The Technomancer

The Technomancer

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Kicking Them In The Balls And General Tips
Deadlylag tarafından
This guide will show you how to fight dirty in the game, in real life, and general tips.
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Technomancer is not a hard game as long as you know how the game mechanic works. It is best play with a controller. Technomancer is an action RPG similar to Batman Arkham games. The game favor damage and mobility over defense but health and and defense still is important.

My playthrough was done with the warrior major and minor Technomancer tree. Coming from Arkham series I am more comfortable with mobility hand to hand combat. However I did not use the game stealth mechanic as much as I did in the Arkham series.

With that said most of tactics I abuse in the game can be use in any play style.
Short Version TL:DR
Kick (Y button with Xbox controller) to stun the enemy and get in two to three hits. More hits can get in if the enemy is knocked down. Repeat until enemy is dead. That’s basically it.

The tactics of dodging (B Button with Xbox controller), kick, and lastly get in a few hits will be use offen through the game.
Kicking Them In The Balls
Kicking (Y button with Xbox controller) your enemy is the most abusive tactic in the game. It is abusive because it can’t be dodge by your opponent. It stun the opponent for a few seconds giving you an opportunity to land a few hits against the enemy. Sometime the kick can knock the enemy to the floor giving you more attack chances.

There are different ways of doing this tactics. It depends on how many opponents you face. The three common attack sequences.

Kick + Attack 2x or 3x + repeat

Dodge + Attack 1x to 3x + Kick + Attack 2x to 3x + repeat to kick

Dodge + Kick + Attack 1x to 3x + repeat to kick
Dodging (B button with the Xbox controller) is the primary defense in the game IMO. It allow you to be mobile and get you out of sticky situations. It is much better than parrying. Dodging can create lot of space between you and a group of enemy. Buying you time to heal yourself.

Unfortunately the enemy can dodge your attacks infinity. If that happen use the kick to break the rhythm.
Warrior Skills Tree
Warrior is my prefer playstyle because it mimic other action game like Batman Arkham. If your play style is dodge and melee, I highly recommend the warrior skill tree.

The two main skills you want to get in the Warrior Tree is Berserk and Tornado.

Berserk will increase all damage by 50% and attack speed. Take “increase the duration of the effect by 10s” subskill.

Tornado is a very powerful AOE that last for a long time. Combine with berserk it can kill multiple enemies that are bunched up in matter of seconds. For the subskill take the “Let’s you control the direction you move in better during the tornado attack.”

Before the fight starts I normal do Berserk then when the enemies bunched up I launch Tornado while Berserk still active. Killing most if not not every enemy. It makes the fight very easy.
Technomancer Skills Tree (Minor)
Technomancer skill tree is the secondary skill tree I use and will work very well on all builds. What you want is everything on the right side of the tree. The right side of the skills tree are all passives so you don’t have to micromanage these skills. If you die often I highly suggest you get the Magnetic Armor the first chance you get.

Magnetic Armor increase your all your defense but take one fluid point. Take subskill “increase your defense by an additional 5%”. Bear in mind magnetic shield can be shut off if it took too much damage. You have to reactivate it if that happen.

Upgraded Electric Arcs and Upgraded Electric Weapon are required to get before you reach Magnetic Armor. These skills are not a waste tho. They are very good at increasing the damage out of your character.

Two nodes above the Upgraded Electric Weapon is a skill that gives you an extra fluid charge. I highly recommend you getting it if you have an extra skill points you didn’t use. Both electric weapon and magnetic armor will take all your default fluid points. So having the extra fluid allow you to reflash your magnetic armor or use your electric arc attack in combat.
My build I pick Strength and Constitution as my two main. Agility as my secondary.

Strength increase my attack power and allow me to use better weapons and armor.

Constitution for more health and stun resistance.

Agility increase critical hit chances.
You don’t need to max out on any talents because there are clothing that will give you +1 on a given talents. So investing 2 on each skills is recommended instead of three.

Traps and Locking Picking help a lot in the early game. So getting it to level 2 is recommended in the early game. You can get an armor early on in the game called Vory Jacket in a chest. It will give you +1 lock picking.

Crafting is very important but you don’t have to max it right away. One point on the first chapter. Another point on the second chapter. The third chapter you can use the Engineer's coat to max out your crafting skills instead of wasting a point.


Point a point into science will cut down on the healing down time. It increase health regeneration very fast allowing you to get into another fight without waiting forever for your health bar to fill up. Highly recommend but one point is enough tho. Doctor’s coat gives you +1 on Science.

Charisma isn’t necessary but at the end of my game I had two skills points on it because I didn’t want to fail any quests. It’s up to you to decide how many points you want to put in. Noctis Merchant’s Overcoat gives you +1 on Charisma.

The other two talents I didn’t use.


Personally I think they are useless. Scott the doctor can heal you in combat but overall they mainly are there as meat shield. Pick whatever companions you think is best for your play style.
General Tips
You can heal while in combat without using the hotkey. By pressing the left bumper (xbox control) it will bring up the hotkey menu which will slow time down. Select the healing pot and press A to using it.

Traps are good at the beginning of the game but are completely useless later on. Use them early in the game and ditch them when you get a better understand of the game mechanics.

Save the game before talking to quest givers. In some case talking to quest givers can cause some active quests to fail.

Save often.

No grinding needed in the game.

You don’t need to fight every encounter you meet. Just run away.

Upgrade/craft your armor at the start of a new chapter (The Caravanseral and Mutant Valley).

Kicking multiple times in a role give you a better chance of knocking your opponent down.

Don’t forget to use your electric arc power. It was my killing blow against Viktor.