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Sun Lights (Balanced) [B19]
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29. srp. 2018 v 7.25
29. srp. 2018 v 9.07
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Sun Lights (Balanced) [B19]

1.0 Version is here:


A sun lamp designed to be mounted on a wall.

How to place Sun Lights:
- You must rotate them by pressing "e" on your keyboard until they are in the desired position
- To select an already placed Sun Light, click on the space right in front of the light, as shown in the video (above)


Technical Specifications:
- Consumes 290 W
- Stays on 24/7 unless you turn it off manually
- Growing light radius: 7 tiles, giving it 14 tiles in diameter
- Produces same amount of heat per second as the normal sun lamp
- Waterproof

If you would like for the lights to automatically turn off at night and back on in the morning, please check out Haplo_X1's mod "PowerSwitch" which turns electric devices on and off on a user-defined schedule:

If you would like a "less balanced" version, it is here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1496194388

Fully save compatible. Please report any errors.

Based on "Wall Light" by Murmur:
Počet komentářů: 14
Thom Blair III  [autor] 3. zář. 2018 v 8.40 
@VividFlash Oh! I didn't understand what you meant. I don't have a version that has the same watts per tile.
VividFlash 3. zář. 2018 v 8.16 
I said Watts per Tile tho?
Thom Blair III  [autor] 2. zář. 2018 v 22.15 
@VividFlash It is the exact same radius and diameter as the regular sun lamp.
VividFlash 2. zář. 2018 v 22.12 
Can you modify it to be same W/tile as the regualr sun bulb?
Thom Blair III  [autor] 2. zář. 2018 v 20.49 
@StarkRG I don't know for sure, so if I were you, I'd deconstruct them before removing the mod.
StarkRG 2. zář. 2018 v 18.28 
I've already got the unbalanced version installed and have used several of the lamps in a save. Should I remove them before switching to the balanced version, or will this version simply take over the lamps?
Thom Blair III  [autor] 31. srp. 2018 v 5.30 
@Shawffer Did you see there is a version that only uses 10W?
Shawffer 31. srp. 2018 v 5.28 
Ta,Buddy! XD 290w is better than 2900w
Thom Blair III  [autor] 31. srp. 2018 v 3.35 
@Tomash I agree, it should be diameter, but Rimworld code refers to it as "glowRadius" so that's the way I referred to it.
Tomash 31. srp. 2018 v 3.29 
OK, thanks for reply. And keep doing your modding job, You are much better programmer then me ;-)
Erm... what about light radius? Don't You think it should be half-circle or something? :)