Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

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Položky (332)
Vytvořil 大污师!
Pixiv ID: 61879076 Member: しおん 19年 1月29号,添加了人物眨眼特效,还有路面溅起的水花效果 19年 1月27号,更新了雨刮器的流畅度,前提你的显卡得够劲。还有一些小的细节。 根据朋友们的反馈,因为添加了大量细节特效,这张壁纸在低配设备上可能会造成卡顿。 雨刮器坏了,所以刮不了雨水。 远处那辆车来回的开,因为司机脑子不大好 红色的车震动大,里面有人在车震 the wiper is broken, so it can't scrape the rain. The car in ...
『Fate_Grand Order』×『空の境界』
Vytvořil Shimakaze~desu~
『Fate_Grand Order』×『空の境界』コラボCM...
『少女前线』 HK416 动态桌面
Vytvořil 君臨天下LEE
BILIBILI:av34671184 Pixiv ID: 70804812 Member: 魔法書夫人 BGM:Hans Zimmer - Cliffhanger 大家如果有什么喜欢的角色 我也能尽我所能去尝试动态壁纸化(欢迎留言)...
BGM:Renegade ,歌手名:STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION《黑街动漫OP》 搬自B站 http://www.bilibili.com/video/av6145024/ 作者ID:木子何石丶 素材: 青之驱魔师 罪恶王冠 某科学的超电磁炮 寄生兽 进击的巨人 斩赤红之瞳 刀剑神域 OVERLORD 龙珠Z神与神 黑岩射手 东京喰种 境界的彼方 野良神 寒蝉鸣泣之时 黑街 终结的炽天使 K 甲铁城的卡巴内瑞 Charlotte 夏洛特 惊爆游戏 东京暗鸦 一拳超人 食灵 零 噬神者 寒蝉鸣...
Vytvořil 稚忻壁纸
BGM:星与你消失之日(星と君が消えた日) 原画:MIHOYO 后期:稚忻10号机 After subscribe,you can turn off the music in Wallpaper Engine 为庆祝紫苑完全毕业,答应了花玲sama什么的_(:з」∠)_。做了这样一期壁纸。 本来想给大姨妈加眨眼的特效,可是原画不适合,加了很违和,所以暂时就这样吧! 好吧,原图地址:{ODKAZ SMAZÁN} 大おばさんは世界で最もかわいい!! 可愛いは正義だ!...
Vytvořil Cako
献给观众老爷,试问时光偷走吾王几分美 视频:FSN FGO BGM:My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)...
Vytvořil 九黎
你王saber =.=...
【Fate-zero/AMV/史诗】The Holy Grail「序章:圣杯」
Vytvořil spiraL
【Fate-zero/AMV/史诗】The Holy Grail「序章:圣杯」 搬运up主 暗猫猫猫猫 av1020546...
Vytvořil Edmond Dantes
BGM: Zedd - Beautiful Now 素材:Fate/Grand order, Fate stay night UBW, Fate/zero, Fate/ Extra CCC, Fate/Apocrypha 玩了这么久的FGO,以本人风格,不来个MAD致敬一下不合适,新的日常没人系列,希望各种观众姥爷们多多支持~~~ 有兴趣一起拯救人理的可以留言来一波好友~~~ 本人ios服,310孔明已经洗好pp等着各位客官了~~~...
【FGO 4K】修复 両儀式 两仪式 Saber THE GARDEN OF SINNERS
Vytvořil 咆哮的胸毛毛
试一下,应该可以修复之前大家所提出的问题 Fate/Grand Order FGO 第三张壁纸了,绝对的高清,做到了无缝循环,里程碑一般的成就,喜欢的分享一下哈 b站up主:咆哮的胸毛毛 壁纸来自p站 ID:59802244 Music BGM:梶浦由記 - MO1 来自空之境界的背景音乐 【FGO 4K】 両儀式 两仪式 Saber THE GARDEN OF SINNERS...
Vytvořil 呉港雪風
这次用了1080p的视频源,不知道会不会更清晰一点 视频来自B站@约谈人参 链接:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av22791675 未授权,侵权自删...
Vytvořil 大污师!
わんわんお! Pixiv ID: 66657002 Member: えすけー...
ニーア オートマタ,Nier: Automata
Vytvořil Ansoniko
Game: ニーア オートマタ, Nier: Automata I hope you like it!...
东方project 动态图片 飞翔的魔法使(第二弹)
Vytvořil cz
人物:东方project 雾雨魔理沙 原图: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58532166 画师:砂雲 ID: 295604 侵删 BGM: さくらの季节 TOOL: AE PS 第一弹:三途川的摆渡人 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=842526927...
Vytvořil 天使
伊吹のお正月着せ「冬籠の夢」 Live2D 「2160p,60fps」「BGM」 Azur Lane Ibuki BGM: Download ...
背景图P站id:60421228 fgo冲田总司,给群友做的,祝活动期间还能抽出来。 webgl渲染,所以比较占cpu,已经尽量优化了,把部分用不到的渲染也关掉了,然而还是不太熟悉webgl,所以这个只能算测试版。 我的处理器是 E3 1230 V3,一开始这个壁纸能占用 18%CPU,优化以后,现在常态占用1%-2%,但偶尔也会提升资源占用,还不稳定。 Note:运行窗口3D游戏的时候,尽量在设置里选择暂停壁纸运行。经过测试,这个3D场景会让显卡上升5~10摄氏度,GPU占用倒不多 ( 视显卡性能决定)。...
Vytvořil 大大大灯泡
大家好我是bilibili的大大大灯泡 壁纸的视频链接https://www.bilibili.com/video/av26945253/ 我的B站主页https://space.bilibili.com/4128618/#/...
Vytvořil 旅行者
友利绪奈的一个微视频,感觉不错,打算分享大家 PS 非本人制作,搬运,若感觉有侵权请私聊,谢谢谅解...
少女前线 Girls' Frontline SQUAD AR 1080p 30fps
Vytvořil AyaCerberus
原画作者反骨MAX 图片id=69965762 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM-Paul Haslinger-Load Out 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 少女前线 Girls' Frontline SQUAD AR 1080p 30fps AR小队 Bilibili预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av38170989 1080P Version https://steamcommunity....
少女前线 Girls' Frontline SQUAD AR 2K 30fps
Vytvořil AyaCerberus
原画作者反骨MAX 图片id=69965762 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM-Paul Haslinger-Load Out 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 少女前线 Girls' Frontline SQUAD AR 2K 30fps AR小队 Bilibili预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av38170989 1080P Version https://steamcommunity.com...
Vytvořil 夏商玄
Vytvořil 是谁在摸鱼
Vytvořil 枫糖总帅
已授权 图源pixiv 作者:行目痕 ID:71443133 传送门:https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=71443133&mode=medium 有一些些小瑕疵,后续有时间我会改进的ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ (人类!献上你的忠诚!)...
Vytvořil Quincy
1.04 增强头发和裙子的摇晃 稍微加大点花瓣 1.03 修改亮度 修改花瓣大小 取消手部光子特效 1.02 修改了水纹波动大小 以及添加了裙子和头发摇摆效果 新手一枚 失误的地方请大家包涵 增加了水纹效果 感觉还行所以上传了希望大家喜欢 原作者 _安息 微博 https://weibo.com/u/2645628392?refer_flag=1005055013_ P站 https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3990473 希望大家关注下 原作者 BGM:Digital ...
Vytvořil AMian
梦境群像中的黑洞循环这是4k的需要的的就拿去用吧(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡. 顺便麻烦大佬给这个作品点个赞吧(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡. 不知道为什么4k的我用的有点卡 你们有没有这种情况qwq 再次感谢扇子酱作品(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡. ...
Vytvořil FOEEE
末日时在做什么?有没有空?可以来拯救吗? 珂朵莉·诺塔·瑟尼欧里斯 世界上最幸福的女孩。...
Vytvořil 楚梦缘
by:https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=20778107 背景音乐:Ciela - 過ぎ去りし夏 (逝去的夏天)...
些许增添纸张动态 萤火虫颜色调整 左边飘光特效取消...
碧蓝航线 AzurLane 初始舰 Initial Ships 1080p 30fps
Vytvořil AyaCerberus
原画为官方登陆图 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM作者亀岡夏海 仲间 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 碧蓝航线 AzurLane 初始舰 Initial Ships 1080p 30fps Bilibili预览(求关注) http://www.bilibili.com/video/av22812338...
碧蓝航线 AzurLane 平海 PINGHAI 1080p 30fps
Vytvořil AyaCerberus
原画作者kieed bcy.Illust ID=1606953 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM作者幽閉サテライト 悠久の月に照らされて (Orchestral version) 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 碧蓝航线 AzurLane 平海 PINGHAI 1080p 30fps Bilibili预览(求关注) http://www.bilibili.com/video/av19825736...
碧蓝航线 AzurLane 拉菲 LAFFEY 1080p 30fps
Vytvořil AyaCerberus
原画作者ひゆ 图片id=66788165 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM作者亀岡夏海 希望 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 碧蓝航线 AzurLane 拉菲 LAFFEY 1080p 30fps Bilibili预览(求关注) http://www.bilibili.com/video/av20860128...
Vytvořil Gwangju Express
碧蓝航线AzurLane铁血战争海军-意志的胜利 BGM:Illuminatio——Schelmish...
Vytvořil caoleda04
Vytvořil 𝙊✘
                                                                                                            ☆☆☆☆☆ → Subscribe⁨ ☆☆☆☆ → Workshop⁨ ☆☆☆ → Steam⁨...
花瓣 Ootutuki Kaguya(大筒木辉夜) 火影忍者
Vytvořil 花饭
一个朋友在抖音上看见了一个桌面,非要我给他找到,可是我寻了半天找不到原作品,只能自己给他做一个了。 原图:Aoi Ogata https://aoiogata.artstation.com/ bgm:火影 儀礼 预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av31981912...
emmm 雨中少女第二版,原版有bug...
Vytvořil Cap.BLADE
在P站上看到这张图,觉得很漂亮,于是加了一个雪花特效分享给大家 P站传送门:https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66987311 B站传送门:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av18858334/?spm_id_from=333.23.home_video_list.1 (自己早期做得另一个带音乐版本)...
Vytvořil 枫糖总帅
欢迎去b站支持原作者:@Teri_Teri https://www.bilibili.com/video/av29741473?t=77 借物等信息详见原视频 (如果有什么不足和bug请尽管提出,求好评) 别人家的白练能变月光能变律者 而我家的白练,就是个白练...
ᅠ ᅠ
Vytvořil Demure
(Animated) [60FPS] Blonde girl reading book (2560x1440)
Vytvořil cat
Mordred from Fate/Grand Order sitting down and reading a book. Animated by me. twitter - https://twitter.com/illysia original - https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=68714774...
Vytvořil -`ˏNˎˊ˗
1920 x 1080 | NieR : Automata | 2B (60 FPS)
Vytvořil Fro
I sometimes make my wallpapers live on stream, if you ever want to check them out live, or visit the VODs, please visit www.twitch.tv/azyplays...
20th Century Alchemist
Vytvořil 肆意青春
20th Century Alchemist P站画师:Novelance 画师ID:10710834 (如有侵权 请告知删除)...
2B Underwater 1080p *Animated* ヨルハ2号B型 Nier Automata
Vytvořil Kim
2B From Nier: Automata credits to the og hentai anime creator, if you want more let me know in the comments!...
404 does not exist.
Vytvořil Azami
A rather simple wallpaper featuring the 404 Squad, from the Mobile Game, Girls Frontline. Feat. UMP45, UMP9, G11 and HK416. Please support the original artist! https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/12078157...
4K 克里斯蒂娜 命运石之门(steins;gate) 水波纹
Vytvořil Swipe
助手呦,快跳到我桌面上来! :el psy congroo 4K 低占用 视情况出无BGM版...
4K & 2K Aurora Lake
Vytvořil こうき
This Aurora Lake Scene which is usable in any resolution New version 1.3 is out after having so many problems i finally fixed it, sorry for any inconvenience. Fixed: Water Speed Size of Stars Clouds...
Akashic Records
Vytvořil Cat™
Aka no Saber
Vytvořil Big guy
Red Saber aka Mordred from Fate/Apocrypha....
Akashic Records - White Cat, Sisti
Vytvořil Melancholy
Nothing like a hot cup of tea...
Albedo アルベド - Overlord | 60FPS, 3840x2160
Vytvořil Gatsu-13
If you want to support me ^^ - https://boosty.to/gatsu13 HERE have a free artwork for the profile Steam with this animation. ^^...
Ancient Skull
Vytvořil HoHoHO
A guy going through a dark cave and finds a giant ancient skull. Is it a warning or maybe there's possible treasure inside. Animations for water, waterfall, boat, light source. All of the water animation took a long time since I had to use a thin brush. ar...
Animated Jeanne d'Arc (alter) - [Fate / Grand Order] with BGM
Vytvořil AEther7
Anime/Game: Fate/Grand order Characters: Jeanne d'Arc (alter) Background music: Fate/Stay night UBW original soundtrack 2 I do not own the artwork, image, song or video. All rights reserved to their respective owners!! I created this wallpaper free for eve...
Vytvořil Nothing
Anime Girl (4K)
Vytvořil Sodd_147
Anime Girl Relaxing 4K 수정본(Modified) original illustration: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=692626...
Anime Original [UltraWide][Animated]
Vytvořil Artuur
Dont forget to subscribe to my workshop and rate the wallpaper....
Audio Visualizer - Ouroboros & Nike Figure (Chun Lo)
Vytvořil Atri||a
An Audio Visualizer featuring: - Artwork by Chun Lo, Check him out at: Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/chunlo Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/chunlo Wallpaper Features: - Pulsing fx - Edge screen vibrations - Subtle fog fx - Nitro - Lighting ...
Asuka Langley
Vytvořil Phalynx
Vytvořil 鹿月
转载的 为你们谋福利吧~~~...
Avowed Strike (Fate Collab Edition) - Shadowverse
Avowed Strike from the game Shadowverse. This is the alternate art version featuring Saber from the Fate series. Upscaled art taken from Discord user Abe20p's 4k resolution wallpaper Google Drive here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9JW_JX01qVPSF...
Azur Lane Kongou sisters
Vytvořil Shepp4rd
Azur Lane Kongou sisters, source by LuZi...
Vytvořil ZewEin
Breath (video version)
Vytvořil Ayaka
Video version of my Breath wallpaper. For higher resolution or customisation check out my application version of Breath. Art by catzz: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1056186...
Blue Moon
Vytvořil Gridim
Made by myself. Beautiful night view. Chill ! (HD)...
Charlotte #1
Vytvořil NieJaa
Charlotte - 友利奈绪 hypnotism wallaper 催眠向壁纸 1080p mute
It's intercepted from anime Charlotte OP mesmeric wallpaper 1920X1080 fps23 mute 截取自夏洛特op 催眠向 睡前盯着桌面看5分钟有助于睡眠(雾) 1080P 无声 帧数23 If u like it, plz Comment or LIKE. And my previous workshop wallpaper : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=108...
Vytvořil RyGuyGamr
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai - Rikka
Vytvořil cuzavr
Иногда людям нравится говорить и мечтать о другом мире, представлять далекое будущее, создавать истории великой любви в своих фантазиях. С рождения и до самой смерти все мы ведем себя именно так, даже не задумываясь над этим. Может, она постыдна и неприятн...
Clannad クラナド – Toki wo Kizamu Uta Instrumental (Vocal, Violin, Piano) Animated Wallpaper Nagisa Ushio 60FPS
Vytvořil Sweet ♡
https://i.imgur.com/3xCIJh6.png Join the community here! I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions about the wallpaper engines as well give you all future news related to animation, artworks and wallpaper engines! - Clannad クラナド – Toki wo Kizamu Uta ...
Clannad クラナド - Dango Instrumental (Viola, Strings, Piano) Animated Wallpaper Nagisa Ushio 60FPS
Vytvořil Sweet ♡
https://i.imgur.com/3xCIJh6.png Join the community here! I'd would love to hear your thoughts and opinions about the wallpaper engines as well give you all future news related to animation, artworks and wallpaper engines! - Clannad クラナド - Dango Instrumenta...
Corruption - Fate/Grand Order
Vytvořil SomethingEPIC
Saber Alter セイバー・オルタナティブ AKA Artoria Pendragon, Arthur Pendragon, and King Arthur from the anime Fate/Grand order Tags: Hot Girl Sexy Woman Women Anime babe Evil Corrupted Dark Crown Stare Dress Black Red Gray Brown Shiny Emo Smoke Dust Fire Sword Weapon S...
Cute Anime girl ٩(- ̮̮̃-̃)۶
Vytvořil Myriam
Just a cute girl sitting behind her pc ^-^ I hope you like it! <3...
Customizable Module Visualizer
Vytvořil Arthesian
Module based Wallpaper. Report Bugs/Enhancements/Requests here: https://bitbucket.org/Arthesian/wallpaper-module-visualizer/issues...
Cyber City Parkour
Vytvořil Big Guy
First wallpaper I made, hope you like it link to background image: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/7ux4io/cyber_city_fu_chenqi/ link to song: https://youtu.be/gyZLBDbR10g...
Darker than Black
Vytvořil 76561198330965013
月光照耀的,是遙遠的過去 幼時的溫暖,留在記憶中的幸福的感覺,現在則是無法觸及的幻影 旋律,讓失去光芒的鉛灰色眼睛泛起漣漪,但無法觸動心靈 與月光一同,一切都消失了 然後,靈魂在徘徊 pixiv id: 53934924...
Darling in the franxx 002 Reflection
While I was browsing Wallpaper engine I found this image that someone had edited and I really liked it and wanted to give it a go. So I went and found the Original unedited Image and had a go at animating it. This is what I came up with. Enjoy!! (Go check ...
DNF - Mistress Second Awakening (BGM - Leshphon)
Vytvořil Wesker
DNF - Mistress Second Awakening (BGM - Leshphon) Dungeon&Fighter(game) 던전앤파이터 미스트리스 2차 각성 pv 중 리디머 부분만 편집했습니다...
Don't Care【1920x1080】
Vytvořil 『Lockon』
Source: Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works Episode 8 Timestamp: 3:33 - 3:35 Anime Information: https://myanimelist.net/anime/22297/Fate_stay_night__Unlimited_Blade_Works Character Name: Saber Note: The quality of the YouTube video is different than the...
Eri- Aoi ogata (4K)
Vytvořil Sodd_147
Eri Aoi ogata Original illustration: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kJ4Ld Happy new year^^...
Vytvořil “爱与和平”
Saber:Altria Pendragon,come from :Fate/Zero...
Fantasy World
Vytvořil 🌸Mrs.Venus🌸
🌸 Thanks for following me my dear follower. :butterfly: If you want, you can join our steam group ^^🌸 https://steamcommunity.com/groups/MrsVenusWallpaperHouse...
Fate/Stay Night (UBW) Rin Tohsaka [1080P]
Vytvořil Restar.main
出自《Fate/Stay Night (UBW)》EP0,自制。 ———————————————————— 画质更新,重新找到了6个多G的第0集蓝光版本。 研究了很多无损的压制方式,画质应该有提升很多。 格式工厂是个画质碾碎机,千万不要用它。...
Vytvořil Севач
Vytvořil Fate
Vytvořil Zabimaru
FATE Arturia Pendragon (Alter)
Vytvořil 大牛是个菜
Pixiv ID: 65913057...
Fate Hollow Ataraxia OP1
Vytvořil 凱因謝爾
Fate Hollow Ataraxia OP1 60FPS Video source:Game recording For learning and communication, not for commercial purposes. Like subscription or point of praise,Thanks for everyone. 游戏自提, 请勿2转谢谢合作 希望大家喜欢 大家如果有什么意见或者建议,希望在下方留言区留言或者在上方点赞收藏 别忘了在wallpaper里帮我评分啊! F...
Fate Dark Saber (1080p 60fps) ~Sword of Promised Victory~
Vytvořil FlawedBliss☂
Dark Saber. On a Throne. With lightning. And dramatic music. What else is there you might want?...
Fate EXTRA Nero Red Saber
Vytvořil UnderFairy
原图:P站@CLare 赤王 Nero ネロ② Origin:Pixiv @CLare 赤王 Nero ネロ② 希望这作不要黑屏~感谢大家的喜欢...
Fate Grand Order Brave Shine
Vytvořil SundayPanda
Fate Grand Order Opening Cinematic with Brave Shine...
Fate Heavens Feel OST - (Sakura)
Vytvořil Mashu
Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel the Movie by TYPEMOON video extracted from : https://youtu.be/zi59WL9LxZY...
fate HF_pv1
Vytvořil choumao
Fate Jeanne d'Arc 2.0 贞德(1080p/60fps) FGO
Vytvořil 咆哮的胸毛毛
Fate Jeanne d'Arc 贞德(1080p/60fps) Fate/Apocrypha Fate/Grand Order FGO add a music and more clarity rain 本人第一次做动态壁纸,喜欢的推荐一下 壁纸来自p站 ID:63634668 2.0版本加入了音乐环绕,更加的清晰,尽量做成循环画面...
Fate Joan of Arc shaking oppai[1920X1080]
Pixiv: id=60392817 breathing&shaking oppai...
Fate Saber阿尔托莉雅·潘德拉贡(1080p 60fps)Alturia Pendragon
Vytvořil 澄闪猪猪侠
Fate Saber 阿尔托莉雅·潘德拉贡(1080p 60fps)Alturia Pendragon illust:しらび http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=60495690 illust:ArseniXC http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=39578544 BGM:梶浦由記 - Point Zero...
Fate Saber
Vytvořil GarGosha
King Arthur Pls Rate me!...
Fate Saber
Vytvořil zalway
fate saber
Vytvořil DustMoon_HCY
用AE+PS做了个动态桌面 如有喜欢的其他人物欢迎留言,我有时间可能会做出来~...
Fate Saber
Vytvořil 大牛是个菜
Pixiv ID: 67906706...
fate saber 凛 bgm:secret
黑丝 乳摇 女仆 bgm:secret...
fate saber 阿尔托莉雅(初秋)
Vytvořil 杨小贱
能和saber一起看日落 真是太好了。 客官,点波订阅呗。(#^.^#)...
Fate Saber Dark Alternative 黒セイバー HD
Vytvořil Viper
Saber Alternative (Artoria Alter) Fate stay night Heaven's Feel Black Saber 黒セイバー オルタ・ゴシックドレス >>Rate up is appreciated!!! saber blackened by the mud from the Shadow "The results of her alteration is not only within Artoria Alter's interior but also extends...
Fate Saber For Every Season
Vytvořil newyorkdragon14
Because she is the cutest in the world...
Fate stay night
Vytvořil 超级东东Super
Fate Stay Night Archer and Rin
Vytvořil Input
Fate Stay Night UBW; Tohsaka and Archer. (Rin best thicc girl)...
Fate Sunny Day
Vytvořil 鱼丸
截取自动漫结尾,傍晚与夜晚循环 更新HD...
Vytvořil 白ちゃん
魔女と聖女 | 阳光和一定量的粒子特效 画师:マシマサキ 夏コミにてフロンティアゲーム様より頒布予定のジャンヌ&ジャンヌオルタになります。 裁定者と復讐者 壁纸图源: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57963734 喜欢贞德的朋友可以订阅哦~ ...
Fate/Apocrypha - Mordred (3440x1440) Ultrawide.
Vytvořil Perkal
Fate/Apocrypha - Mordred Animated Wallpaper....
Vytvořil Mysea
BGM-泠鸢yousa - 星と君が消えた日...
Fate/go ジャンヌオルタ
Vytvořil cefazLEONHART
Please give my background a positive review if you downloaded it and liked it! Also follow my YouTube channel, I upload daily. discord https://discord.gg/7H6ryhs YouTube channel follow me I Uplord everydays https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_UawI1tRMpHEQGG...
Vytvořil 连连
未经画师允许,需要删除请联系我。bilibili:连连aa 之前传错了视频,重新上传了一下...
Fate/go丨Jeanne d'Arc丨1080P丨Effects
Vytvořil 阿雅阿雅阿
From the original @ASK pixivID=1980643 BGM takes the soundtrack from assassin's Creed Ezio Jesper Kyd - Ezio's Family A moving character / hair / background / beam Seamless circulating particles A very hard work, I hope more people pay attention to and sub...
Fate/go Janne
Vytvořil cefazLEONHART
Please give my background a positive review if you downloaded it and liked it! Also follow my YouTube channel, I upload daily. discord https://discord.gg/7H6ryhs YouTube channel follow me I Uplord everydays https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_UawI1tRMpHEQGG...
Fate/GO Lancer
Vytvořil Pink Elf
Fate/go Saber Alter
Vytvořil cefazLEONHART
Please give my background a positive review if you downloaded it and liked it! Also follow my YouTube channel, I upload daily. 请给我的背景一个积极的评论,如果你下载它,并喜欢它! 还要遵循我的YouTube频道,我每天上传。 당신이 그것을 다운로드하고 그것을 좋아한다면 내 배경에게 긍정적 인 리뷰를주세요! 내 YouTube 채널을 따라 가며 매일 업로드합니다. 私が...
Fate/go Saber Alter
Vytvořil cefazLEONHART
Please give my background a positive review if you downloaded it and liked it! Also follow my YouTube channel, I upload daily. 请给我的背景一个积极的评论,如果你下载它,并喜欢它! 还要遵循我的YouTube频道,我每天上传。 당신이 그것을 다운로드하고 그것을 좋아한다면 내 배경에게 긍정적 인 리뷰를주세요! 내 YouTube 채널을 따라 가며 매일 업로드합니다. 私が...
Fate/go Scathach
Vytvořil cefazLEONHART
Please give my background a positive review if you downloaded it and liked it! Also follow my YouTube channel, I upload daily. 请给我的背景一个积极的评论,如果你下载它,并喜欢它! 还要遵循我的YouTube频道,我每天上传。 당신이 그것을 다운로드하고 그것을 좋아한다면 내 배경에게 긍정적 인 리뷰를주세요! 내 YouTube 채널을 따라 가며 매일 업로드합니다. 私が...
Fate/go Saber アルトリア ペンドラゴン
Vytvořil cefazLEONHART
Please give my background a positive review if you downloaded it and liked it! Also follow my YouTube channel, I upload daily. 请给我的背景一个积极的评论,如果你下载它,并喜欢它! 还要遵循我的YouTube频道,我每天上传。 당신이 그것을 다운로드하고 그것을 좋아한다면 내 배경에게 긍정적 인 리뷰를주세요! 내 YouTube 채널을 따라 가며 매일 업로드합니다. 私が...
Fate/Grand Order
Vytvořil PL
Fate/Grand Order BGM : 騎士王の誇り ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪...
Fate/Grand Order
Vytvořil HONG KAI 3rd
Fate/Grand Order - Recharge makes you stronger 我,沖田総司 ,充钱 - Cherry Blossom drop樱花效果-2560*1440
Intercept from Internet and optimize by PS cc 2017 2560*1440 , 300dpi , 64bit depth.Add Cherry Blossom drop effect. 图片来源于网络,由PS cc 2017处理。分辨率2560x1440,300dpi,位深度64。添加樱花飘落效果。 V1.01 add cherry petals follow the mouse 增加樱花花瓣的鼠标跟随 V1.02 Optimized position rela...
Fate/Grand Order 白黒 重置版
Vytvořil GL
原画作者:Azomo pixiv id=65419298...
Fate/Grand Order V3
Vytvořil HONG KAI 3rd
Fate/Grand Order- Ishtar (casual)
Vytvořil illusion
Hello everyone, if you liked you could rate it Thank you ♥...
Fate/Grand Order(纯壁纸变化)
Vytvořil HONG KAI 3rd
Fate/Grand Order: Kiyohime
Vytvořil Kaz
Pic source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.p... Sound source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atELV... Effects made using After Effect CS6...
Fate/Unlimited Blade Works 远坂凛-宝石魔术 (1080p 60fps) tohsaka rin
Vytvořil 澄闪猪猪侠
Fate/UBW 远坂凛 (1080p 60fps)tohsaka rin BGM: Rin:Remembrance~召喚 图:pixiv_id=61321475 illust:しらび pixiv_id=59440693 illust:ArseniXC...
Fate/Unlimited Codes-saber-Arturia Pendragon-Tohsaka Rin-遠坂 凛
Vytvořil [Yd]anpai
Fate/Unlimited Codes-saber-Arturia Pendragon-Tohsaka Rin-遠坂 凛...
Vytvořil 일본한국호주
Saber in the battlefield. - With raining effect - No sound...
Fireflies Above
Vytvořil Lunanella
21:9, 1440p wallpaper with animated water and fireflies. The original artwork can be found here....
Flowerpot [ 1080p • Music ]
Vytvořil @xaker89
Enjoy. Like, share, subscribe! Update 1: preview video added, music added, minor fixes, _______________________ Artwork by Pippi ( ぴっぴ ) Music by Soothing Relaxation #nature #water #relax #landscape...
Forest River [ ♪ Sound+Music ♪ ]
Vytvořil @xaker89
I hope you like it :3 Like, share, award! Update1: sound effect added Update2: river sound + music added For those who liked the old one wallpaper with only sound fx, here you go: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1387179405 p.s Feel f...
Frozen Summer 清凉夏日
Vytvořil 大污师!
★ 夏の夕立っぽい! Pixiv ID: 63884964 Member: 弾(阿弾) https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63884964...
Galaxy Spiral 1080p 30fps
Vytvořil Cruise
Only converted the 4k version to 1080p :)...
Vytvořil KNI | YUNO
Hatsune Miku and Floating Cubes (animated)
Vytvořil moses donut
Hatsune Miku and some floating cubes. Art: 千夜QYS3...
Goblin Slayer 4k UHD 3840 x 2160 Red
Vytvořil S0LU7I0N
Goblin Slayer 4k UHD 3840 x 2160 Red Artwork by Jazz...
Heaven's Feel
Vytvořil Mori
Aspect ratio was a little interesting in this one... Tags: Medusa, Saber, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/Extra, Fate/Grand Order, Heaven's Feel, Unlimited Blade Works, UBW, Fate/Extella, Artoria Pendragon, Excalibur...
HK416 星之茧
Vytvořil 天平狐
From the mobile games ”Girls' Frontline“. “指揮官、わたしがいれば十分ですよ。”...
Honkai Impact 3 - Christmas Night + bgm (圣诞夜狂想曲活动背景音乐)
Vytvořil SpaceJellyfish
❄ Merry Christmas ❄ Effects -Snow -Fireflies & bgm |ω・) Enjoy ~ ~ ~ ...
Hyouka 03 [1080p] - Anime Loop
Vytvořil 255
This animated wallpaper was featuring in the TV anime "Hyouka" (2012). This anime was not made by me. All credits go to the original owners of the anime: - Kyoto Animation (my favourite studio). - Lantis, Kadokawa Shoten, KlockWorx, chara-ani.com, Animatio...
Idolmaster Cinderella Girls - Takagaki Kaede
Vytvořil 時雨♥Shiyu
More bunny girls~~ Feel free to leave any comments and suggestions :) Sobcrob for more :D Follow twitter to request your favourite wallpaper image link: http://konachan.com/post/show/275842/animal_ears-ass-bicolored_eyes-brown_hair-bunny_ea...
Ishtar (Fate/Grand Order) (animated)
Vytvořil moses donut
Every once in a while, the Servants and Masters settle the Holy Grail War with a triathlon instead of a fight to the death....
Ishtar | Fate Grand Order [1920*1080]
Vytvořil Mori
Original Wallpaper made by shu: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=64232478 Bunch o' tags: Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/Extra, Fate/Grand Order, Heaven's Feel, Unlimited Blade Works, UBW, Fate/Extella, Rin...
Vytvořil rimisu
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/523863271502249984/524456368233512970/topborder2.png Anime: Plastic Memories 【プラスティック・メモリーズ】 Background Source Link Character Art Source Link https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/523863271502249984/5238656460780...
Jeanne d'Arc Alter - Fate / Grand Order
Vytvořil Edber97
La Jalter sin terminar (trabajando en movimiento de pelo)...
Kabaneri Of The Iron Fortress
Vytvořil Sodd_147
1920X1200 kabaneri of the iron fortress bgm-Memories 한국어,일본어,영어...
Vytvořil M V K Z
Kancolle - U Got That [1080HD 60FPS]
Vytvořil B z z z
Its not my work, just create and mixing....
Kancolle Bismarck
Vytvořil flame
Vytvořil Jormungand
Kimi No Na Wa 君の名は 你的名字 너의 이름은 Zen Zen Sense & Nandemonaiya [60FPS] [1920x1080]
Vytvořil Abz
https://i.imgur.com/3xCIJh6.png Join the community here! We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions about the wallpaper engines as well give you all future news related to animation, artworks and wallpaper engines! --- 1920 x 1080 60 FPS Animated Kim...
Kimi no nawa Comet
Vytvořil DArkiller21
First ever submission 60 fps recommended...
M82A1_狙击时刻 Shooting time
Vytvořil 大污师!
butterfly M82A1 Pixiv ID: 3468218 Member: コザキユースケ https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=3468218...
Link and Zelda resting (♪♪) (music)
Vytvořil HoHoHO
Link and Zelda sleeping in a beautiful open meadow. Clouds and cloud shadows are animated. Rate if you like it. It helps a lot. Meadow scene without Link/Zelda: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1583243419 Source picture for Link/Zelda...
Mai Sakurajima Bunny Suit [Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai]
Vytvořil GSC_castle
Original Art: しゅにち|お仕事募集中 ...
Medea Lily - Fate/Grand Order
Vytvořil Neph
Fate Grand Order Caster Servant, Medea (Lily). Artist: 純白可憐 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/20778107...
Miss 変態
Vytvořil 𝙊✘
                                                        .................................................................................................................................................................   ☆☆☆☆☆ → Subscribe⁨ ☆☆☆☆ → Workshop⁨ ...
Miko fox (Ver. 2.0)
Vytvořil Snow_Z
"I Love Miko fox" Wallpaper Origin : --> http://i.imgur.com/tDSSzmX.png Music/Song :四ツ目神 ~古都に咲く花~ I like girl fox hahaha =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Can follow me youtube NightcoreVerity : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRi96EvI88xP9eaA_tYiP...
Moonlight Sonata
Vytvořil Deventh
*1920x1080 recommended *Music: 'Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata' Tags: Clouds, Night sky, Moon, Space, Cosmos, Stars;...
Mountain with Stars [1080p 60FPS]
Vytvořil [Cobra] Deppimall
Rerender of http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=831242025 with a seemlessly looped background and without the red and blue stars. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2k 60fps (144MB): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=953390179 4k 60fps (289MB)...
Nao Tomori
Vytvořil John Helldiver
Nao Tomori from anime Charlotte...
Nier Automata
Vytvořil Pascal
Nagishiro Mito's ART 1080p
Vytvořil Daddy
Nagishiro Mito !!! Animated art !!! Music update Kan R. Gao & Laura Shigihara Born A Stranger New wallpaper http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1319234383...
Nier: Automata - I Remember
Vytvořil logi
Пробник :3...
NieR: Automata Amusement Park
Vytvořil Eliza
60 FPS. Original picture/artist found here: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63610968 Music: NieR: Automata OST - Amusement Park (Medium - Vocals) You can turn the music off in settings if you'd like....
NieR: Automata 2B Throne 4K
Vytvořil Nondolias
Depending on your OS settings this wallpaper should fit any resolution despite being 4K....
NieR: Automata OST - Peaceful Sleep (Music Box)
Vytvořil 2B
I do not own this video. Sorry I cannot find the source again on Youtube. I will update it asap....
NieR:Automata 2B
Vytvořil Hex
NieR:Automata 2B Throne 4K (no bottom particles)
Vytvořil Nondolias
Depending on your OS settings this wallpaper should fit any resolution despite being 4K....
NieR:Automata Cute 2B slightly animated
Vytvořil Coldknife2_old
2B animated, effects : Shake, Pulse, Ember, Water Ripple - Slight animation to fingertips, hairtips, eyes, mouth, jaw, flower, hairband (slow moving effect / Shake) - Slight blue tint pulse on eyes - Ember for some particles - Water ripple on the backgroun...
Orange (``)
Vytvořil Fingerfest
Another beautiful artwork by 杉87: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=68126524 _________________________________________________ Write what you think about this wallpaper in the comments Thanks for attention!...
Vytvořil Zendarius
Oregairu - Yukino
Vytvořil Max
🎨Artist: GKN 🎵Music: 1. Replica - Monaca 2. Sannin De Iru Jikan - Monaca 3. Tsunagi Tometa Sekai - Monaca 4. Yui no Ketsui - Monaca ✨Asset: Minimalistic Music Player - Pancakes...
Overlord: Shalltear Bloodfallen
Vytvořil Valentinus999
Shalltear Bloodfallen Шаллтир Бладфоллен シャルティア・ブラッドフォールン Anime Overlord Аниме Повелитель, Оверлорд, Владыка, Лич....
Perfect Wallpaper-完美壁纸【落樱粒子+多风格动态音频响应+自定义+幻灯片+视频壁纸】-steam独此一家
Vytvořil 来杀我呀~
2022/10/23 问题修复:之前的免费天气接口挂了,已找到替换接口,已修复 2022/03/26 小幅更新:樱花增加背景亮度和花瓣数量参数,樱花背景导致的白色背景过亮问题,可以调低背景亮度解决 2022/03/21 小幅更新:优化樱花模块,可以关闭樱花的白色背景和色彩,还增加了樱花反向运动参数,新版完美壁纸已经在开发中了,大家敬请期待 用不明白的小白,音频圈没反应的壁纸用着有问题的,欢迎加群552188051、673748076、1036775823、776830214 或我QQ394011315,也可...
Parasyte - Kana [Audio Reactivity]
Vytvořil p o d
Animuuu!!! Back with an actual attempt at a Parayste wallpaper, I've added a 'cell mode' which kinda makes everything look like its under a microscope cos it seemed fitting :D Enjoy!!...
Vytvořil Lejon
Phosphophyllite from the anime Houseki no Kuni (Land of the Lustrous) Artwork Author Particles removed manually from original image found here My other work from same artist Phosphophyllite Shinsha Diamond...
Vytvořil anothergosick
Princess Mononoke - Animated Wallpaper
Vytvořil CJXander
Illustration : Geina Malavolti (https://www.artstation.com/pokurimio) Animation : CJXander Music : Ni No Kuni 2 OST Join the discord server : https://discord.gg/UQwQ6GF...
Rainy Saber(下雨效果)+BGM(Neighbor's Garden)
Vytvořil 永远的嘉心糖
Pixiv ID: 57561242 BGM:羽肿 - Neighbor's Garden 蟹蟹 荒城旧梦 推荐的BGM...
Rin, Fate UBW...
Reimu with music 灵梦音乐版 1080 60FPS
Vytvořil Aqourz
原作1080系列没有背景音乐,于是自己加了个bgm,侵删。 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=821372791 bgm(background music): CMA - You're Not Alone http://music.163.com/m/song?id=27948638&userid=335902440 NEW: 你们要的东方bgm和完整版··· Another bgm(background music) ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓...
Rokudenashi majutsu koushi to akashic records.
Vytvořil i watch hololive
akashic records. Special thanks to Eimissuper for creating this awesome photo. Made by: ItsD4VID, Eimissuper....
Russian Empire flag
Vytvořil :)
http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/172667621372933648/33BEB1C8EF99CF3DF50BFB0947EC4D31FE5F04A8/ Russian Empire flag blowing in the wind ----------------------------------------- Флаг Российской империи имперский флаг...
RWBY Blake
Vytvořil Hasu^v^
Blake from Team RWBY from the show RWBY...
Saber 3
Vytvořil Ewa
Looped video of Saber from Fate Stay/Night UBW series...
Saber 水着.Ver
第一次做的动态壁纸(;д;) 花了好久才搞懂怎么做TAT... 做的不好还请见谅QAQ... 图片百度的 画师不知道是谁_(:з」∠)_ 希望大家喜欢 欢迎留言 (〃'▽'〃)...
Saber Alter-fate/stay night-HF lost butterfly
Saber Alter-fate/stay night-HF lost butterfly...
Saber Artoria Pendragon[1080P]
Vytvořil shoutingbeast
Hi,me again.This time will be Saber from fate/saty night. Thumbs up&subscribe if u like this work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 自制静改动第十二弹。 内容不多介绍了 。 早些天就做好了,稍微整理了一下。 喜欢就点赞收藏一波。 原画作者P站ID1980643 ASK大佬 BGM 德彪西-亚麻色...
Saber Lily
Vytvořil 76561198330965013
pixiv id: 74340502 BGM: ここから、かなたから ~鹿乃 Cover Ver.~...
Saber Lily (Fate/Grand Order) (animated)
Vytvořil moses donut
Saber Lily / Artoria Pendragon (Fate/Grand Order)...
Vytvořil AkatsukiXv
Vytvořil XOMA
Music: barnacle_boi- - don_t_dwell_Original_Mix_(iPleer.fm)...
Vytvořil MrMelons
Sauron and Armies, taken from Shadow of War promotional art...
Vytvořil 金木研
思い出が 悲しいことだったとしても、 信じて進んでいくんだ。 寂しさを知ってしまって、 挫けそうになっても、 あなたのおかげで、思い出して、強くなれるんだ。 一人じゃないて、あなたのおかげで……ありがとう。...
Shuten Douji Animated/BGM 1600x900
Vytvořil Cownon
Artist: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=5122598 BGM: Flower wind (꽃잎이 날리다) _ Acacia/ 아련한 피아노곡 Just wanted to show appreciation for best girl in Fate series...
Space Immersion
Vytvořil Nuolong
Vytvořil Yosaki Kugatsu
Stardust 星尘
Vytvořil 𝙊✘
私はあなたの心を私の心の中に運びます。 私は彼がいなくても決してありません。どこに行くにしても、あなたは行きます。 そして、それは私の空の星を照らす奇跡です。                             ...
Starry sky
Vytvořil 大污师!
喜欢就订阅吧O(∩_∩)O 稍稍调整湍流特效...
Study Break in the Countryside - Audio Reactive
Vytvořil p o d
Hii back again with something not from another thing... if that makes sense xD I quite like this, super relaxing to me and you can also turn off the audio reactive bit if ya want a performance boost! Enjoy!!...
Summer Saber
In honor to my friend KingKnightSaber....
Vytvořil Athánatos
If this were a different present, Tarkir would be in the clutches of five powerful khans. Deserts and forests would be rife with bloodshed. But this is not that present. This present is not for the khans. This present belongs to dragons....
Vytvořil Rulet
Telephone Awoo by 9Tensai9
Vytvořil Favorito123
*Music* Telephone Number 1984 - MAGICAL Album *Vocals:* 大橋純子(Junko Ohashi) *Characters:* Naoko Takeuchi - CLAMP - Toei Animation - Matt Furie - 上海アリス幻樂団(ZUN) *Illustrations (Pixiv):* Momiji: Natsu no koucha - ま~らいおん - さど - Wool - Maitora - Dav-19 *Cirno:* ...
Tenma Gabriel White
Vytvořil 浅梦
The Black Hole
Vytvořil Mystix
~See my links: (My art, my YouTube, give a tip, etc...) ~ The Black Hole; dense unseen core gravity rips and pulls crimson fiery halo terminal velocity descent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Working with a static image, I added in several effects such as the a circling...
Tohsaka Rin and Archer (2560x1140)
Wallpaper with Tohsaka and Archer, along with looping Tohsaka theme....
Tohsaka Rin [Fate/stay night]
Vytvořil Masquerade
Original artwork: https://wallpapers.wallhaven.cc/wallpapers/full/wallhaven-384721.png Couldn't find the original artist, please let me know if you know the source of this image....
Two Girls
Vytvořil IIIRadJaIII
10 second video excerpt. Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0nX_iEqpwM...
UMP 9 & UMP 45【少女前線】
Vytvořil rimisu
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/523863271502249984/523865646023573505/topborder.png?width=1442&height=294 Game: Girls Frontline / 少女前線 Image Source: ナインの奇襲 | れおえん Do check out my other wallpapers too and leave me a follow if you want to keep up wi...
Uni & Nepgear <3
Calm warm evening...
Violet Evergarden 紫罗兰永恒花园 - 1080P BGM:Sincerely 320kpbs Circular Edition 循环版
Intercept from and optimize by PR cc 2017. BGM - TRUE - 「Sincerely」320kpbs/48kHz Video - 1920*1080/25fps 喜欢的话点赞、关注一波吧 If u like it, plz Comment or LIKE. And my previous workshop wallpaper : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1315872123...
Violet Evergarden №5 [1920x1080]
Original - https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=901101 Track - Evan Call - Theme of Violet Evergarden...
Violet Evergarden - Rain
Vytvořil LnD Lyoko
Violet crying in the downpour...
Vytvořil 大污师!
painter:GUWEIZ https://www.deviantart.com/guweiz/art/War-707139675 原创动效 Original animation effects ...
Warship Girl
Vytvořil GSC_castle
Original Art: Bison倉鼠 ...
Warship GirlR-CV16
Vytvořil 在雨里杀肖邦
hello,咱没事干又做了一个壁纸 这次的壁纸是谁的话标题说的很清楚了,我又开了一个巨坑,所后我会把太太的补上0v0 希望各位喜欢QwQ...
Vytvořil XOMA
Xuě nǚ // Snow Girl 【方舟指令: 雪女】
Vytvořil rimisu
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/523863271502249984/525377830557581332/xmastopborder.png?width=768&height=150 Not sure how you call this character in english, but if you directly translate this, it litterally means snow girl (pronounced as Xuě nǚ)a...
Youjo Senki
Vytvořil Do you like bread?
My first wp, pls enjoy...
Youjo Senki Tanya
Vytvořil Taka
Youmu Konpaku - Touhou Project (東方Project)
Youmu from the Touhou game series. Original source here: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=65002165 Animated hair, eyes, clothes, myon, gleaming blade, slight movement around hands, glowing slash effects, fog effects and glass p...
Vytvořil Tyvere
I take no credit for the art, all effects and animation are done by me Enjoy the wallpaper...
[少女前線] Girls Frontline - UMP45, UMP40, UMP9
Girls Frontline - UMP45, UMP40, UMP9 Artist - Nurim Nurim's Pixiv Nurim's Youtube Nurim's Twitter Music - Nisha Labyrinth (Vocal. Sophiya) (KR, Eng Ver.)|Elsword...
[少女前线] 404 NOT FOUND
Vytvořil 76561198330965013
姐妹情深 pixiv id: 72036441...
[東方] 永遠の紅い幼き月 Remilia Scarlet
Vytvořil 76561198330965013
emmmm 睡不著來測試一下Wallpaper Engine的新功能 這張壁紙是有BGM的哦~因為是紅魔館大小姐的關係 當然就一定是東方廚耳熟能詳的那首名曲嘛www pixiv id: 59418202...
[東方] 悪魔の妹 Flandre Scarlet
Vytvořil 76561198330965013
既然都做了大小姐的壁紙,二小姐不也來一下實在說不過去 為了搭配BGM特地選了比較狂氣的圖當素材 其實二小姐就像大家平常看到的絕大多數同人圖畫的那樣,是人畜無害的可愛蘿莉哦XDDD 原圖 pixiv id: 49403203 BGM: 绯色月下、狂咲ノ絶 http://music.163.com/song?id=22785282...
[4K] Blade Runner City
Vytvořil ruby was here
ブレードランナー Do you like this wallpaper? Feel free to show your appreciation by going to my profile and awarding it. Thank you! ATTENTION: I was given full permission to post this file with the original authors consent. This was created by a redditor named Jak...
[1080p] Steins Gate Okabe & Kurisu by Mr.Paperbaghead
Vytvořil Papamation
For commissions, feel free to contact me by comment/add or discord! ^-^ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◂ 💖Discord💖 ▸▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◂ 💖Support💖 ▸▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬...
[AMV] - Diversity
Vytvořil Skos
Song: Madeon - Pop Culture Anime list: 1. Accel World 2. Anohana Movie 3. Maria Holic 4. Bakemonogatari 5. Ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii 6. Hyouka 7. Madoka Magica 8. Yumekui Merry 9. Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai 10. Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei 11. Eden of ...
[EVA]Komm susser Tod-ASUKA
Vytvořil shoutingbeast
HI,long time no see. IT'S ME!! Dynamic wallpaper from EVA.You don't want to know how much effort I spent on this piece of work...But still hope you guys will like it. ;) --------------------------------------------------------------- 好久不见哈,你们要的第13弹 依旧是来自AS...
[Fate/Grand Order] 薔薇之皇帝 -尼祿- Nero Claudius
Vytvořil 76561198330965013
"門を開け!独唱の幕を開けよ! 我が才を見よ! 万雷の喝采を聞け! しかして讃えよ! 黄金の劇場を!" 已經數不清這是我第幾張紅傻巴的壁紙了說2333 pixiv id: 66785679...
[E] Megumin Magic - KonoSuba (Vell)
Vytvořil vell
I was trying to get her magic to turn on and off... but i cant get it to work so its just always on. Megumin by セブンデイズホリディ(pixiv) Background http://getwallpapers.com/image/410879 If you enjoy my animations and would like to show support you can https://i.i...
[FGO] Jeanne Alter
Vytvořil Shingen
Fate/Grand Order Jeanne d'Arc Animated wallpaper...
[Request] - Girls' Frontline - Mr_Frommu
Vytvořil Atri||a
Requested by: Mr_Frommu Enjoy....
[SSSS Gridman] 宝多六花GIF 1080p(Takarada Rikka GIF in 1080p)
Takarada Rikka lies on bed looking at you, then move her sight. ...
{萌系}Fate冲田总司 [樱花飘落]
Vytvořil 维c柠檬
pixiv id=60977236 原画作者描述:桜とセイバー(沖田総司/菊一文字則宗)を描きました 菊花を描くつもりだったけど、今年もそろそろ桜の季節ですね、ねー --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 萌系的樱saber搭配樱花飘落特效真是美极了⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ -----------------------------------------...
{1920x1200} Mordred - Saber Of Red
Vytvořil Solo
Mordred From Fate/Apocrypha...
明日方舟 Arknights 企鹅物流 2K 30fps
Vytvořil AyaCerberus
原图作者幻象黑兔 图片来自明日方舟游戏内资源 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM来自明日方舟游戏内资源 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 明日方舟 Arknights 企鹅物流 2K 1080p 30fps Bilibili预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av51837311 1080P Version https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails...
Vytvořil 稚忻壁纸
emmmm,我是知道生日是上周的事情了!但是有什么办法嘛...上班什么的事情,怎么能叫鸽呢! BGM:MONACA - 空音 P站ID:73572009(侵删) 后期:本机 个人主页:http://space.bilibili.com/5635838(BILIBILI)...
Cold Winter
Vytvořil Siroh
Another Wallpaper for you people out there. Im not really the best in it, but im atleast trying. The Music is slowly getting louder. Hopefully you like it and i hope you have a great day. Music - https://youtu.be/x2YlbiyiuMc Pic - https://wall.alphacoders....
Vytvořil KanNASeeU
Version 1.0 -Smoothing Dressing Movement -Minor Tweaks If you enjoy it and want me do more wallpaper just leave me a comment below, and let me know which wallpaper I should do next :)...
Scherzo of Iron and Blood - Bismarck [Azur Lane]
Vytvořil vduperson
A wallpaper to celebrate the edition of Bismarck during the Scherzo of Iron and Blood Event....