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Bayonetta ENB (Colour Correction)
Por Mother
This simple guide will help you to install the ENB wrapper for Bayonetta, which will allow you to configure colour correction & shader presets for the game.
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What is ENB?
Originalmente postado por Boris Vorontsov (ENBDev):
ENBSeries is the project of graphic modifications for games. The main idea is to allow every gamer to configure how game looks like for their own taste, so every player could share settings with others. Many games may look much better and ENBSeries is the easiest way to improve them.
- Boris Vorontsov (ENBDev[]

Some other colour correction/graphic mods out there simply apply a filter over the game's rendered visuals, resulting in image quality loss. Instead, ENBSeries overrides the game's in-built shaders and allows you to configure your own.
Getting Started
1. Configuring your graphic settings
First, ensure that your in-game graphic settings are set to High (if your system is strong enough to support it). In my experience, not doing so can cause your preset to break. Here are the settings I use:

Note: For those who use downsampling - I've found that ENB works fine with it, but you might want to play at a native resolution if you experience performance issues. ENB can be quite resource intensive.

2. Installing the ENB wrapper
If you haven't already, download the files above.
Open the ENBSeries Bayonetta .zip file, and extract the contents from the WrapperVersion folder to your root game directory (/steamapps/common/Bayonetta/). Your game directory should look something like this:

(New files/folder highlighted)

(Optional) Replacing the default ENB preset
The default ENBSeries preset doesn't change a whole lot by itself - so if you wish to replicate the look and the feel of the video above, you can download and install my preset (in the downloads section above). You can also use it as a basis for your own preset, and modify the configuration further (covered further below).

To install the preset, simply overwrite the following 3 files now in your Bayonetta game directory with the files from the preset .zip:
  • enbeffect.fx
  • enblocal.ini
  • enbseries.ini

3. Testing your configuration
Launch Bayonetta - if installed correctly, the ENB wrapper should display the following text at startup (top-left hand of the screen, during the SEGA/Platinum intro videos):

If you don't see the above text, make sure you properly completed Step 2 above. Other troubleshooting advice I can recommend is to turn off your antivirus software, or to try disabling the Steam overlay.

If you DO see the text above (and you're using the preset provided), you're done! Continue to play the game in its full-coloured glory! You can also press Shift+F12 at any time to toggle between the game's default rendering and your ENB preset.

(Optional) Changing your configuration
If you wish to further adjust the configuration, open the ENB overlay (Shift+Enter by default), and play around with the settings.

Just a side note - in my experience, using the in-built APPLY CHANGES, LOAD CONFIGURATION and SAVE CONFIGURATION buttons do NOT work - instead they just reset everything back to default. So If you've found a mix of settings that you like, I highly recommend taking a screenshot (Print Screen) with the settings window open, and manually adjusting the respective values in the following files (using a simple text editor like Notepad):
  • enbeffect.fx
  • enblocal.ini
  • enbseries.ini
Uninstalling ENB is as simple as deleting the files you copied over in the previous steps. Duh!
Known Issues
Here's a (non-comprehensive) list of issues I've encountered while using the ENB wrapper for Bayonetta:
  • Screen tearing (particularly during cutscenes)
  • Witch Time lens distortion effect not showing
  • Visual artifacts accompanying some particle effects (motion trails, bright red explosions, etc.)
  • Broken sky/water textures (either rendering incorrectly or not at all)
  • Toggling ambient occlusion can cause shadows on invisble geometry
Let me know if you encounter any more, or are aware of fixes to these.
Thanks to Boris Voronstov (ENBDev) for creating the ENBSeries mod:
13 comentários
ID01007 11 out. 2022 às 2:53 
Mother  [autor] 1 out. 2021 às 1:58 
Hi Delta, I've updated the guide with a dropbox link.
Delta 30 set. 2021 às 18:28 
can you reupload link for your preset? the website is now discontinuted
GabrielHL4 29 set. 2021 às 16:13 
thank you for the advice
Roy 28 jul. 2021 às 13:34 
Nice. The drab coloring was keeping me from playing. Installing now :cupup:
Pink Dude 4 jul. 2021 às 15:56 
Another fix for the screen tearing is to go into enblocal.ini and find EnableVsync=false and change it into EnableVsync=true
Khepppppjhfsjfhsjjf 10 jan. 2021 às 0:46 
Thanks! Now I can finally make the game as colorful as the sequel :purplemagiclolli:
bwdm 7 jan. 2021 às 6:04 
This is great.
Also worked on Ubuntu (Proton), but loading became 10X slower for me and also crashed once.
(Sheep)TacoTuesday 27 jun. 2020 às 21:18 
thank you so much! The game looks so much better than before!
Mother  [autor] 26 jun. 2020 às 23:10 
Hey TacoTuesday, I've uploaded the preset to Dropbox as well: