Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

83 vurderinger
Persistent Difficulty
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Type: Mod
6.661 KB
26. juli 2018 kl. 2:31
23. dec. 2019 kl. 14:55
9 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

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Persistent Difficulty

I 1 samling af Evan (Doomturtle)
4 genstande
Helps the AI to cheat in a more consistent way over the course of the game.

=== Compatible with Gathering Storm ===

-The only advantages that high difficulty AI civs receive are bonus yields to production, food, and gold (25% per difficulty level up to +100% at deity).
-Removes bonus yields for science, culture, and faith.
-Removes the extra starting units that AI civs receive on hard difficulties.
-Removes bonuses to combat strength and combat xp for both AIs and players.
-Removes free tech and civic boosts for high difficulty AIs.

-Low difficulty human civs only receive bonus yields to production, food, and gold (15% per difficulty level up to +45% at settler).

NOTE: This mod does not alter AI decision making, but helps the AI to cheat in more natural, consistent ways. It was designed to be compatible with AI improvement mods like AI+, which aims to make the AI smarter.

The vanilla hard difficulty settings[] give the AI lots of free units at the start of the game with yield bonuses that last throughout the game. This tends to result in a high difficulty level AI being at its most challenging at the start of the game and becoming steadily easier as the game goes on. This mod aims to spread the AI's effectiveness out over the entire game.

The buffed production and gold are slightly higher than in the vanilla game. The buffed food production is novel and intended to help AIs grow their cities and expand quickly without giving them extra units at the start of the game.

The low difficulties for humans provide much more useful bonuses than the vanilla game so that players of different experience levels can more easily play with each other in friendly games.

See Persistent Difficulty (PvP) for a version of this mod catered to handicapping players of different skill levels in PvP games.
55 kommentarer
Siu-King** 31. jan. 2021 kl. 9:42 
There is a reason why food bonus was never given to even Deity AI.
Having +100% food is just outright stupidly broken.
Rhapsody 27. jan. 2021 kl. 7:55 
Played about 200 turns today with this mod, and some others, with no issues. :)
burrik 29. dec. 2020 kl. 13:36 
I have been getting some crashes and weird bugs (like heroes not dying) without any mods recently, so I'm thinking about waiting for the next patch to fix those. I'll try the mod again then
Evan (Doomturtle)  [ophavsmand] 24. dec. 2020 kl. 21:36 
I played a new game for about an hour without running into any issues with this mod. burrik, what were you doing when when you saw issues with a lua script? If anyone can provide me with instructions on how to replicate an issue or a game save that runs into an issue, I would appreciate it.
Robert Habeck 24. dec. 2020 kl. 8:39 
burrik 19. dec. 2020 kl. 13:07 
Yep, mod doesn't seem to work and sometimes causes issues with some lua script
Robert Habeck 12. dec. 2020 kl. 10:35 
hey, answer very appreciated. just want to know if this is still working (didnt play a long time). because similar mods arent working any more.

thx for your work
Robert Habeck 8. dec. 2020 kl. 9:20 
still working?
Gladaed 1. nov. 2020 kl. 4:15 
What is a deity equivalent in terms of difficulty? Even emperor seems impossible.
fka-gargamel 14. apr. 2020 kl. 14:31 
Thank you for the quick reply :)