit official Starpoint Gemini 2 forum[]. You will find a Welcome newcomers thread under General Discussions.

Bugs and other critters...
I won't name all the bugs here, I will just post the direct link on SPG2 forum where the list is regulary updated. Since this is still beta version, of course there are some bugs, but they are being fixed as we speak cause community gives a really nice feedback and reports errors as they find them.

For more information visit:

Starpoint Gemini 2 forum - The list of known bugs[]
I want the biggest ship in the universe and don't want to work for it!
Well, although this won't work in full version, and maybe even in one of the next patches, right now you can do it. :D It is a matter of time when devs will disable that but currently, you can follow these pretty simple steps and get rich.

And if you have the money, you can buy anything. Ships, weapons, enhancements, modification... :evilgrin:

Ok, ok, you're getting itchy. So here it is:

Moneeeey, more moneeeey![]

Developers are constantly encouraging modders to do whatever they want to and that's the reason SPG2 will come with modding tool implemented. So if you're feeling creative, here is your chance to prove it. Only sky (or the end of the universe?) is the limit. :)

The moment of truth
It's pretty clear that I support this project wholeheartedly, so there are some facts you should know about me before anyone starts flaming. ;)

Am I developer of this game?

No, I am not. I didn't work nor contributed on original Starpoint Gemini. I do contribute to Starpoint Gemini 2 with my support, posts, guides and beta testing of the game (bug reporting) as much as the rest of SPG2 fans and community members.

Update: In the meantime I joined LGM and I'm now the Community Manager so you can ask me anything related to the game. :)

Who am I then?

I'm a real life friend of Mario Mihokovic, CEO of LGM Games and developer of Starpoint Gemini series. No secrets there. I'm also a gamer since 1986. when I started playing with ZX Spectrum. Yeah, call me grandpa but I can still squeeze in some frags in CoD. :P

Do I get paid for guides and support?

No, I paid for this game in full via Steam store. As I said, I support the game not just cause Mario is my friend but because this game is really worth it. I played and liked Eve Online and Freelancer and this game has some similarities with those and bunch of other space games. There are not many space sims around so I feel supportive of the ones I find, regardless of my relationship with game developers (or their girlfriends, lol). Ok, kidding about the girlfriends part. :D

Do I actually play this game or just advertise it without anything to back it up?

I play this game since the first day of Early Access alpha release and I have about 250 hours in it (Steam doesn't count all the hours for some reason). So you can say that I'm Starpoint Gemini 2 regular tester and that I know what I'm talking about.

I hope this covers it. If you have any comments or questions, don't hesitate to ask and I will try to lie to the best of my abilities answer as honestly as I can. :)

Community is everything!
Well, without gamers like you and me, this guide wouldn't exist. So I would like to thank developers for bringing this game to us and allowing us to participate and contribute to it in this early access phase.

Also I would like to thank guys on the Starpoint Gemini 2 forum cause they really got into it and helped me compile this guide.

- Phlintlock for making awesome Gemini star system map.
- SlavePuppet for both list of known bugs and detailed list of ships and planets in Gemini star system.
- ledhead900 for modding the game even before official modding tools release which gave us the opportunity to test various badass battleships and dreadnaughts along with heavy weaponry attached to them.
- The rest of Steam and Starpoint Gemini 2 forum members and fans of the original Starpoint Gemini 2 who showed their appreciation and support by purchasing the game. If I didn't mention someone I apologize in advance.

Feel free to visit, like and follow Starpoint Gemini 2 on Facebook[] and Twitter.

Thank you and keep up the good work.


Počet komentářů: 81
Nuee 1. říj. 2017 v 8.39 
"For those of you who like to read huge pdf documents"

LOL. It's not that huge. A lot of fluff you can ignore if you just want the nuts and bolts. Why back in the early days the manuals were huge. Falcon 5.0 came in a large looseleaf binder. It used every key on the keyboard plus Alt and Cntrl keys as well. The DnD games were practically mini player manuals. Of course it took a while to load the game (47 3.5 floppy's) so you sat there in the snow both ways uphill and read the manual in anticipation of playing your brand new game.
Zenoslaf  [autor] 24. zář. 2017 v 2.36 
This is Getting started guide, not a detailed manual for the game.You have sooo many YouTube video tutorials that cover the game that I cannot write anything that will come close to it. :)

Check out TheRev's tutorial:
Saiph 23. zář. 2017 v 5.37 
Not much of a "guide". "Download and read the manual yourself." :steammocking:
PCS 11. srp. 2017 v 10.19 
So i've explored all the system, got the titan for my faction and got all the artifacts what can i do now?
Skyguy 20. čvc. 2017 v 18.05 
Is it possible to return to the metropolis? I wanted to study Mercury.
Zenoslaf  [autor] 24. dub. 2017 v 3.34 
Lamprey, there is a tutorial in the game and there are soooo many good YouTube Tutorials that you don't need to open this guide ever again. It was useful in the beginning where it was the only thing that was accessible to new players.

And don't forget we're active on forums so don't hesitate to post any questions you might have there. Cheers!
Lamprey 22. dub. 2017 v 17.07 
A link to the manual and a pic of the map is a guide now?
s1rsplif 20. led. 2017 v 13.43 
How do i go about scanning an anomoly? just starting out hahaha
FLASH0 16. dub. 2016 v 23.19 
sry cap
FLASH0 16. dub. 2016 v 23.19