88 ratings
Cargo Box
Content Types: Mod
File Size
4.804 MB
Jan 31, 2019 @ 6:36pm
Apr 6, 2020 @ 3:28am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Cargo Box

Adds weight-reducing storage and resource boxes that can be placed on Ships and Cargo Saddles

* Only one item to make: CargoBox. Unlocked with Cargo Saddle.
* Use T to cycle to variants.
* Crafted in the smithy.
* Can be picked up.
* Can be locked and PIN coded.
* Can be renamed.
* Has 300-slot inventory.
* 4 variants: Use T to cycle to variants.
* - Cargo Box (all items)
* - Cargo Resource Box (resources only)
* - Ship Cargo Box (all items)
* - Ship Cargo Resource Box (resources only)
* Weight reduction for variants individually configurable via gus.ini


Mod ID: 1641139370

On first run, the mod will create the following in your GameUserSettings.ini.
In SinglePlayer, this file can be found in: ~\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ATLAS\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini

CargoBoxWeightMultiplier=0.5 (50% default reduction)
CargoResourceBoxWeightMultiplier=0.5 (50% default reduction)
ShipCargoBoxWeightMultiplier=1.0 (No default reduction!)
ShipCargoResourceBoxWeightMultiplier=1.0 (No default reduction!)

Use T to cycle to variants.


Spawncode: cheat gfi cargobox 1 0 0
- or -
cheat giveitem "Blueprint '/Game/Mods/CargoBox/PrimalItemStructure_CargoBox.PrimalItemStructure_CargoBox'" 1 0 0

Use T to cycle to variants.


The default weight-reduction values are set that way because cargo weight is an important part of game balance and I don't want to tell anyone how to play their game.

Only one Cargo Box per Cargo Saddle (limitation of saddle).

Tested OK in singleplayer Blackwood 2020-11-22. Patch 515.17 (Rev 121496)
No crash on game start, game exit, item craft, item place or item use, can place boxes on ships. Weight reduction works fine if configured.

Massive thanks to LordZardeck, Default, Don Camillo, Eru Ellimist, Gh'arrrzlawl and the other good people in the modding discord for their help in nutting this out.

Use T to cycle to variants.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
May 16, 2019 @ 8:32pm
Servers running this mod
Feb 6, 2019 @ 3:34am
Custom setting?
LionscubSaint Jun 29, 2022 @ 5:59pm 
hello, i downloaded this mod a yesterday and i have cargo saddle unlocked but i still cant find it in the smithy
Zetyr Feb 16, 2022 @ 11:01pm 
Since you're installing the dev kit again and updating the mod, I'd like to report I've ran into the same issue that Shanton reported earlier. I run single player and every time I restart the game the boxes will show individual item weights as reduced, but the total box weight doesn't show any reduction. I've noticed it on the ship and the cargo saddle. Both ship and mount will register the full weight into their total. Only other mods I run are the CG Super Spyglass and Item Grinder, but I've tested without them running.
TrevorJD  [author] Feb 7, 2022 @ 1:42am 
@Azarikesh Sounds like it's time to install the dev kit again!
Azarikesh Feb 4, 2022 @ 10:31am 
Hey, sorry to be a bother. It seems like there have been some changes to engrams since you last updated the mod. While it can still be spawned in and appears to function as it should, it doesn't look like you can actually learn the blueprint, and it's not showing up in the smithy.

Just a heads up.
Stormyfire Jan 12, 2022 @ 6:31am 
myself and some friends use this mod and have issues with it not registering after server reset.
not sure if others are having the issue but is there a way to fix this
TrevorJD  [author] Nov 21, 2020 @ 11:47pm 
Hi everyone, I just ran up a Blackwood singleplayer with no other mods, and the current version works fine. No crashes or strange behaviour that I found. I have updated the description with some more info that might help people.

@flashion-paradise Not a bad idea but I'd rather not push an update unless I need to. I'll change the defaults if we need to push a bug-fix later. I have listed the location of the gameusersettings.ini in the description above.

@Yarkhs @lealicesan77 There are 4 variants of the box and you can use T to cycle between them, just like other ATLAS building parts.

@Shanton I wasn't able to duplicate that. Is it still an issue now?

@AutoXtacy Sorry for the long delay. As of today, I wasn't getting any crashes. If you're still playing, perhaps you'd have another look and see if it's still a problem.
Tezuki(Zukie) Nov 18, 2020 @ 1:13am 
My idea would be to set as default value direct to 0.5 For who need to save weight nd dont know doe the setting. then they get the mod and be directly happy xD. and for who want to change setting from why the mod is making, have less save weight by exemple can do the setting by the ini.
Tezuki(Zukie) Nov 18, 2020 @ 12:59am 
My self i dont know where i have to go to find the file to change the weight ( i looked in my folder where atlas is installed but cannot find.
Tezuki(Zukie) Nov 18, 2020 @ 12:57am 
lealicesan77 Use "T" to change the forme of the box 2 of the T option can be placed on the ship
Grizzly Bob Nov 12, 2020 @ 4:40pm 
Thank you, getting the mod, Thanks for this