Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

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Serafina in the supermarket
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Type: Scene
Age Rating: Questionable
Genre: Game
Resolution: 2560 x 1440
Category: Wallpaper
Descripteurs de contenu : Contenu générique destiné aux adultes, Violence fréquente ou gore, Nudité ou contenu à caractère sexuel, Nudité fréquente ou contenu à caractère sexuel
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7.948 MB
13 juin 2019 à 14h27
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Serafina in the supermarket

She is Serafina, the character of the game OPPAIDIUS SUMMER TROUBLE! from steam.

It is a wallpaper of her in the supermarket, sorry for not making the wallpaper very animated but I'm stuck in it, I hope you like it if you want another of this type leave your comments, I send greetings from wherever they are.

Arte por: Vittorio Giorgi https://twitter.com/vittoriogiorgi