Portal 2

Portal 2

Portal 2 CO-OP Ending
"Ending #51
Portal 2
Publisher: Valve Corporation
Developer: Valve Corporation

This game was fun! I enjoy the Source Engine and the titles Valve puts out with it. Matter of fact I really appreciate Valve. I have a nerd crush on Steam. With over two hundred games in my library and another thirty on my wishlist just waiting for a summer or winter sale, it is hands down my favorite video game software delivery system.

I've had this game since it first came out but never played it. Then, out of the blue, Steam comes out with this trading card game and badge system, and me, being the achievement hunter/collector that I am just fell right into it. I'm a sucker for stuff like that, and seeing that I can earn badges while playing games, my wife and I endeavored to start Portal 2.

It started as just a way to earn badges, but I was having so much fun playing co-op with my wife, we just kept playing...and playing...and finally, 3:30 in the morning, we beat it. She's the real brains behind the co-op, my wife that is. I probably would have giving up feeling dumb after the second level of stages.

Overall, I'm glad that we played this title as a spur-of-the-moment thing brought on by my obsessive compulsive achievement hunting."