Arma 3
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Evannex: AI vs AI - Altis
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Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Coop, Zeus
Scenario Type: Air, Infantry, Vehicles
Scenario Map: Altis
Mots-clés : Tag Review
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23 mars 2019 à 0h37
3 nov. 2019 à 4h12
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Evannex: AI vs AI - Altis

Arma 3 - AI vs AI Gamemode.

Zones are randomly generated around the map you need to capture these zones by completing objectives and killing the AI within the zone. It's endless, zones keep spawning when you complete them! This game mode does not require any player input. AI will command themselves, leaving players to do as they wish without having to micro manage the AI. Essentially chaos unfolds between the AI. All units in the pictures are AI controlled aside from myself.

This is my first ArmA 3 mod. I also mainly made it for myself. This gamemode is also based off Invade & Annex which is very similar. I did not use their framework because I wanted to learn the SQF language and thought it would be fun to make my own version. Therefore it does not include the same things. You can view the code if you wish. I just wanted a gamemode where I can screw around and do what I want.

This gamemode is not really finished either.

You'll find the mission file through hosting your own server. This can be done in the MP menu. It currently only adds the mission to Altis. Others maps can easily be added. You can also change the server params to your liking as there's a few.

What do I do?:
What ever you want... fly a jet, be a gunner in a tank or be a sniper. You can kill your own friendly if you really wanted too.. They do respawn.

None. This mod does not require any other mods.

Supported Mods:
Some things may be missing, that comes down to me not knowing what's the best from other mods.

Capturing a Zone:
In-order to capture a zone most enemies need to be dead along with the objectives completed. The most important objective to complete is destroying the radio tower. Failure to do so will mean more enemy reinforcements will keep arriving.

Customizable & dynamic systems (Includes mission parameters)
Mini central intelligences controlling both enemy & friendly AI
Friendlies can mark enemies on the map
Friendly transport & evac (Includes helicopters & vehicles)
Friendly vehicles & helicopters & jets
Friendly units respawn as a different unit
Friendly squads which do the objectives (Includes side missions)
Enemies can garrison structures
Recruitable friendly units
Custom factions from other mods
Randomly generated enemy zones (Includes the objectives)
Randomly generated side missions
Randomly generated enemy & friendly units
Randomly generated base defences
Randomly generated mines within the zone
Random enemy group formations, combat styles & speed
Utilizes compositions
Spawnable vehicles
Easy to add support for custom maps
Teleport to zone button
Virtual support
Zeus support
Virtual arsenal
Networked tasks
DLC support
Co-op support

Types of Friendlies:
Ground Units - Units which come in as support
Attack Vehicles - Vehicles that come in as support
Attack Jets - Jets that come in as support
Transport/Evac Helicopters - Helicopters that aid in transporting players and friendly units
Transport/Evac Land Vehicles - Vehicles that aid in transporting players and friendly units
Objective Squads - Squads that complete the zone objectives
Base Defense - Base defense

Transport Usage:
Players can utilize the same transport AI use. Players can get in with other AI or alone. The transport can account for only having a single player enter the vehicle. When transport reaches its destination, it will automatically eject you and your friendly units.

Being a transport driver:
Players can transport friendly units using any vehicle. In-order to become a driver you need a vehicle, simply spawn one. Once you have a vehicle there's a marker next to the area where you recruit the AI. You'll see a white marker on the grass behind them. Drive/land on it and wait.

It will keep spamming messages within the chat. If you get the message 'No groups waiting or not enough seats...'. This means you either don't have enough seats to account for a group, or, there're no groups waiting for transport.

The message 'Group(s) found!' means a group has been found and has been commanded to enter your vehicle. Wait for them do to so. It will continue trying to find groups even if this occurs.

When you reach the zone use the 'Eject Units' to eject the units from your vehicle.

This mod does include the DLCs. It may or may not use them, it depends on what the AI wants to do.

Other maps:
This mod can be applied to any map as long as you have the scripts and placed the correct map markers.

The mod does have bugs so expect them. I have left this mod running for about half a day it still ran fine aside from minor bugs, take note that the garbage collector does not always delete everything, seems to be a bug in Arma. The longer you run the mission the more things that get left lying around causing more lag. You can enter into Zeus and delete these things. It's usually invisible dead AI which I can't delete via scripts for some reason.

The AI sometimes does not listen to the scripts commanding them, this can cause some bugs to occur.

Source Code:

J.Shock - Shock's Building Garrison Function - Garrisons units into buildings
Quiksilver - Soldier Tracker - Shows units on the map.
Quiksilver (Again) - Invade & Annex gamemode which this was inspired from
Discussions populaires Tout voir (22)
27 oct. 2022 à 22h39
20 janv. 2023 à 1h38
Adding to a server
27 oct. 2022 à 21h25
How can i change the AI to IFA3 Units?
605 commentaires
JDM Ghymkana 12 mai à 7h39 
jmellinger473 what is your problem bro, getting all angry for nothing , calm down
Hatwox 7 mai à 11h22 
great. you take offense to a positive thing and then dont answer.

Anyway , the ai script seems like its very heavy. Even setting ai squad to 1. it spawns lots of ai and cas and then chugs down.
setting friendly ai off gives better fps , but that kinda defeats the point.
But its still good. Atleast i dont have to buy a dedicated server just to play invade and annex alone
Hatwox 6 mai à 15h59 
Isn't it clear? I am praising the modder

anyway now that i've caught you. Do you know if there is anyway to improve performance? neither my cpu nor my gpu is stressed and it still lags down to 17-29 fps.
Other stuff goes up to 60....mostly....(its arma)

also.. what does the setting "Garrison" do. And what does "Set zone randomly" mean? Are there fixed locations otherwise?
jmellinger473 5 mai à 2h21 
I Have supported this Evannex thread for years..what's your point !! ! ! !
jmellinger473 5 mai à 2h19 
HATWOX!!! what's your point!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hatwox 4 mai à 11h45 
you and other modders... are wonders..
I can code but me and anyone who i know who can code won't dare touch any modding thing because the time that goes into learning , not the language , but the bullshit of it. writting code and it not listening to you. the company not telling you exactly what its doing internally.. and ofc the other "Cracker" type modders who somehow write entire frameworks or breakdown the engine and then insert their own code to make it better basically making your ego/confidence go from "i can do it" to "wgat?" brutal
you awesome
idk if the mod is
but i like the whole "I didn't work on the framework cause i wanted to learn sqf"
jmellinger473 24 avr. à 18h33 
Here the exxanex creator's youtube tutorial on how to do that
Smooth.Wrinkle™ 24 avr. à 11h13 
What is the easiest way to port this to another map? can i just open this scenario in the editor and copy/past or copy at least the markers and what not into another map? seems like it is probably the way to go as i have noticed this game mode across many maps however some new maps have yet to receive it. (a friend has asked for a port and is unable to make it work)
FurryFailure 15 avr. à 3h33 
For those unaware, you can edit the mission file's description.ext and spawnlists to change units and factions, or with enough patience, and using Alive unit creator, make an entirely new faction. Theres also a second file i forget the name of that also needs editing, has a list of current factions.

Quite amazing what you can do with Evannex using the right tools and looking in the right places.

My next step is trying to port it to a new map, already got Altis overhauled with custom scripts and whatnot lol.
FemboyTears 29 mars à 13h19 
How do I spawn a vehicle? It says "simply spawn it" I found the player vehicle pad but there's no spawner nearby. Is it only possible as Zeus? When I get in an AI helicopter and take controls it just explodes once I leave the area.