The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

vlindrel hall improved
Category: Graphics, Houses
4.828 KB
2012年3月8日 11時53分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

vlindrel hall improved

i just made it a bit more nice, by giving it more vital it from the markarth steward at understone keep. i didn't change everything because i liked the house's theme.

NOTE: do not enter te house unless you have all the furnishings from the old one, thankyou.
4 件のコメント
Allie 2013年9月18日 7時40分 
Since you know how do do stuff like this, may I ask a favor from you, Is there any chance you could make 1 more teensy weensy improvement, to get rid of the nasty skulls and decapitated animal heads out of the enchanting/alchemy area, pretty please with a cherry on top? I know they are part of original furnishings but to methey just look nasty revolting, and I would bedeeply thankful to you if you could find a way to remove them as part of this very fine and beautiful improving of the house :-)
phanbot 2012年8月28日 11時42分 
Could do without the big ass talos statue, serves no puprpose whatsoever...
Rikimaru 2012年4月3日 18時56分 
Where have you put the forge area in the house? Have any of the vanilla containers been deleted? Ie if I have already moved my stuff in am I safe to try this out or willi have to move ou first. House us fully upgraded with housecarl.
XGuyFromFuture  [作成者] 2012年3月9日 11時57分 
if it works please comment, i would really appreaciate it.