Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1,277 ratings
Total Autobudget
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46.592 KB
Oct 18, 2018 @ 7:36am
Aug 16, 2019 @ 8:01am
9 Change Notes ( view )

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Total Autobudget

This mod enables budget autotuning for the most of your city’s services.

The goal of this mod is to optimize the city budget, prevent blackouts or water outages due to production fluctuations, set target values for some services (such as education), and reduce the player’s burden of budget micromanagement. Also it is very helpful if you are playing at hard difficulty settings, such as vanilla hard mod or zenya’s difficulty tuning mod.

Autobudget target services:
  • Electricity
  • Water, Sewage, Pumping facility
  • Heating
  • Garbage
  • Healthcare and Deathcare
  • Education
  • Police
  • Fire service and Disaster response
  • Industry and Warehouses
  • Road maintenance and Snow dumps
  • Taxi
  • Mail

How to enable or disable autobudget for a particular service?
  • In the mod options.
  • In the budget tab of the economy panel. There are checkboxes near every autotunable items.
  • In case you manually move a budget item slider, the autobudget for this item will be automatically disabled.

All settings are stored in your game save file, so you can use different settings for each game.

Detailed autobudget options


Set how much electricity production should exceed electricity consumption (in percentage). 3% or more is usually enough to avoid blackouts. 1%-2% is good to decrease electricity expenses but this may cause short-time blackouts in some parts of your city.

Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of electricity budget. 130-140% is good only for very small towns, 120-125% is recommended if you have two or more power stations.

Autopause when budget is too high
When the electricity autobudget raises up to the maximum value, the game will automatically pause and switch to the electricity info view mode. You can unpause game and continue playing ignoring lack of electricity - the game will not autopause any more until the autobudget drops and raises again.

Electricity autobudget will not work properly if you have two or more separate areas in your city. Connect the separated areas with power lines or disable electricity autobudget in this case.

Water, Sewage, Pumping facility

Set how much production should exceed consumption (in percentage). 3% or more is usually enough to avoid outages. 1%-2% is good to decrease expenses but may cause short-time outages in some parts of your city.

Target water storage
When water storage tanks are filled more than this value, the water budget buffer decreases by 1 per 10% of the water storage excess.

Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of water and sewage budget. 130-140% is good only for very small towns, 120-125% is recommended if you have two or more pump stations.

Autopause when budget is too high
When the water / sewage budget raises up to the maximum value, the game will automatically pause and switch to the water and sewage info view mode. You can unpause game and continue playing ignoring lack of water or sewage capacity - the game will not autopause any more until the budget drops and raises again.

Note 1
Water / sewage autobudget will not work properly if you have two or more separate areas in your city. Connect the separated areas with pipes or disable water and sewage autobudget in this case.

Note 2
Mod is also trying to set the budget value so that there are at least two tank trucks waiting in each of the pumping service building.


Heating plants auto turn on/off
If checked, appropriate number of heating plants are automatically turned on/off depending on the total heating production and consumption.

Heating autobudget is working different way from other services. Firstly, heating service is connected to water service and cannot be set independently. Secondly, water service is vital, but heating is not. In addition, heating consumption may vary significantly depending on weather. So instead of changing the water budget, this mod turns heating plants on/off.


Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of garbage budget. 115-120% is recommended.

Max garbage amount (% of capacity)
If you have productive garbage facilities (recycling center or incineration plant) and at least one of them is piled with garbage more than this value, the garbage budget will be raised to the maximum to speed up the garbage processing rate. 70-90% is recommended.

The mod will try to set the budget so that at least one garbage truck is waiting in each of the garbage facilities.

Healthcare and Deathcare

Minimum budget
Set the minimum value of healthcare and deathcare budget.

Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of healthcare and deathcare budget.

Note 1
Setting the minimum budget too low may cause the low land value issue.

Note 2
Mod is trying to set the budget value so that there is at least one ambulance waiting in each of the hospitals, at least one medical helicopter waiting in each of the heli depots, and at least one hearse waiting in each of the deathcare facilities.


Elementary / High school
Set the target education rate for each type of education. For example, if you set 70%, the mod will try to set the budget to educate 70% of people and leave 30% uneducated. Because budget cannot be set for each type of education individually, the maximum value of budget is chosen. That means, for example, if you set 70%, you will actually have 70% or more (but not less) of your people educated.

Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of education budget.


Minimum budget
Set the minimum value of police budget.

Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of police budget.

Mod is trying to set the budget value so that there is at least one patrol car waiting in each of the police stations, and at least one police helicopter waiting in each of the heli depots.

Fire service and Disaster response

Minimum budget
Set the minimum value of fire service budget.

Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of fire service budget.

Minimum trucks waiting
Set the minimum number of trucks waiting in each of the fire stations.

Mod is trying to set the budget value so that there is at least one truck and one helicopter waiting in each of disaster response buildings, and at least one fire helicopter waiting in each of the heli depot.


Minimum budget
Set the minimum value of industry budget.

Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of industry budget.

Mod is trying to set the budget value so that there is at least one truck waiting in each of the industry facilities or warehouses.

Road maintenance and snow dumps

Minimum budget
Set the minimum value of road maintenance and snow dump budget.

Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of road maintenance and snow dump budget.

Setting the minimum budget too low may cause lack of citizens inflow into the city.

Post offices

Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of post offices budget.

Mod is trying to set the budget value so that there is at least one post van and one post truck waiting in each of the post offices.


Maximum budget
Set the maximum value of taxi budget.

Taxis waiting in depots
Taxis waiting at stands
Set the target number of taxis waiting in depots and at taxi stands. These are averaged target numbers. The actual numbers is very dependent on the depots and taxi stands placement.

Popular Discussions View All (1)
Mar 20, 2022 @ 7:55pm
Autobudget Not Working For Taxis?
LAF Games
shaneturner12 Feb 21, 2024 @ 12:38pm 
Redemptionzdd / Furnox / xvicttorxx - have you tried the version linked by yao_zhou?
Redemptionxdd Feb 21, 2024 @ 7:24am 
Update please
Furnox Jun 17, 2023 @ 7:54am 
Update please
xvicttorxx Apr 5, 2023 @ 6:38pm 
update this pls
yao_zhou Dec 14, 2022 @ 7:28pm 
Use this mod instead:
Total Autobudget - FIX
shaneturner12 Sep 30, 2022 @ 1:42pm 
Warmax - there’s a fixed version linked a few comments down
warmax356 Sep 30, 2022 @ 1:40pm 
needs update for latest dlc
Merrlin Jun 1, 2022 @ 1:42am 
Great concept, but keeps turning off all my heating plants once enabled. Other auto-budget settings are inadequate to keep up with growing demands. Had to unsub and found it easier to manage my own settings.
Felnel May 26, 2022 @ 9:34pm 
Will be nice a update to new budgets
Olympic1 May 4, 2022 @ 1:48am 
I uploaded a fix for this mod that works with the latest release of the game.
Total Autobudget - FIX