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Endless Space 2 Unofficial Card Game [ENG]
Number of Players: 4
File Size
333.798 KB
Sep 18, 2018 @ 11:09am
Jul 6, 2019 @ 2:26pm
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Endless Space 2 Unofficial Card Game [ENG]

This is an early version of Endless Space 2 card game.

About 2 years ago I've made a working prototype of the tabletop game. It was a tech-fantasy PvP game inspired by Endless Legend. I've made test assets, combined them into one test build and then playtested it until found stable values for all game objects. It became quite nice stratagy game with a lot of depth, gaming oportunities and replayability.
And then I've tried to publish it through our tabletop-games-publishers, but all of them declined simply because of comercial reasons and trends. Well, I forgot about the game for pretty long time, but now, I've decided that I don't want those hundred hours of work to die in vain.

So this is a result of my work - prototype of the Endless Space 2 Card game.
I'm not affilated in any way with Amplitude Studios and will not ask for any paymen and I do not get any money from them. This whole project is just a way to show my love for Endless universe.

I've created all assets from scratch. Cards, sheets, tokens (except arts) and overall game mechanics of course. I've playtested a lot, but it still needs more testing and there will be a lot of improvements.

Things you should know: I'm not used to english language, so there WILL BE mistakes. Names, wording and so on. I'll fix that if you poin it out.
I'm not professional game designer so there CAN be problems with overall game balance and so on.
And it is my FIRST EVER created board game.

I'm planning to improve this game and make some expansions (there are some nice Ideas), but first of all I want playtest this CORE version.

All bugs, your opinion and well, pretty everything you can post here:

Rules here:

И отдельно для русскоязычных пользователей: у меня была мысль создать русскую версию этой игры, но это требует еще очень много труда и времени. В дальнейшем полноценная русская версия ВОЗМОЖНО появится. В ближайшее же время возможно сделаю еще одну версию правил, но уже на русском.

Special thanks to Diversant60 who helped me to redact rules and all people who playtested this game.

Have a good time!

Velhior_H  [author] Oct 11, 2023 @ 4:28am 
Sorry, but there won't be any future updates for now
I leik kard Oct 6, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
any update? Will i get Isyara ;-;
Velhior_H  [author] Feb 29, 2020 @ 12:03am 
Tha game is complete so far and there is no real demand for expansions\addons from people and with that - I have no time for it. It's sad to say, but Vodyani and other factions are out of question for now.
I leik kard Feb 28, 2020 @ 3:08pm 
Vodyani please, I neeed my isyara
Velhior_H  [author] Nov 28, 2019 @ 1:25pm 
I've fixed thing with order of turns in the battle phase in the rules - that was something that distorted a bit because of translation to eng.
Velhior_H  [author] Nov 28, 2019 @ 1:23pm 
"Infiltration>Squad Combination>Unit Attacks>Unit Abilities>Attack Orders>Other Order"
THESE are availiable types of interaction. You can use them in ANY order in battle phase, player after player. P1 ->P2 ->P1.
For example: Player 1 combines his units into squad, Player 2 uses support order, Player 1 uses another unit to Attack and so on, until both players will have no aactions or decide to pass. If one of them passes, another one can use all his remaining actions.
UPD: each unit can make all of availiable action types (move, atack, defend, squad and so on), but in case of Niris - they are skipping their turn with enemy.
Klondike Nov 28, 2019 @ 10:03am 
I'd also like to ask about clarification on the order of the battle phase in general. The rulebook seems to state it is in a locked order:

Infiltration>Squad Combination>Unit Attacks>Unit Abilities>Attack Orders>Other Order

But there are several abilities and orders that seem counter to this. Is there a locked order at all and is it this one?
Klondike Nov 28, 2019 @ 8:13am 
Thank you very much for the quick response! That causes me to have a few more questions:

So when a Niris Entangler uses it's ability, does the ability replace it's move and attack, or one or the other? Example: Niris Entangler can entangle an attacker instead of moving to the other ship, and then attack that defender in the unit attack step, or does it entangle the defender during movement and also not attack?

In the battle phase does one player do all actions, then the next player does theirs?

So support cards can be used at any time during the battle phase?
Velhior_H  [author] Nov 27, 2019 @ 11:59pm 
Niris mades unit skip it's entire turn, making it unable to attack or move.

Pirates can be bribed in your turn during battle phase.

Abilities are utilized correpsonding to their description - Niris uses entangling insted of attack or movement.

Support orders can be used same way as attack orders - in your turn during battle phase.

Rush for tanks works only until the end of the battle phase.

Damage resolved on being dealt ofc.

Pirates resources can be split up - 4 industry 1 science and 1 dust for example..

Black market works during recruitment phase.

Resource tracker made like that bcs it's smaller this way and easier to operate once you are used to it. Just put 2 tokens of resource on 10 mark and the third on 4 to mark 24 resource for example.
Klondike Nov 27, 2019 @ 11:42pm 
Hello! My friend and I just finished a playtest session of the game and had the following questions to ask you for clarification:

Niris Entanglers - Do they entangle just that unit's movement or attack, or all actions in the battle phase?

Pirates - When can they be bribed?

When can unit abilities be utilized? Is it only after unit attacks? (I.E. Niris Entangler)

When can Support Orders be used? Only at end of battle phase? (I.E. Rush and Target Lock being used at end of battle phase seems pointless.)

Is Rush's ability only meant to last until end of round, or be permanent boost?

When is damage resolved? On being dealt or end of Battle Phase?

For Pirate resources, is it any of one resource (I.E. 6 food = 6 Industry) or can the cost be split up (I.E. 6 Food = 3 Industry + 3 Dust)?

When can Black Market Collections be used to Sell a Defensive Unit?

The resource tracker ending at 10 instead of 30 with 3 separate tokens per resource is confusing.

Thank you for making the game!