Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

171 oy
CS:GO Beginner's Guide for Competition
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This guide is for beginners who don't know how to have a good start in CS:GO to get into competition!
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20/10/2017 - Wrote Team Section
19/10/2017 - Added Guide Roadmap
19/10/2017 - Fully rewrote fundamental of aim part 2.
18/10/2017 - Rewrote a couple out date information
4.3 Fundamentals of aim part 3 ( spray control ) **IN PROGRESS**
This section will round up the fundamentals of aim with spray control training.

5.0 Team: Introduction
This section will give a brief introduction on what will be covered in the team guide.

5.1 Team: Roles
This will go over all of the roles and what they do.

5.2 Team: IGL
A dedicated section to IGL, as it is a big subject.

6. Game Plans
A Section dedicated to game plans

6.1 Cache: CT Side
A Section dedicated to Cache's CT Side

6.2 Cache: T Side
A Section dedicated to Cache's T Side
1. Configuring your PC
In this section I'm going to show you how to maximize the performance of your PC so you can play on a smooth CS:GO

The first thing you want to do is to configure you're graphic card, since I have an NVIDIA card, I can only show you how to do it on NVIDIA, so sorry for all the ATI users.

STEP 1 : open your NVIDIA control panel by right-clicking your bacckground, and clicking " NVIDIA control panel."

STEP 2 : reduce your image quality to performance ( IMAGE 1)

STEP 3 : turn off al the quality enchancing applications ( IMAGE 2,3)

STEP 4 : turn your "Digital Vibrance" up to somwhere between 85-100%, this will enchance the contrasts and colors of CSGO, because the maps are a little "greyed-out", and you can't see as much if you leave it on 50% ( IMAGE 4)

STEP 5 : TURN ON GPU SCALING and ASPECT RATIO, this will equalize your screen when playing on low res., you will get the 2 black bars on the left and right side of your screen.(IMAGE 5)

STEp 5 : Set your windows mouse sensitivity at 6/11!

That's it for your PC, the next section will be about the gear you need to get into competitive CS:GO, thank everyone for their support and please, if something is wrong, correct me in the comments !

2. Gear for CS:GO Competition
!!!! READ : All of the brands given here are EXAMPLES of mouses u could use, i don't intend they are the best and that u exactly should buy this brands. Those are just the mice I tested so they are the only one i CAN review !!!

To maximize your performance and shorten your learning curve you want to have the right gear. You can see it like this, a farmer who needs to milk his cows can do it in 2 different ways : If he hasn't any gear, he's going to do it with his bare hands, cow by cow, and it would take forever to him to make any profit, now if the farmer has plenty of gear he can milk the cows with machines and will get profit in no time ! :) Now it's kind off the same with CS:GO gear, it's made by proffesional's who know what they do and trust me it's worth it !

1. Mouse

There are various different mices out there, this are the one I tested and I recommend. (someone commented a message that intregued me about the imperfect opticals of SS and razer, and recommend using a Zowie, I ordered one, I will test it and add it, because I've red some intresting things about Zowie mouces, credits to the comment of Cellulose"

The Razer DeathAdder, Zowie EC series and SteelSeries Rival are among the good ones.

2. Keyboard

The choice of a keyboard is less important then the mouse. You would like a Mechanical Keyboard that allows Ghosting (pressing multiple buttons at once)

Again Razer and Steelseries have some good Keyboards:
- Razer Blackwidow
- Steelseries 6gv2

3. Headset

A headset is very important, because in CS:GO, you don't need to see the enemy to knwo where he is, when you here him, you have got a BIG advantage! Try to find a comfortable headset with frequency boosts and noice-canceling.

For the headset I will also recommend a Steelseries, Razer, Senheisser or HyperX product.

4. Mousepad

you want a large and thick mousepad. Large for the low sensitivity and thick so it adapts on the not-straight surfaces.

Again, Steelseries and Razer proved there the best:
- Steeleries QcK+Heavy :
- Razer Goliathus Speed edition XXL ( 450x400) :

5. Monitors

When buying a monitor, find one with 144+Hz and 1MS input lag. Those are the 2 most important specs.

This is it for the gear you need, I hope I helped you in some choices, please comment and give me some feedback, thx !

1. Getting a clear base of CS:GO
You first wan’t to get a clear base of Counter Strike, by doing this you will uninstall all the mods, skins, maps,… of your CS:GO folder.
You do this simpy by going to the path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive , and deleting the CSGO folder there ( IMAGE 1)

Then you want to go to steam, click library, RIGHT CLICK your Counter Strike GO, go properties, go to the tab LOCAL FILES and click “ verify integrity of game cache” ( IMAGE 2)

Now you will have a clear base for your CS:GO

2. CS:GO Config and Autoexec
Now that you have the clear base, you wan’t to configure your CS:GO so that you will get the best performance out of your gameplay.
The config you use is personal, there are a lot of configs out there and I will only show you a couple configs and how to install them.
2.1 Creating a config

Open notepad and save an empty file as "autoexec.cfg" in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg ( image 4)

Then this will be your config, it is straightforward. My crosshair is also in my config, so change that to what you want, the rest should stay the same.

cl_autowepswitch "0" // Disable weapon switch on pickup
cl_disablefreezecam "1" //Disable deathcam
r_drawtracers_firstperson "0" //Disable tracers
gameinstructor_enable "0" //Disable help
cl_autohelp "0" //Disable help
cl_showhelp "0" //Disable help
cl_disablehtmlmotd "1" //Disable Server MOTD
cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" //Disable downloads

//Mouse Accel
m_rawinput "1" //Use OS mouse accel ( we disabled it so yes )
m_mouseaccel1 "0" //Disable accel
m_mouseaccel2 "0" //Disable accel

cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_crosshairalpha "255"
cl_crosshaircolor "4"
cl_crosshairdot "0"
cl_crosshairgap "-1"
cl_crosshairsize "2"
cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairthickness "1"
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1"

//Performance & Rates
cl_forcepreload "1"
cl_interp "0"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_updaterate "128"
rate "128000"

cl_radar_rotate "0"
cl_radar_always_centered "0"
cl_radar_scale "0.32"
cl_radar_icon_scale_min "0.5"

windows_speaker_config "1"
snd_mixahead "0.05"
snd_musicvolume "0"
snd_headphone_pan_exponent "2"
snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight "1"
snd_rear_headphone_position "90"

echo "Autoexec Config loaded"

Save the file as autoexec.cfg

Now to excecute them you will need your console, and that bring me to the next step.

3. Launch options.
Launch options will force some commands on the startup of your CS:GO, I will give you the commands I use.
-console ( opens the console at startup screen)
-novid ( disable the intro video )

Now how to do this is very simple, you go to steam, library, right click CS:GO, properities and there you fill them in by clicking on the button “set launch options” (IMAGE 5)

Now , when you start up the game, the console should show up.
We have are console now, so let’s apply the auto exec by typing into the console : “exec autoexec” (IMAGE 6)

Now your autoexec is applied !
The next points are very personal options and you’re not obligated to do them, but doing them will enhance your performance and smoothness of the game !

4. Game settings
Let’s first talk about the crosshair, i choose mine classic static because It’s the same style as in source, and I’m and ex-Source player. I play with a relatively small crosshair with a light blue, because I think it’s really visible on the most map but at the same time it isn’t that visible to disturb me.

cl_crosshaircolor "4"
cl_crosshairdot "0"
cl_crosshairgap "-1"
cl_crosshairsize "2"
cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_crosshairthickness "1.15"
cl_crosshair_draw_outline "1"

There are various resolutions out there. Use whatever on that fits you the most. Lower resolution gives you bigger models but decreases the quality (imo not so important performance > quality). ( IMAGE 9)

In the advanced tab, everything is on low/off, the 2 things I leave on high/on are models, so I can recognize every character perfectly and multicore enabled gives you a better performance if your CPU has multiple cores ( in my case 4) (IMAGE 10)

Nothing more to say here.

This subject is very fragile to a large number of players, so I will explain everything as good as I can.
The first thing you want to do is getting the right DPI on your mouse. I’ve a steelseries now, they have a program where you can change your DPI( dots per inch). You also want to deactivate all the mouse acceleration on your mouse, to get a constant movement, because CS is all about consistency.
I’ll take a ♥♥♥ where I show you all my mouse setting, and explain everything ( IMAGE 11-12)

As you can see my DPI is at 400. This is personal, but there are limits. You want your DPI between 400-800, because of the low res. The everything else exept lift rate and poling rate should be at 0. Poling rate is sufficient at 400 but is different from mouse to mouse. Exactlift is right at about 40%
Now you should adjust your dpi and in game sensitivity as follow:
You set your mouse at the far left side of your mousepad, and slide it all the way to the right side. In-game you should have done a turn between 180-360 degrees ( ½ to 1 turn). The reason is you don’t need to turn more than that, and a low sensitivity is much more accurate than a high sens.

So I’ll say it again in steps :
1) Set your DPI somewhere between 400-800
2) Go in game and adjust your ingame sens so that when you from the left to the right of your pad, you should have turned somewhere between 180-360 degrees.

I think that this is it for your in-game settings. If I missed something please comment and say it. The next guide is going to be about how to improve your aim, so stay tuned guys !
4. Fundamentals of Aim (PART1)
In counter strike, there are different aspect you can train to improve your skill. There is game sense, aim, knowledge of the game, reading your enemy, etc...

The first thing you should train as a beginner, is your aim. Aim in counter strike is not only "how well u can shoot". I will go over the different aspects of aim and how to train them.

4.1 The aspects of aim

In this section i will sum up the different aspects of aim:

- Pure aim / Deathmatching
- Crosshair placement / Anticipation
- Shooting style ( spray, burst and tap)
- Reflex / Muscle Memory

I will go over each aspect, and explain it as good as possible and even give some examples of how to train them.

4.2 Pure aim and Deathmatching

By pure aim i mean "the ability to stay with your crosshair on the enemy". This comes with training and experience. Consistency in your configuration (stick with the same sensitivity, etc..) can help you become used to it, and it will become natural by playing alot.

A good way to train your raw aim, is just to enter a deathmatch, and start focusing on "not missing shots". And in DM, always use an AK or M4. (except if you want to AWP)

The explanation of this subject was really abstract, but further in this guide it will be clear how to correctly train your aim.

4.3 Crosshair Placement and Anticipation

I can't point out how important crosshair placement and anticipation is. Mastering this will improve your aim ALOT.

I will go over 2 aspects of crosshair placement. Having your crosshair at head height and holding a correct angle where you anticipate the enemy.

a) "Head Height"

In every situation you are, your crosshair must ALWAYS be at HEAD HEIGHT. In every single situation. In counter strike, you will need 4 body shots to kill someone, but only 1 bullet from an AK and 2 from an M4. Keeping your crosshair at this height will give u the advantage of killing the enemy quickly.

I see a lot of beginners just holding their crosshair at feet - legs - under body height. This is a big mistake. The best way to get rid of this and get the habit of holding your crosshair up is by playing some HeadShot MOD DeathMatch. This mode of deathmatch only will let you kill someone with a headshot. It's preferable to play with an AK on this mod.

It is very important to ALWAYS hold it there, even if u don't see someone. When your crosshair is there, you only need to adjust horizontally and not vertically.

b) "Angle holding / Anticipation"

This will help you diminish the horizontal adjustment of your crosshair. What i mean by holding an angle is putting your crosshair near a specific place where an enemy could show up.


There is a corner a couple of meters in front of you where an enemy could pop out. You want to hold that angle.

What you do is this:
Hold your crosshair somewhere between 1.5 - 2 body widths of the wall of the corner you are looking at. ( Why 1.5-2 ? This is the reaction time your body will need to actually react to an enemy popping out, if you hold it against the wall you will need to adjust horizontally, and the point of holding and angle is to not do that. 1.5-2 body width is the reaction time for most people, it could be less for people who have good reactions ).

By doing this, you only need to shoot when you see the enemy, and if your vertical and horizontal positioning was good, you will kill the enemy popping out.

This example was explaining how to hold an angle. What you want to do is also performing this while checking angles. By checking angles i mean moving around and always anticipate where the enemy could pop out. You want to perform this while moving around corners, checking spots, etc...

Mastering the crosshair placement and anticipation of an enemy is a must to improve your gameplay, it will give u the advantage of not needing to adjust your crosshair when an enemy will pop out, so you need less time to kill him.

Example Crosshair placement:

In this example, the crosshair height is correct, only the horizontal placement is not good in 2/3 pictures. {Red Line = distance angle - crosshair}

♥♥♥ 1: Crosshair against the angle you're holding

In this picture i placed my crosshair against the angle i was holding. This is not good, as i'm going to need to adjust because of the reaction time is (for most people) impossible to achieve without adjusting it.

♥♥♥ 2 : Crosshair too far from angle

This isn't good either, as my opponent will see me before he comes into my crosshair and will have more time to kill me because i need to adjust it to his position.

♥♥♥ 3: Crosshair 1.5 - 2 Body lengths of angle

This is an ideal crosshair placement for the angle I'm holding as i can react without adjusting my crosshair and just in time so the enemy can't shoot at me.

4. Fundamentals of aim ( PART 2 )
In this part I will go over the different styles of shooting, how to train then and when to apply them.

4.1 Styles

There are 3 styles of shooting:
  • Tapping
  • Bursting
  • Spraying

Each one has his own pros and cons, and to be a complete player, all 3 should be mastered to benefit the most out of each situation.

I'll go over each of them in more detail, explaining the PROS, CONS, Situations and training. I will take the AK47 as a reference for this part, as I think it's the most adequate weapon to explain the styles.

4.2 Tapping

What ?

Tapping is shooting your gun bullet by bullet. First of all you should know the accuracy reset of your gun before tapping. Tapping your bullets too fast will result in your bullet not being accurate and recoil kicking in, the point of tapping is to not have to deal with that.

So this being said, between each shot / tap, you'll have some time before the recoil resets. This is gives you time to actually move, and this is actually one of the biggest advantages of tapping: MOBILITY.

When shooting and choosing your style in a duel, you'll always have to choose between fire rate and mobility. The lower your fire rate, the higher your mobility. With this in mind you can adapt in various situations, I will come back to this later.

So tapping gives you time to strafe in between shots, making you harder to hit. You should take advantage of this. When tapping you should do it as follow:


If your timing is correct, you will have the same fire rate & accuracy as when you tap when standing still. Again, the key is the timing of your shot. You should shoot just in between the transition of your strafe, to be sure to ahve 100% movement accuracy.

The best way to train tapping is in a HS only server with an AK47, applying the strafing technique.

Tapping is applied from mid to long range situations, when the enemy is also having a more dynamic style. I'll come back to duels and when to apply styles later on in this section

4.3 Bursting

Bursting is a mix in between the tap and the spray. You sacrifice some mobility to gain some fire rate. It's kind of the same principle as tapping, but instead of firing 1 bullet / strafe, you'll be firing 2-3 bullets before strafing ( while holding down the mouse, not "clicking" 2-3 times ). This gives you a higher fire rate, while still having some mobility as you strafe in between your bursts.

The same as tapping, this should be trained in HS only server, but with this one you could opt for an M4, forcing you to make at least 2 headshots before getting the kill.

Bursting can be applied everywhere around mid to long range, as it is quite accurate.

4.4 Spraying

Ok, now to the final style, spraying. I'm a big fan of spraying as it was at that point that I got really consistent in my playstyle.

I'll make another section dedicated to how to train your spray, as it is quite more complicated then the tapping / bursting explanation.

Spraying is ( usually ) used at closer range, but with great control can be applied at longer ranges. In CS, every gun has it's own way of handling recoil called a "spray pattern". Again, I will make another section including a video on how to learn those, and how to train them.

The big pro of spraying is obiously the fire & hit rate you have on the enemy, but you've completely given up your mobility for it. Spraying while moving is inaccurate and should be avoided at all time.

4.5 Choosing your style in each Duel

Obvisouly you are not bound to 1 style, and it is kind of narrow minded doing so, as it gives you more disadvantages then advantages.

While reading the different style, you should've noticed a pattern. Mobility & Fire Rate are bound together. If you want more mobility, you decrease your fire rate, if you want more fire rate, you decrease your mobility.

When engaging in duels, you should always keep this in mind. Choose your style according to the enemy and the situation, not according to your preference.

You will not engage an AWP'er with an AK the same way you would engage an M4, right ? This is a bad example but I'll just use it to point out what I mean.

You know that someone has an awp an you are engaging him with an AK ( this is why it's a bad example, as you just don't engage a good awper like that. ).

You'd want to bait the shot of the AWP'er because he has a certain needed time to take the next shot. You'll want to be dynamic while he hasn't took a shot ( so you will burst / tap ), and when he has took his shot, he will be vulnarable for a moment and you could opt to spray him down as you don't need the mobility on that precise moment. As you see you used 2 different styles in 1 duel, just on how the oppenent reacted.

Now asume you're engaging a riffler. I think a good choice is to actually mirror the player his style, as it kind off counters it. I'll point it out with an example.

You engage a duel, and the other guy bursts, strafe, bursts, strafe and then starts crouching and spraying ( Again, kind off mediocre example as he missed a lot of shots, but it's just to prove my point. ). The best thing you could do in this situation is actually mimic him. While he is bursting / strafing you should do it too, as you'll be as hard to hit as he is, evening out his mobility advantage. But when he starts to spray, he has given up completely his mobility and is now in a static position. This is where you gain control of the situation as you can still choose what to do.

The best thing to do is actually to strafe once more, moving out of his pattern so he would need to readjust, and then you should also start spraying. He is already in a static position, so you will not need to readjust your spray, but he will be forced to adjust his spray horizontally, which gives him a disadvantage.

Again, I know this is a VERY NAIVE example, but it is to point out decision making in a duel, and that you should adapt to your enemy and not stick to 1 style.

I hope this helped you figure out when to choose what. The next section will be spray control, where I will add a video on how to train it, and this will close up the fundamentals of aim ( for now.)
4. Fundamentals of aim ( PART 3 )
*** WILL COME ***
5. Team
5.1 Introduction

This part of the guide will be about how a competitive team works in Counter Strike. I can safely assume that CS is the most complex FPS in terms of depth in teamwork.

You have 2 sides, you have different roles, each with it's own responsabilities and you have an economy to take care off while combining all this with strategies and a game plan. That's a lot to take care about.

I will go over all those things, trying to explain them as good as I can.

5.2 Roles

This section will go over each role in a brief way. Maybe at first they will sound quite of abstract to you, but when I will elaborate in the next sections how a team works, the role should get clear.

I'd also like to point out that roles are more easily refered to as T sided then CT sided.

In Game Leader ( IGL )

This is the strategic core of the team. The person who will call what to do, who will anticipate what others do and who will have the final word on the game plan. He will call when to buy and when not to buy, he will try to anticipate the other teams economy and read their gameplan, adapting his team to it.

Entry Fragger

This is the one who goes in first when taking key spots on the map. The role name says it all, he enters & frags as first.

Second Entry / Revenge Fragger

This one is not often considered as a role, but I actually consider it one. There will be 1 dedicated entry fragger, but also a second one entering to revenge & support the entry fragger. A good example of this would be the Friberg / Forest combination back in 2016.


This is the person actually going to the opposite site of the team. It's a complicated role as it requires you to have good reads on enemy timings, as his role is to lurk for rotations of the opposite bomb site and pick them of, off guard.

They can also help the team by delaying the rotation by ♥♥♥♥♥♥ the other bomb site.


I still think this role is very hybrid / vague. I consider a support play an all around player that will fill in, but I still think the most important role for this one is to set up the scene for the Entry Duo ( Entry Fragger + Revenge ). I will use the cliché CS example, but this will be the guy throwing some stuff ( flashbang, etc ) and entering the site directly behind the entering duo.

He will assist them and will make sure the duo needs to focus less onusing utility and more on clearing out the site.

Finally I'd like to clear out that I don't consider AWP'ing as a role. Every role could AWP, the weapon ofcourse could be designated to only 1 person, but that ( for me ) doesn't make it a role. An entry could AWP, as could a support player ( Smithz) or an IGL ( Fallen ).

5.3 Role: IGL

I will go over this role first, as it is one of the most complicated of them. I will split this section up in 3 parts. The first one is going to be the general responsabilities of an IGL. The second one will be the CT side responsabilities, and finally the T ones.


The IGL has a lot of work to do, outside of the game and inside.

As an IGL, you not only need to keep track of your economy, but also try to keep track of the other team's economy.

The CS economy works as follows:

Killing all enemies / time runs out ( CT ) -> + $3250
Bomb Exploded / Defused -> + $3500
Lose 1 round -> + $1400
Lose 2 round -> + $1900
Lose 3 round -> + $2400
Lose 4 round -> + $2900
Lose 5 round -> + $3400
Bomb plant -> + $800

Killing an enemy will most of the times give you + $300, but some weapons ( like shotguns & smg ) will give you more.

A goold trick as IGL is to try hold the last 3 rounds of the enemy's economy. You should keep track of when they bought weapons, what weapons, how much survivors of those 3 rounds and their lose streak. By doing this you can forecast when they will have an eco or a buy, and adapt to it.

A second thing to talk about is creating a game plan. A game plan consist of a set of different strategies for 1 side of 1 map. This means you should have at least 2 game plans for 1 map.

This is an important aspect as a team, as this game plan will transalte into the playstyle of your team, and combined with individual skill will show what you're worth.

A game plan is something that is discussed outside of matches. You as an IGl will have designed it, and will talk about it with your team during your practice sessions. It's very important to never take a game plan for finished, as you should always try to improve it after every match. Now what exactly is this game plan ? The game plan is what exact set of strategies you have for this map. For clear purpose and seperation of concerns, I'll split them up in different parts.

On the CT side your gameplan should have AT LEAST 1 Pistol round, 1 Eco round, 1 Force buy round, 1 Anti Eco round and different defaults depending on the map.

The T side have the same, but also needs a couple of Executes per bomb site.

Pistol Round

The pistol round is a vital round, as by winning it you potentially win 3 rounds ( doing it on each side potentially gives you 6 rounds ). Coming up with a good pistol round for each side is the first step of designing your game plan. I wil keep this section of the guide abstract and actually give examples of a/some map(s) in different sections of the map.

Eco Round

An eco round is when you don't have the money to buy anything, maybe some utility like smokes & flashes & a pistol, but no kevlar / rifles. You could come up with a fancy set execute on the T side that could give you a bomb plant ( not a win, if it's winnable it's good ofcourse, but the money from the bomb plant could help the economy ). This is less important, but always nice to have.

Force Buy round

Force buy rounds stays a gamble. You invest money in some heavier pistols / light riffles with kevlar and some utility, to hope win the round to win back the investment and disrupt the economy.

The force buy rounds should really be tought trough, as you invest everything you have to gamble a win.

Anti Eco round

Anti eco rounds are when the enemy is on an ECO round and you have bought. It's important to alter your setup so that you get the advantage of your buy, which most of the time results in long range angles and battles as riffles tend to be better against pistols at longer ranges.


For me, defaults are the early round setup of a team that closes the gap between the as said early round - mid round. This will be different for each map, as you need to set up differently for each map.

There are always different key points on a map. Defaults are used to take control of those keys points ( not always bomb sites, could also be middle on cache for example).

Defaults on both sides are made so that the team tries to take control of certain of those points, before commiting to a bomb site.

Each team will have different defaults per side, which will be executed and called by the IGl according to what he wants to do later in the round. As I said, this is not a commitment to a site, but more a transition to take control of a certain area of the map.

CT defaults are more passive as T defaults, as they don't need to commit to a site, but rather respond to the T's decision. T's DO need to commit to a site eventually, so they are rather more dynamic as they need to make the decision.

The concept of a default may still be kind of blurry, but it will be clear when I make an example of a game plan for a map. This is to give you a broad idea.
5. Team (Part 2)
Executes ( T Side )

Executes are often ( not always ) a transition from a T default into a commitment to a site. By this I mean that usually T's will do a default to take a certain point on the map that they need to make the execute work.

An execute is a set strategy. This means that each player will have his responability to smoke of a certain point, flash out or molly a certain spot. This is all discussed and practiced before a match.

I said "not always" because sometimes teams can do a set strat straight of the bat from the beginning of the round without doing a default, to change the pace of the game.

This will have given you an idea of what a game plan consists of. It is ( on purpose ) very abstract and blurry, because I prefer not to fix the idea on 1 example as it is very wide. In the next section I will implement a complete game plan for the map cache, so it is every detail gets cleared out.
6. Game Plans
I will try to go over maps and my vision of their game plans.

Again, those are my strategic implementations of them. That doesn't mean that this is the way to do it, it's adviced to make them out yourself and check what is the best for your team.
6.1 Cache: CT Side
Cache is a very good map to start on. It's very balanced and quite strategically complete.

I go with the mentality that there should always be 1 fixed A player, 1 fixed B player, 1 fixed middle player and 1 player who plays as "pivot" ( rotator ) in between A and Middle, and 1 pivot between B and Middle.

This is also how rotation should work on this map, with a substitute system. By this I means when backup is needed on A, the A pivot should go first. If they need a 3rd person on A, the MID player should go A and the B pivot player will go mid. You get the idea.

Pisolt Round

Cache has some quite long range angles you can hold, I like to take advantage of it as a CT.

I prefer to focus more on the sites then on middle on the pistol round for cache, so I tend to only set 1 person in middle in a quite passive way, just to get the information.

So I opt for a 2 - 1 - 2 Setup like this.

112 Yorum
TOMASO 30 Mar 2021 @ 7:53 
hater 5 Eyl 2017 @ 18:17 
thnks bro
prom1se 12 Tem 2015 @ 16:32 
some times you press W-Q-R-CTRL and it dont work thats why you need a mechanical one..every tap in the keyboard has his on task
Remy 3 Oca 2015 @ 21:33 
And why would we need one that does that? What is it good for?
DreQm  [yaratıcı] 3 Oca 2015 @ 2:47 
Ghosting on a keyboard is pressing multiple keys at the same time!
Remy 2 Oca 2015 @ 16:01 
When you said we should get a keyboard that allows ghosting?
DreQm  [yaratıcı] 2 Oca 2015 @ 6:56 
ghosting in what context?
Remy 1 Oca 2015 @ 19:51 
What is ghosting?
Lucas 27 Eki 2014 @ 15:32 
nice strat, remeber to smoke Appa just before jumping out so that u don't get hit.
Avada 13 Eki 2014 @ 1:13 
Thank you :)