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My GOOD Singleplayer Maps
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Articles (6)
Gates v2
Créé par ShogunPlus
A set of test chambers utilizing the lifeform sensor. A lifeform sensor tutorial MIGHT be posted here at some point in the future if I ever finish it. Enjoy! All major issues should be fixed, but please let me know if there are any you spotted! Thanks to t...
Cubography I
Créé par ShogunPlus
A simple batch of mini-tests focusing on the different ways to use a cube....
Cubography II
Créé par ShogunPlus
This time GLaDOS had a change of heart! ...and let Wheatley take the wheel for test production, meaning more deadly tests with a few new things thrown into the mix of test elements....
Créé par ShogunPlus
Well, I was digging around Aperture's Standardized Testing Track blueprints, and I noticed one test was marked on an older version of one of the blueprints. Turns out the reason for the entire test's removal was the lack of surveilance and the deterioratio...
Créé par ShogunPlus
As it turns out, there was more than one of these old tests. Infact, there were three... They seem to just be scattered all around Aperture, and have little-to-no correlation between them. Anyways, I brought you to the second one I found, labled on the blu...
Créé par ShogunPlus
Here it is. The final of the three tests. From what I've gathered so far, these tests were very early prototypes of tests now used on actual testing tracks throughout the facility. I still have no idea why they were completely abandoned instead of repurpos...