Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

297 ratings
Doc is a 3 speed operator
By chocolatethebear
Wait, did you not realize Doc is the fastest character in the game?
The fastest character in the game?
After you started playing rainbow six siege you may have noticed every now and then the screen may glitch out and you'll see a couple of blurry lines for about 1/10000th of a second. Moments later you and your entire team will be slain and you might instantly assume some sort of hacker killed you and your team mates. This is unfortunately for you, not the case. Doc being the fastest operator in the game killed you and your entire team before you had time to blink. How is this fair you might ask? Unfortunately in casual and competitive games there is no standing up to this operator in any scenario. In tournament settings luckily the rules do allow operator bans, in which Doc is banned every time without fail. The only way Doc has been killed ever has been by players (thinking themselves clever) jumped into a kill plane while Doc was chasing them. Although this may stun Doc for a minute, speed is not the only ability Doc is able to conjure.
But why is he labled a 3 armor then?
His armor is actually the only thing in the game that has a higher stat value than his speed. Doc roughly has 37 more armor stats than the average 3 armor character. Doc was originally designed to be the character’s mirror match for scout from team fortress 2, but was accidentally given an adamantium skeleton tied to wolverine's regeneration. The only point of shooting at Doc is to alert him of your location so that he can kill you faster and get the round over with. To compare fighting doc to a real life scenario, imagine that you are trying to break a wall, but you can only damage the wall by throwing toothpicks at it, and the wall is made of solid lead, has a volume of 300 cubic yards, moves at the speed of light and is constantly being upgraded and repaired by the entire U.S. navy, and the entire time you are fighting this immovable object, you are in fact dead.
How can we beat him?
Doc is usually referred to as “The immortal operator.” This not only is because in game he can not be killed by any means at all, but also because he was coded into the game so hard that the fabric of the game files themselves cannot be altered in a way to remove or nerf Doc and keep the game in a playable state. Doc in alternate timelines was actually split apart into separate heroes which are commonly known as superman, wolverine, and the flash. When split apart these pieces of Doc are too strong so naturally they were given weaknesses, superman is of course afraid of rocks, the flash is not fast enough and wolverine cant talk to girls (none of which Doc has any problems with). To quote the entire rainbow 6 siege dev team when asked about if they planned to make any changes to Doc, they responded with “We have nightmares about Doc. Hes just too powerful. We've tried scrapping the entire rainbow 6 project and started again with a game we titled rainbow 7 siege, but he has shown up in that game too. Honestly we’ll just hope that people no longer want to win and stop picking Doc, because otherwise we’re doomed.”
How fast is fast?
We’ve already established that Doc is the fastest character in the game but we need to know how fast Doc is compared to the other operators. Rainbow 6 siege uses the "units" as the way to determine distance and speed in game. For example, the second fastest character in the game, bandit, is a properly labeled 3 speed operator. His passive ability is to attach car batteries to his feet to allow him to move at inhuman speeds. While at full sprint bandit moves at an impressive 250 units/second. This to compare it to other games is like buying the boots upgrade in awesomenauts 3 times, or like running with 5 knives out in counter strike, the same speed as using 2 golden mushrooms at the same time in mario kart, fast traveling across the entire world using fast travel in skyrim. Docs speed while proned and not moving is roughly 1,000,000,000 units/second. Unfortunately this is just an estimate because the game's files for rainbow six siege were not programmed to be able to track a being of such immense speed. In short all surfaces in rainbow six were artificially brightened without the use of an actual light source to prevent Doc from outpacing the speed of light again.
Are there any downsides to this almightly being?
When Doc was first added to the game, promptly the game devs, realizing what they had done, tried to nerf him. This is when guns were added to the game making it so that Doc could no longer run at unsuspecting victims and tear their skeleton out of their body. Before this there were about 400 maps programmed into the game, and with a single punch Doc had destroyed 395 of them (This was early beta and more maps were added after Doc was restrained). In addition to this, the devs also changed his 220 health bar into a 4 part healthbar with 120 health being stored into a 3rd gun. Also around this time the instant kill mechanic was added upon headshot (unfortunately this does not work on doc because his head reflects bullets back at whoever shot at him). In addition to this he cannot be slowed down from barbed wire purely because Doc cannot be troubled by such worldy troubles.
Is there any way at all to win againist Doc in any scenario ever?
No. Some people theorize that frost's instant killing mechanic of her traps would be able to stop doc but Doc, realizing that this may be a problem for him became a defense only operator meaning that he can never be against a frost. Also his third magic healing gun allows him to resurrect himself so that regardless of how much damage is inflicted upon him or if he accidentally kills himself he comes back to life within seconds with a passionate vengeance. In theory if space time itself were to cease to exist Doc might not have enough time to repair it, but Doc, being able to move faster than time itself, would probably be able to create an alternate reality if this were to ever happen.
xXx Irish xXx May 29 @ 12:55pm 
Is this LORE?
Cheesy Mar 22, 2021 @ 6:22am 
d o c c ?
Mako Satō Aug 6, 2020 @ 12:21pm 
I approve this
Dogsong280 Apr 25, 2020 @ 7:42pm 
how does this affect doc mains:steamsalty:
blackiechan1053 Feb 19, 2020 @ 1:26am 
L O R D Tachanka is building an army. This SMG tank and L O R D Tachanka are against memedog.
Copy and Paste this all over steam guides if you are with us.
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Ikodo Jan 7, 2020 @ 3:51pm 
:clone.hemp: Apr 23, 2019 @ 10:03pm 
sounds bout right.
BiNGUSSY Nov 15, 2018 @ 10:03am 
S u c c
Ambussador Oct 11, 2018 @ 11:02am 
in addition to all these, he also the thiccest
SpYmAtE Oct 1, 2018 @ 1:23am 
I love Siege's Community! <3