Project Highrise

Project Highrise

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Scenario Overview
By Mihir
An overview of all scenarios.
1. Neighborhood Revitalization (Marquette Building)
Difficulty: Easy

This area of town has seen better days. And if those in power have their way, it will see those better days again soon.

This building was once a jewel in the city's architectural pantheon. Its lobby retains a vestige of those bygone glories with a stunning lobby mural protected by the city's Landmark Commission.

Your task is to revive this building to its former splendor. The Landmark Commission will arrange for subsidies for floor and infrastructure construction.

General Info
Starting Money 15,000
Max Building width: 72
Max Building height: 40 (50)
Max Basement depth: 10
Max Floor area: 3000 (4000)

City Contracts
Contract 1: Remind the Public
This was once a great building, popular with many denizens of downtown. Generate more daily visitors and generate some buzz so people start renewing their once fond associations.

Have buzz of 100.
Have 25 visitors in your building at one time.

Pays $500 up front, and $2500 on completion. Grants 1 Prestige.

Contract 2: Good Bones
This building has what people in the biz call "good bones". Use the existing base for a tall tower and get more restaurants and retail moved in.

Have a building that is 15 floors above street level.
Medium Stores: 4
Medium Restaurants: 4

Requires 4 Prestige.

Pays $500 up front, and $6000 on completion. Grants 2 Prestige.

Contract 3: Artistic Flourish
Your building already contains one masterpiece in the lobby. Add another by unlocking Large Art Works and building a lobby statue to match that lovely mural.

Unlock Consultant Upgrade "Large art works"
Large Sculpture: 1

Requires 6 Prestige.

Pays $500 up front, and $10,000 on completion. Grants 5 Prestige.

Scenario Goals
Bronze: Revenue Recovery
Restore this building to solid financial health with daily revenues of $25,000 or more.

Silver: Neighborhood Recovery
Achieve the city's goal of revitalizing this neighborhood by having a building population of at least 250.

Gold: New Landmarks
Add your own contribution to the buildings already significant artistic trust with a new fountain - either inside or outside. Also requires 30 Prestige.
2. Lake Point Tower
Difficulty: Medium

Time was that downtown was a place only for work and play. It was the heart of the city, pulsing with commerce and business. It hosted the swankest restaurants, hottest clubs and thronged theaters. But after a long day of work or an evening of hazy revelry, everyone hailed a cab or boarded a train and went home. Which was elsewhere and not downtown.

But times change and sometimes quickly. Recently cities far and wide have witnessed surges of new residents that want to call downtown home.

Get in on the action by building a shiny, new apartment tower. (Chicago)

General Info
Max Building width: 56
Max Building height: 50 (80)
Max Basement depth: 10
Max floor area: 2500 (4000)

Starting money: $5000

Affordable Housing
The city would like you to make sure that the neighborhood retains affordable housing options. Build some less expensive studio and one-bedroom apartments.

Basic Studio Apartments: 15
One Bedroom Apartments: 10

$500 up front, $2500 and 1 Prestige on completion

Outside Space
Apartment residents may love their city living, but they also need their outside space. Create three groups of outdoor seating and plant three trees. The size of the groups or the trees doesn't matter.

Have three areas of outdoor seating of any size.
Have three trees of any size outside.

$500 up front, $2500 and 2 Prestige on completion

Pampered Urbanites
Your building is truly becoming and oasis of luxury and refinement in the city. Take it over the top by adding the fanciest restaurants and the most elegant shops.

French Restaurant: 1
Japanese Restaurant: 1
Fine Art Store: 1
Fine Wine Broker: 1

Requires 12 Prestige.

$500 up front, $2500 and 3 Prestige on completion

Bronze: Residents and Retail
Get this burgeoning residential neighborhood off to a good start.

Residents: 100
Stores: 8

Silver: Restaurant Patrons
People move to neighborhoods because they visit them first. Restaurants are a great way to intro people to a new neighborhood.

Residents: 150
Restaurants: 12
Have 50 visitors in your building at one time.

Gold: Prestigious Penthouses
Put the proverbial cherry on your tower by exceeding even the city's wildest expectorations.

Residents: 250
Prestige: 30
Luxury Lofts: 10
3. The Merchandise Mart
Difficulty: Easy

When it opened in 1930, the Merchandise Mart in Chicago was the largest building in the world. While it's not extremely tall, it sits on a massive lot that covers nearly two entire city blocks. It's so massive that it has its own subway station and postal code. Your challenge is to duplicate that achievement.

You've got the same lot size and height restrictions as the Mart. You're also starting with the subway station and an embryonic commercial center. Create a commercial empire under one massive roof.

Also, in 1930, there was the tiny little issue of the Great Depression, so you're also going to have to deal with a not so great economy.

Good Luck. (Chicago)

Starting Money 15,000

Max Building width: 150
Max Building height: 18 (25)
Max Basement depth: 10
Max Floor area: 2000 (3000)


Bronze: Massive Mart: Daily revenues of 20,000, Floor area of 1500
Silver: Defy the Depression: Daily revenues of 40,000, Prestige of 20
Gold: And fame, to boot: Have floor area of 2500, Have a population of 250

Unique quests:

1. Retail Foundation
The Merchandise Mart was designed to be the epicenter of the retail world. Create a broad foundation for future retail expansion.

You will not be able to build medium stores unless you complete the contract.

Have 35 visitors in your building at one time.
At least 1 of Food and Beverage
At least 1 of Portable Electronics
At least 1 of Books, News and Magazines
At least 1 of Drugstores
At least 1 of Flowers
At least 1 of Wine and Spirits

Pays $500 up front and $2500 on completion. Grants 10 Influence.

Requires at least 2 Prestige to start.

2. Remarkable Retail
Continue to build on your retail reputation by incorporating all of the medium retail outlets into the building and attracting even more daily visitors.

You will not be able to build large stores until this contract is fulfilled.

Have 50 visitors in your building at one time.
At least 1 of Clothing Stores
At least 1 of Computers and Large Electronics
At least 1 of Shoe Stores
At least 1 of Handbags and Briefcases
At least 1 of Appliances and Housewares

Pays $500 up front and $5000 on completion. Grants 50 Influence.

Requires at least 4 Prestige to start.

3. Great Galleria
Transition from a few stores into a bona fide galleria - a shopping mall, one might say. Build each of the large stores and an expanded store room.

You will not be able to build luxury retail until this contract is fulfilled.

At least 1 of Department Stores
At least 1 of Furniture Stores
At least 1 of Big Box Electronics
At least 1 of Fancy Grocery Stores

Pays $500 up front and $10,000 on completion. Grants 2 Prestige.

Requires at least 9 Prestige to start.
4. This is Depressing (Empire State Building)
Difficulty: Medium

You've made air-tight plans for your next project. Architectural renderings are done. Funding is in the bank. Permits are bribed - er, um - acquired. You're all set.

Well, except for one, little, minor detail that you could not have possibly foreseen - the stock market crashed and destroyed the entire planet's economy at a stroke.

Who builds during a depression? Everyone is asking that. The banks will only offer loans on a short-term, high interest basis, so be mindful of your cashflow.

On the other hand, the steel companies are just glad to have ANY customers, so construction will be cheaper. And the depressed demand for just about everything means that utilities will be cheaper.

Remember - the Empire State Building opened during the Great Depression. Never mind that it's nickname at the time was the "Empty State Building"... (New York)

General Info
Unlocked by completing a Medal on Neighborhood Revitalization.

Max Building width: 64
Max Building height: 40 (60)
Max Basement depth: 10
Max floor area: 1600 (2500)
Starting capital: $10,000

Revival of Demand
Prove that your building is immune to this silly depression by building a restaurant and retail center with medium restaurants and stores.

Medium Stores: 4
Medium Restaurants: 4

Requires 4 Prestige.

$500 up front, $4500, 50 Buzz and 25 Influence on completion.

Steel the Advantage
Expand your own reputation and advertise that the steel industry is also back on track by completing the "It's a Steel" media campaign.

Run and complete the "It's a Steel" media campaign.

Requires 6 Prestige.

$500 up front, $8000 and 1 Prestige on completion

During the Great Depression, the Works Progress Administration funded many pieces of public art now regarded as great. Add a lobby mural in this grand tradition.

Lobby Mural: 1

Requires 8 Prestige.

$500 up front, $12,000 and 500 Buzz on completion

Bronze: Fulfill the Plan
Have 200 people living or working in the tower.
On top of that, heed the lessons of the depression by having $50,000 on hand.

Silver: Beacon of Prosperity
What depression? Prove your management might by exceeding the development plans.

Have $75,000 on hand.
Have a population of 300.
12 prestige achieved.

Gold: Build for the Ages
Once all of this momentary financial dysfunction passes, your building will remain a monument to the age. And your vision and skill as a developer.

Have at least 100 office workers in the building.
Have at least 100 apartment residents in the building.
35 prestige achieved.
5. The Flatiron Project
Difficulty: Hard

Our fair city's grid street layout provides lovely, uniform building sites. Well, mostly. There are a few diagonal avenues that slice through the prefect squares of the grid. Every once in a while, they create some very oddly-shaped building lots. This one, like a few others, is often referred to as a flatiron because it's pointy shape reminds some of old-fashioned clothing irons.

It's sat empty and undeveloped for years because of its small size and strange orientation. But if you could figure out how to make a tall building work here, the central location could be highly profitable. Can you succeed where other developers have feared to tread?

Make a great building rise in the flatiron. (New York)

General Info
Required completing a medal on Lake Point Tower.

Max Building width: 26
Max Building height: 40 (80)
Max Floor area: 1200 (2200)
Max Basement depth: 10
Starting money: $7500.

Arts and Crafts
Your goal is to create a prestigious address known the world over. Improve your chances by hiring an interior decorator and acquiring some small artworks.

Interior Decorator: 1
Small Paintings: 1
Small Sculptures: 1

Requires 2 Prestige.

$500 up front, $10,000, 25 Influence and 50 Buzz on completion

Art Dealings
Increase your building's aesthetic cachet by arranging for an art dealer to move. Also place some medium-size artworks.

Art Dealer: 1
Medium Painting: 1
Medium Sculpture: 1

$500 up front, $20,000, 50 Influence and 100 Buzz on completion

Luscious Lobby
An opulent lobby to welcome residents and visitors signals wealth, taste and sophistication. You should have one of those - and an art gallery, too.

Art Gallery: 1
Indoor Fountain: 1
Large Lobby Statue: 1

$500 up front, $40,000 and 2 Prestige on completion

Number Crunchers
For some reason, accountants and insurance agents seem reluctant to embrace this spindle of steel and glass you're constructing. See if you can create some traction by moving more of them in.

Insurance agents: 6
Accountants: 6

$1500 up front, $500 and 50 Buzz on completion

Studio Study
Apartments in this part of town might prove a hard sell. Get some more residents to move in and start talking up the benefits of your tower as a place to call home.

Studio apartments: 15

$1500 up front, $500 and 50 Buzz on completion

Bronze: Fill the Lot
Maximize this prime location by building as much floor space as you can on this narrow site.

Have floor area of 800
Have a building that is 30 floors above street level.

Silver: Skyward
Some think that a building on this small of a lot cannot rise to a very great height. Prove the doubters wrong with a true skyscraper.

Have a building that is 45 floors above street level.
Have a building population of 200.

Gold: Landmark for the Ages
Turn your tower into a building worthy of appearing on postcards. Make it iconic and recognized the world over.

Have a building population of 250.
Prestige: 30
6. Federal Center
Difficulty: Medium

The government center in this city has become too small and crowded to deal effectively with the increasing needs of bureaucracy. It's become enough of a problem that the government is considering moving some of the offices to another city. The mayor is adamant that those jobs stay here.

To that end, the city would like you create a new government center. Because of the specific nature of this new building, you'll be limited to a select range of tenants. On the plus side, those tenants will be thronging to your new building in higher numbers than normal.

Also, the mayor is granting you access to a special steel subsidy program that should drastically reduce the cost of floor construction. (Chicago)
7. Live/Work (John Hancock Center)
Difficulty: Hard

Every developer has had the dream of the self-contained tower where people will live and work. In the biz, they're called mixed use buildings and there's a reason that they're the exception rather than the norm - balancing the needs of office workers and residential tenants is extremely difficult.

Nonetheless, the city would like one and they've given you the zoning exception to give it a go. See if you can succeed where others have failed. (Chicago)
8. Project Rescue (City Spire)
Difficulty: Medium

The city has a little problem. Well, honestly, it' s not that little - it's about 40 stories tall and visible for miles. Another developer ran into some financial problems and was forced into bankruptcy. Unfortunately for the integrity of the city's skyline, that happened after they completed the central core of their tower.

The city would like you to take over the project and see it completed. They'll subsidize the cost of elevators and closets to help offset the ongoing expenses.

Turn this mistake on the skyline into something worthy of civic pride. (New York)
9. Troubled Waters (Memorial Tower)
Difficulty: Easy

The city is having a birthday! To celebrate, the mayor has commissioned brand new fountain to commemorate the city's founding families. This great monument to civic longevity is to be prominently placed at the center of the city in a new plaza and park.

However, not being the types that easily appreciate irony, city council used its power of eminent domain to bulldoze a few historic buildings for said memorial plaza and park. This left some in the city understandably miffed at this perceived disregard for the city's architectural heritage.

So now they want you to help get them out of this mess. Calm the concerns of critical voices with a modern masterpiece to compliment the newly-built Civic Memorial Fountain.
10. Urban Constraints (Transbay Tower)
Difficulty: Very Hard

Building in a dense urban area always presents its challenges and this building site has a big negative - the subway. How is that a negative, you might ask? Well, it runs right under the lot. That means you're unable to expand your basement beyond what you start with.

Oh, and the lot is zoned for residential development, so no offices.

Also, building utility meters and interfaces will be 50% more expensive because of the delicate nature of construction so near an active subway tunnel.

Your goal is to make this odd little lot profitable, populous and prestigious. Good Luck. (San Francisco)
11. Titans of Trade (The Board of Trade)
Difficulty: Hard

Money, prestige and power have been intimately interlocked since the creation of cash. After a recent spate of acquisitions, a regional bank has become a national powerhouse. They would like you to create a new tower for their combined corporate HQ.

This building should be a financial powerhouse. Needless to say, there will need to be fine dining and upscale retail options aplenty. And prestigious art. Don't forget the prestigious art.

General Info
Max building width: 40
Max building height: 60 (110)
Max basement depth: 15
Max floor area: 2500 (4000)
Starting money: $5000
12. Conglomerate Central (Rockefeller Center)
Difficulty: Hard

In this new age of huge mega-conglomerates, mergers and acquisitions have created some strange bedfellows with mining companies owning movie studios and banks owning record labels. You've been approached by one of these modern-day robber barons to create a new, high-profile building to bring together all these varied interests under one roof.

The group recently purchased a railroad and with it some prime downtown real estate. Just one problem - the aforementioned railroad sits squarely in the middle of the lot. Neither relocation nor demolition is an option, so you'll have to build creatively.

The company that has hired you has enough prestige and fame in its own right to attract some higher-end tenants right away. But that also means that they don't want any small fry in their building.

Ready to take on this needy client's desire for a palatial temple of capitalism? (New York)

General Info
Max building width: 80
Max building height: 40 (130)
Max basement depth: 8
Max floor area: 3500 (6000)
Starting money: $15,000
13. Going Green (340 on the Park)
Difficulty: Hard

Being environmentally conscious is a thing these days. The city would like to have a trophy building that demonstrates that when it comes to caring for the Earth's resources, the city is on the cutting edge of green technology. This tower should be a technological showpiece - a lean, green machine.

To that end, they've limited the supplies of electricity, water and natural gas to what can be produced in a sustainable way. Increase your prestige to demonstrate that you're a good steward of the allotted resources and the city will agree to expand your allotment of renewable resources. (Chicago)

General Info
Max building width: 70
Max building height: 60 (120)
Max floor area: 4000 (8000)
Starting money: $15,000
14. Above the Skyline (Sears Tower)
Difficulty: Medium

The mayor recently learned that the city no longer is home to a building that ranks among the tallest ten in the world. The mayor would like that rectified as soon as you are able.

The city is turning to you to restore civic pride with a truly towering skyscraper. Build it however you would like just as long as you build it tall. (Chicago)

General info
Max building width: 80
Max building height: 80 (130)
Max floor area: 6500 (10,000)
Starting money: $5000

Quest 1: Sky Citizens
Building a supertall skyscraper is a feat of engineering. Convincing people to live or work in the thing is an all together different challenge. Prove to the world that these buildings are indeed suitable places for human habitation and commerce by attracting a sizable population.

Have a building population of 200.

$10,000, 30 Influence and 2 Prestige on completion

Quest 2: Create Curiosity
Attract a critical mass of visitors to your burgeoning building. You never know - there may be an erstwhile investor or two among them.

Have 100 visitors in your building at one time.

$10,000, 100 Buzz and 2 Prestige on completion

Quest 3: Supertall Wealth
Some think that these supertall buildings are nothing but vanity projects that can never succeed financially. Prove the doubters wrong with a tall and profitable building.

Daily revenues of $75,000

$5000 and 6 Prestige on completion

Bronze: 74th floor
Rise your tower to 74 stories above the street. This will show city hall that you're the builder to get this done and they'll agree to waive further height and area restrictions.

Have a building that is 74 floors above street level.

Silver: The Century Mark
Offices or apartments on the 100th floor would practically rent themselves! Capture the attention of the city with a building that rises 100 floors.

Have a building that is 100 floors above street level.

Gold: Crowning Glory
Join the ranks of the supertall skyscrapers with a building that exceeds 125 stories.

Have a building that is 125 floors above street level.
Prestige: 50
15. Contemporary Conversion (Palmolive Building)
Difficulty: Hard

Once upon a time, this building was a state of the art office building. But those days are now far behind. With its historic status, tearing it down is out of the question.

City hall would like you to take a crack at a new trend in downtown architecture - a building conversion. There are still quite a few remaining office tenants in the building. The city wants clean evictions and no legal nonsense. Stay away from shady practices like cutting the power or firing services prematurely. That will severely damage your reputation with incoming apartment tenants and threaten the entire project.

The city will help the tenants you evict with relocation in order to keep them happy and keep your prestige intact. So make sure to keep tenants happy until you're ready to kick them out.

The city has a vision of this tired old building coming back as a posh luxury residential tower. Do you have the skill to manage the change-over? (Chicago)

General Info
Starting money: $25,000
Max building width: 60
Max building height: 15 (90)
Max floor area: 2000 (4000)
DLC1 1. Hotels and Habitations (Aqua)
Difficulty: Hard

Having a city core teeming with people is something that is a high priority for mayors and planners all over the world. Residents and tourists are among the key drivers to many renewed urban centers.

To that end, the city would like you to create a building that brings more of both downtown. They'd like a large tower that accommodate both hotel rooms and luxury residences. (Chicago)

General Info
Starting money: $15,000
Max building width: 42
Max building height: 45 (90)
Max floor area: 2000 (4400)
DLC1 2. Home Suite Home (Platinum Towers)
Difficulty: Medium

There's a hotel boom going on in town. It seems that every other crane on the skyline portends a new hotel tower. With space at a premium, the city would like you to convert this apartment building into a shiny new hotel.

But there's one catch - in order to get the residents to go along with the plan, they've said that everyone can remain in the building. So you'll have to move everyone around and make sure that as many as possible remain in the new building.

Oh, and the tenants live under the city's rent control ordinance, so they're used to paying considerably less than market rate and might react badly to a rent hike.

And one more thing - they city's fire department limits hotels to only the first 30 floors of a skyscraper.

Your task therefore is twofold - create a new hotel from scratch and maintain the happiness of existing tenants. Success will require both. Good luck!

DLC1 3. Conventional Hotels (Las Vegas Convention Center)
Difficulty: Medium

Conventions and conferences bring people to town from far and wide. Bearing samples and business cards, these visitors primed for networking, meetings and expo floors. With corporate credit cards and expense accounts, they're also going to be spending money. Lots of money.

The Tourist Commission would like to increase the stock of conference rooms and convention spaces available to welcome such lucrative guests. So they'd like you to build a number of diverse meeting spaces to accommodate all types of meetings.

In addition, create a massive hotel filled with restaurants, retail and other temptations to help our out of town friends leave their money in town.
DLC1 4. Going Upscale (Grand Hotel)
Difficulty: Hard

Years ago, this hotel was the hottest, hippest place in town to lay your head. Alas, time has not been kind to this once venerable institution. Threads are bare and the shine has definitely come off. Can you come aboard and resurrect this establishment to be the paragon of luxury?

The Tourist Commission might have some funding available, but they're skeptical that the place can ever recover. They'll have some preliminary contracts. Complete those to prove the worth of the old hotel and they'll allow you some greater flexibility and even promote the hotel a bit on your behalf.

Also given the building's age, it has some legacy zoning requirements for commercial activity. Tenants like stores and restaurants are limited to the first 15 floors of the building. The city would consider a waiver for rooftop dining, however. Everyone likes rooftop dining, after all.

General Info
Starting money: $12,000
Max building width: 72
Max building height: 52 (78)
Max floor area: 4000 (6000)
DLC1 5. Last Resort (Cosmopolitan)
Difficulty: Medium

Resort hotels these days are destinations unto themselves. If suitably filled with amenities and attractions, people will travel long distances to be pampered and relax in these havens of decadence.

The Tourist Commission would like you to build a resort to rival all others, the last word in mega-resorts. Have shows, casinos, stores, restaurants and luxury accommodations all assembled together in one amazing resort and the bookings (and hotel taxes) should pour in!

General Info
Starting money: $12,000
Max building width: 72
Max building height: 75 (115)
Max floor area: 5000 (7500)
DLC2 1. Terminal Temptations (The Shops at Eastern Station)
The city has a glorious central train station that teems with restaurants and stores that tempt commuters and travelers to stop and sample their wares while in transit. It's a glorious building that is a destination unto itself. The chance to manage such a building would be a dream come true for any manager or developer.

Unfortunately, you've been given a less glorious task - the redevelopment of the city's Eastern Terminal station. To be kind, it has seen better days. Most of it is empty and the shops and restaurants that remain have suffered years of neglect. The city would like you to turn the forlorn depot into a welcoming - and profitable - gateway to the city.

General Info
Starting money: $10,000
Max building width: 64
Max building height: 40 (75)
Max floor area: 3000 (5200)
DLC2 2. Stratified Success (Panorama Tower)
Cities often have some strange zoning laws and development guidelines. Here's a case in point: the city would like a very tall tower filled with a variety of tenants including offices, commercial and residential. They'll waive the usual height rules and area limits that would usually come with a prime piece of downtown land if you go along with their rules for the tower: namely fill the bottom with stores, restaurants and other amenities, the middle with offices and top it off with high-end housing. And make a handsome profit while doing so to entice other developers to follow your lead. (Miami)

General Info
Starting money: $15,000
Max building width: 64
Max buidlng height: 75 (100)
Max floor area: 6000 (8000)
DLC3 1. Seismic Security (Nakagin Capsule Tower)
Tokyo - like the rest of Japan - sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a geologically active section of the planet's crust where tectonic plates interact with one another in ways that can be detrimental to human structures. Having had to deal with this seismic situation for so long, Japanese building codes are among the most stringent in the world.

This is hugely beneficial for residents and for the structural stability of your building. However, as you are about to discover, it can be a bit annoying to deal with when it comes to construction.

The seismic engineers have completed their work on this residential block, now it's up to you to complete the towers and make it a wonderful place to live. (Tokyo)

General Info
Starting money: $12,500
Max building width: 90
Max building height: 75 (140)
Max floor area: 5000 (9800)
DLC3 2. Industrial Conversion (South Works)
This site was once home to a large factory. It's long gone and the lot is primed for redevelopment.

It's a very large lot, but the zoning limits here limit you to a shorter building.

Also, the city is trying to turn this formerly industrial area into a new residential neighborhood.

We'll start with some student housing and then advance our way onto more upscale housing options.

Good luck! (Chicago)

General Info
Starting money: $5000
Max building width: 44
Max building height: 32 (50)
Max basement depth: 20
Max floor area: 2000 (2700)
DLC4 1. London Life Sandbox (122 Leadenhall Street)
This scenario locks out all of the non-London Life offices and allows you to build a uniquely British tower with only London Life offices.

Otherwise it's a large, open lot to build an expansive London tower. (London)

General Info
Starting money: $5000
Max building width: 80
Max building height: 75 (150)
Max basement depth: 20
Max floor area: 7500 (12,000)
DLC4 2. London Landmarks (Covent Garden)
London is, well, quite old. As a consequence of its age, the city is chock full of landmarks from the many storied eras of its long history.

An ever-present challenge in this city is to re-purpose structures of a bygone epoch to modern uses. So goes your challenge today.

This structure has a historic lobby and lightwell in the center. The city has cleared out all of the former tenants and now expects you to bring this building into the modern age.

You will not be able to build over the historic lobby and the city will doubtless have other requests and limitations.

Good luck. (London)

General Info
Starting money: $5000
Max building width: 64
Max building height: 50 (80)
Max floor area: 3000 (4500)
DLC4 3. Vauxhall Cross (85 Albert Embankment)
We have an interesting commission to take on here. The Government has decided to relocate some of its secret services from this rather obvious piece of real estate in Central London to a quieter location with fewer nosy passers-by.

That gives us an opportunity to redevelop this piece of land. The Services will retain a satellite transmission facility on the site but they will allow you to use a portion of it.

They will run the facility remotely and no one that works or visits your buildng will be allowed to enter. State secrets and whatnot.

You will also not be permitted to build too close to the facility to avoid too many prying eyes.

But other than those minor encumbrances, you can build as you'd like! (London)

General Info
Starting money: $10,000
Max building width: 78
Max building height: 60 (90)
Max floor area: 4000 (6000)
DLC5 1. Berlin Rebirth (Potsdamer Platz)
Berlin is a city that has reinvented itself. What once was a byword for the postwar divisions of the cold war has recently become a chic reunited capital with a bright and tantalizing future.

You've got a bit of a similar task with this structure. This forlorn parking garage sits at a prime Berlin location. Take this drab structure and turn it into coveted office and apartment space. (Berlin)

General Info
Starting money: $10,000
Max building width: 90
Max building height: 75 (140)
Max basement depth: 15
Max floor area: 5000 (9800)
DLC5 2. Berlin Rules (Europa-Center)
This site has sat undeveloped for a very long time. Once you hear the rules and limitations on this site, you'll understand, I think.

First, there is a park and memorial next door. To keep it from being left in the shade by a tall building, you will only be able to build tall on about half of your lot. Interesting setback, no?

Second, because of the nearby Spree River and high water table, you can only build utilities on the first couple of basement levels.

Third, no services can be placed in the basement because of the proximity to the river and risk of flooding.

Fourth, to encourage greener thinking, you'll be limited in the parking you can build. Increase your prestige to increase your available parking.

Viel Erfolg! (Berlin)

General Info
Starting money: $12,500
Max building width: 52
Max building height: 70 (90)
Max basement depth: 20
Max floor area: 2700 (3000)