Natural Selection 2

Natural Selection 2

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Sanity_coeus NOT a WORKABLE MOD for NS2
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138.000 B
Jun 6, 2013 @ 4:02pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Sanity_coeus NOT a WORKABLE MOD for NS2

Here is some new work of our First 100% custom map. ALL still WIP. but enjoy what I have done so far. Note that everyday i change things that catch my eye. this is about a third of the entire map.

If you are a bit lost. this is an abandoned space station on the moon. This is the only map in the game that will take place in space. Half office space. Half space ship. I have not started the Space ship yet. We are still working on concepts for it. Also keep in mind these maps are made to be more realistic than you see in NS2. No useless geometry for looks )mostly). I try to make this as you would see in real life.... but in space.
joescrufff  [author] Jun 6, 2013 @ 4:08pm 
this is only for you guys to see what maps will be in the MOD SANITY