人类一败涂地 / Human Fall Flat

人类一败涂地 / Human Fall Flat

[NEW] Human Workshop: Node Graph Reference Guide
由 Mildred Bumble 和其他 2 人合作完成
This brand-new guide provides a much more detailed look at the Node Graph System and gives you a breakdown of the three main types of node that you'll come across when building your levels and lobbies - Event Nodes, Logic Nodes and Action Nodes. It also details what each node is typically used for, as well as listing the component parameters for each node.
Node Graph Nodes - Inputs and Outputs

Each Node Graph can have multiple Inputs and Outputs. These can be used to keep the node graph tidy and allow quick duplication of sub-node graphs. The parent game objects node graph will contain a node representing the child node graph with its corresponding inputs and outputs.

Any compatible signal script component that is added to the parent object, or child object (if the child object does not have a node graph script) will appear on the parent node graph. The node graph can be displayed by pressing show graph on the node graph component.

Component Parameters:
Input Size – How many inputs
Node Graph Input Name – A title to easily identify the input
Output Size – How many outputs
Node Graph Output Name – A title to easily identify the output
Event Nodes - Trigger Volume

The Trigger Volume node can be used for detecting any game object entering or leaving a trigger collider. This node requires a collider component set to trigger to function correctly. It can check for one or more colliders and it can also output different values depending on whether the collider it's checking for is inside or outside the Trigger Volume.

By default, it will output a value of 1 when the player enters the trigger collider, this can be changed to another collider in the scene.

The Trigger Volume can also be used to directly activate on entry or deactivate on exit of game objects within the scene.

Component Parameters:
Collider To Check For – Which collider in the scene to check has entered the Trigger Volume (by default this is the player's collider)
Additional Colliders Size – How many additional colliders in the scene to check
Additional Collider Element – Which additional collider to check for in the scene
Output Value Inside – What value to output when collider has entered the Trigger Volume
Output Value Outside – What value to output when collider has exited the Trigger Volume
Activate On Enter Size – How many objects to activate when collider enters Trigger Volume
Activate On Enter Element – Which game object to activate when collider has entered Trigger Volume
Deactivate On Exit Size – How many objects to deactivate when collider enters Trigger Volume
Deactivate On Exit Element – Which game object to deactivate when collider has entered Trigger Volume
Track Colliders - If this is true, colliders are tracked as they enter/leave the Trigger Volume and the Trigger Volume will deactivate only if no colliders are inside. Otherwise it will deactivate when any collider leaves, even if others remain in the Trigger Volume
Event Nodes - Signal Distance

The Signal Distance node outputs the distance between two game objects.

Component Parameters:
Transform 1 – The object to calculate distance from
Transform 2 – The object to calculate distance to
Event Nodes - Signal Velocity

The Signal Velocity node can be used to calculate and output the velocity of a game object with a rigid body component.

Component Parameters:
To Dead Velocity - Velocity when coming to a dead stop
To Velocity - Velocity when coming to top speed
Relative Body - Body to which the relative velocity will be calculated
Body - Body which the velocity should come from
Event Nodes - Control From Angle

The Control From Angle node outputs a value based on the current angle of a game object around a single axis and some other parameters which need to be set.

Component Parameters:
Use Parent Location - A flag to say whether to use the information for location coming from a parent game object
Axis – The axis in which to check rotation
Range Rotations – The amount of rotations in the range
Allow Negative – Allows the node to output a negative value
Clamp Full Rotation – Clamps the value
Calculate Angle Correctly – Uses a different method for calculating the angle
Reset To Zero On Restart – Ensures the value is set back to zero on restart
Event Nodes - Signal Time

The Signal Time node is a timer that outputs the current time since the timer was started. It can be reset and can output a value of one if max value reached from a separate output.

Component Parameters:
Start Timer On Signal – Whether to start the timer when it receives an input value or whether it starts when the level is loaded
Reset Timer On Signal – Allows the timer to be reset when it receives an input value
Max Value – The maximum value the timer can be
Reset At Max Value – Reset the timer if the max value is reached
Hold Time – The length of time the Max Value Reached outputs a value for before resetting
Logic Nodes - Signal Combine

The Signal Combine contains several operators that are very useful for creating game logic. The node takes multiple inputs and has operators for common AND/OR/XOR logic as well as mathematical operators and a min and max operators.

This node will not appear in the node graph until the amount of inputs has been set.

Component Parameters:
Operation – Selects which operator to use
Inputs Size – How many inputs to use
Invert – If ticked, outputs the inverse value

And – Outputs a value of one if all inputs are greater than one
Or – Outputs a value of one if any of the inputs are greater than one
Xor – Outputs a value of one if the amount of inputs giving a value greater than one is odd
Sum – Outputs the sum of all the inputs
Mul – Multiplies the inputs together and gives this as an output
Max – Outputs the input with the highest value
Min – Outputs the input with the lowest value
Logic Nodes - Signal Math Compare

The Signal Math Compare node is for comparing values and has several mathematical operators. The node takes two inputs and will output a value of one if the operator result is true.

Equal Exact – Are both input values exactly equal?
Equal Approx – Are both input values approximately equal?
Not Equal Exact – Are both input values NOT exactly equal
Not Equal Approx – Are both input value NOT approximately equal
Less Than – Is input 1 smaller than input 2
Greater Than – Is input 1 greater than input 2
Less Than Or Equal – Is input 1 less than or equal to input 2
Greater Than Or Equal – Is input 1 greater or equal to input 2
Logic Nodes - Signal Math Threshold

The Signal Math Threshold node will check to see if the input value is greater than a predetermined threshold. It will output a value of one if the threshold is reached.

Component Parameters:
Threshold – The threshold amount the input value is compared against
Logic Nodes - Signal Math In Range

The Signal Math In Range node checks to see if the input value is in between two predetermined values. The node will output a value of one if the input value is within the range of the two values. The node also has an inverted output that will output a value of 1 when the input value is NOT in range.

Component Parameters:
Range Low – The lowest value in the range to check
Range High – The lowest value in the range to check
Logic Nodes - Signal Math Lerp

The Signal Math Lerp node will output an interpolated value based on the input. An input between 0 and 1 will output a value between the ‘From’ and the ‘To’ values.

Component Parameters:
From – the value to interpolate from
To – the value to interpolate too
Action Nodes - Signal Unity Event

The Signal Unity Event node accesses game object components and can change their parameters such as activating and deactivating colliders, hinge motors, sound FX, particle FX etc.

Component Parameters:
Only Trigger Once – This node will only trigger once if this flag is checked
Trigger Event – Pressing the ‘+’ icon will add a field where a game object can be added. Once added a function can be selected from the function drop down menu
Reset Event – If activating/deactivating using the Trigger Event, the opposite should be applied here so that when the level is reset, these objects function correctly
Action Nodes - Signal Teleport

This Signal Teleport node teleports a game object to a target location. It requires a game object to be the target, however this can just be an empty game object.

Component Parameters:
Object To Teleport – Select the object that needs to moved
Target Transform – The target object to move the teleport object to
Action Nodes - Signal Set Translation

The Signal Set Translation node will move an object based on an input and some other parameters that require setting up.

Component Parameters:
Multiplier – Multiplies the input value
Translation Vector – The direction in which to move the object
Transform Local – Affect local translation rather than global. Doesn't currently function for rigid bodies.
2 条留言
76561198833808724  [作者] 2019 年 4 月 17 日 上午 5:00 
Hi, if you join our new {链接已删除} channel you'll be able to chat with thousands of HFF fans - {链接已删除}. There is a dedicated WORKSHOP-SUPPORT section, which is the place to go if you need a little help and your question has not been answered by this guide. Head there to ask and get help from the community. Thanks.
喵OWO喵 2019 年 4 月 12 日 上午 6:35 
I feel a little confused about signal latch,when its output locked 1,i cannot reset it to 0