Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

53 ratings
CTF_Hexagon Map (Original Capture The Flag Map)
Game Mode: Capture the Flag
File Size
2.388 MB
Jun 12, 2018 @ 5:39am
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CTF_Hexagon Map (Original Capture The Flag Map)

This is a map with two bases and a building in the middle in the shape of a hexagon. Around the central hexagon building, there is lots of vegetation, which allows not-spies to play a little more sneaky. This map is a rotational symmetric capture-the-flag map. I designed it to be fun for all classes, to avoid stalemates and to contain different types of areas like nature and industrial. I also avoided chokepoints, because everywhere there are more than 3 ways to get through it. The intel room has 2 entrances on both opposite sides. I adapted it to be effectively used by all classes. (Think of slopes for demoknights, high ceilings for jumpingclasses and sniper towers and windows for snipers.) I tried to make this map as realistic as possible, and therefore contains no dev textures, floating objects an many details like bushes and furniture. I fixed as many issues (mainly clipping) as I could. The ceiling in the outside area is about 1.5 times as high as the highest building, so that should allow all soldiers and demos to jump around freely.
This is my first completed map and my second project in hammer. I mainly learnt to use hammer by watching the tutorial series of UEAKcrash, so thanks for that.
Idot_Kneev Jun 25, 2018 @ 7:35am 