

430 ratings
Legendary Character: The Rice Man
By The Machiavellian Gooner
A single man colony experience that pushes the limits of human power.
Rice Man. Rice. Brown rice. Straw. Japan. Fox girl. Sex. Sin. Vietnam. Weeaboo Ted Kaczynski.
Mods needed
Sub-section 1:
You need several essential mods which enable the Rice Man character. They are listed below. Kurin are needed because kurin usually have okay plant skill and make for good slaves.

HugsLib always essential
JecsTools for Alien Races
Psychology for optimal rice happiness
EdB Prepare because Rice Man can be only one man colony
ResourcePackCore through Japanese bread - All essential mods adding rice, rice related things
Bad Hygiene to defecate in rice field for fertilizer
Locks Prison Labor for slae
Alien Races for Kurin
Kurin and Translation, Kurin fox girls make good slaves to work rice fields, translation because you are 14 year old white kid and do not speak any language except English and maybe Spanish because you are forced to take it in high school
Sidearms, need two sword for Rice Man
Haul, Allow tool, Achtung - Quality of life makes starting easier, faster
Hunt for Me , make use of useless animals by forcing them to kill your enemies and also deer
Smokeleaf, force your slaves to create marijuana, sell marijuana to poor people, do not smoke smokeleaf marijuana because it is bad for you and makes Rice Man lazy and makes rice production slow down which can lead easily death

Sub-section 2:
The following mods are optional but greatly enhance the Rice Man colony and makes it far easier to handle some random events which would otherwise be useless.
Milkable, milk slave kurin it isn't gay because fox is girls also not furry because furry gay not fox girls neko anime isn't homosexual and straight hetero girls sex, not pedophile or gay just need nutrients
Show hair, Rice Man has hair and hat, looks cooler with hat. Also might be important to have.
TANUKI, add raccoon dogs.
Shiba Wanko, name says wank like wank like masturbate sex which is funny, also add shiba doge funny ironic meme caption doge imgflip.
Let's Have a Cat! + Patches, need to add cats because cats actually wortheless and can eat if more cats spawn but if don't eat cats and only rice then add mood buffs to happiness from owning cats, I recommend kill extra cats though because eat food defecate on floor.
Awoolf. Awoo. Cute sexy anime girl noise wolfs but not sex wolf only wolfgirl anime girl no wolf bestiality furry anthro sex gross homosexual sin ancestor crying grandparent disappoint sex dog. Bad. Sex wolfgirls but not in real life, only masturbate anime. Otaku weeaboo gross dingy mother basement ejaculate tissue paper eat ramen and fat. Become bad. All disappoint. Do not masturbate anime women.
Prepare Carefully
Once modifications set up, choose Crashlanded because every other scenario is for weak virgins who probably have sex with holes cut into body pillow of Naruto characters.
Optimal seed used for guide is Rice Man, but you can choose different seed if you are virgin.

Make sure to stay away from Kurin settlements in jungles, swamps, rainforests, because the Kurin have bases and battle tactics which would make even the most battle hardened black pajama'd rice farmer squint his eyes fully shut and run directly into napalm and clouds of Agent Orange faster than he can scream "XUNG PHONG, XUNG PHONG!!!", or would make your grandfather have a panic attack and break down from Vietnam War shell shock faster than I can shout "Mau mau, chơi! Bắn! You play, G.I.!!!" at him through his window.

Kurin everywhere else should be pretty easy to r-word and pillage.

Anyway, I landed right here. You need a fat river too, or else you'll starve or whatever probably.

Let's get into the best part of this - creation of Rice Man.
First, give every colonist 0 to every skill, give them only the Abrasive trait, make them 14, and give them the Angry Student backstory. Give them major Alzheimers too. Then, just remove them. This gives you the maximum point return on Prepare Carefully.
While preparing Rice Man, be sure to give him a serious heatstroke. Hopefully you aren't a complete mental defective like Frank Jameson or a boy-loving pedophile like Lawrence Albert Conner and didn't choose a spot that's going to be 100 degrees upon arrival. The point here is to give him a mini stroke that will go away once landed, but still counts as a defect health condition in Prepare Carefully and adds points to the pool.
Below is what your Rice Man should be. Notice how smart I am to prepare carefully and NOT GO OVER MY POINT POOL, and also NOT CHEAT BY NOT USING POINT LIMITS.

Bring some chickens along too. Or don't. Once your character is good, equipment is totally optional.

Did you just land? Nice job. Immediately unforbid everything and have Rice Man grab his weapons.
The first focus is to build a massive field of Jpanociaica (Japanonica? (Japonica.)) rice and then a tiny hut (that will become a massive room later in the game). You need a wood powered generator and maybe a battery, but powered lamps are for losers. Immediately begin building your rice field. After a successful harvest of Japonica rice, thresh all that sheyut into some brown rice. Don't carefully separate it, you don't need white rice yet. Semi-aquatic rice will come later, so don't worry about that. Rice will progress as your food needs progress. Generally, after building the tin pot and spamming "Cook simple meal (5)" (Yes, you cook 5 simple meals at a time.) and making enough simple rice meals to last you an eternity, you can do whatever you'd like. One would also like to capture a few wandering Kurin travelers to use as stone cutters / menial labor workers / "Comfort Prisoners" if you use a mod that I will not name to lower chances of my guide being taken down. Pretty much all colonists should be captured. By recruiting a colonist, Rice Man receives sex. This is bad because sex is a sin and guarantees that Rice Man goes to hell at the end of the game instead of escaping. Because you are a humble Rice Man, the main bedroom should be absolutely massive. 10x12 works for me, I think. Reserve one corner for a very small private bathroom. Have your prisoners get a basic toilet and manual shower to save resources. Also, give your prisoners a water supply separate from yours. Make sure that the Rice Man supply has a water treatment plant. You can't waste that luxury on your rice slaves. If you have Smokeleaf Industry, you can begin smokeleaf farming after you have ensured you will not starve for at least three winters. I also recommend you make a metric f*ck ton of yayo because Rice Man will probably have a mental break without the nurturing bosom of Mother Cocaine. Your Rice Man colony should be fully automatic by now and you are free to research everything as you please. By having a simple legendary futon or statue in your room, you will have no environment based mood debuffs. Unfortunately, every other winter or so, Rice Man will need to buckle down and turn all the 15,000~ Inaho he has accumulated into brown rice, which will be cooked, and the straw will be used to make sexy floor tatami and zabuton seats and dope hats and sandals. Research is pretty much the daily life of Rice Man at this point. Getting to the starship plans as fast as possible requires *some* cocaine usage. Cocaine is great. I'm writing this guide at 124 WPM because of cocaine. Anyway, after getting starship plans, literally just buy everything you need from a trader. Hopefully the Kurin wont still be mad at you for kidnapping those two girls to use as rice slaves / "Comfort Prisoners." Hopefully you remembered to buy some neurotrainer tech cores to research faster, and hopefully you remembered to use them on your weapons researching. Before turning your starship on, make sure you have a good amount of turrets and traps. You should also maybe craft samurai armor, too. And an Oda sword, or whatever they're called. Anyway, kill your raiders, set your Kurin slave girls free (or don't and leave them to rot in their cells (or force them to come with you after Stockholm Syndrome manifests)) and board your star ship. Congrats. You experienced the ultimate one man colony.

Midway through my Rice Man colony, I had killed three thrumbos with only the Rice Mans katana. I had to reload saves several times because he kept beheading the Kurin slave girls before they were able to be knocked unconscious and captured. Rice Man successfully defended against a raid of 8 club-toting people, simply by charging and beheading the first woman immediately, then turning and removing the arms of the friendly gentlemen swinging a club at him, dodging every hit, and finally cutting the neck of the friendly mask woman swinging a spear at him, causing the raiders to flee.

Rice Man suffered a single injury - a shoulder bruise.

After finishing as Rice Man, my final missing limb tally was a single missing right toe, which had been lost previously to a thrumbo.
Rice Man was addicted to cocaine.
Rice Man suffered no permanent injury scars.
Rice Man is a legendary human, and his sprawling rice fields will remain for generations after he has gone.
TwentyFour24242 Jul 25 @ 4:47am 
should add the punji stick mod to the list tbh
Fhe Jul 20 @ 7:54pm 
is this the true kenshi experience?
IliterateAshole Feb 4 @ 7:41pm 
I am confused by almost every word.
emytones2805 Dec 19, 2023 @ 3:07pm 
Dr_CheekClapper Dec 13, 2023 @ 3:40pm 
TLDR; so you're a furry?
The Machiavellian Gooner  [author] Sep 25, 2022 @ 8:52pm 
Don't be a chud.
Lightningcrush Sep 25, 2022 @ 8:02pm 
Darkcell, you are not a legendary rice man.
Lightningcrush Sep 25, 2022 @ 8:01pm 
Trau you a disgusting degenerate, slick thats quite a gigachad thing to say.
Julio Sep 12, 2022 @ 8:17am 
I'm from southeast Asia, this guide is truly realistic and accurate.
Shrimp Knubs Sep 11, 2022 @ 3:22pm 
@Lightningcrush Based :trump: