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Backup your saved games now and avoid game loss
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Path to saved games
Open windows explorer and search

SaveGames is a folder , you can copy the entire folder to any location of your choice. Even on your phone if you are using android.

Or you can enter the folder and copy any saved file of your choice.

!!!!Remember to backup your saved games each time you finish playing. Now in case of a system failure your games are saved

13 kommentarer
[ - stu - ] 20. sep. 2020 kl. 2:44 
There's an AutoHotkey script published on Reddit which provides a full GUI for giving your saves a nice description, and even copying them back easily.
BangTheBanger 4. aug. 2020 kl. 15:54 
@williamthehun It is on the drive your OS is installed. Most likely to be C: but maybe you changed it. If you open the execute window with Win+R and type "%appdata%" (without quotes) and press enter it will take you to
So if you back out of roaming, you'll be able to find the Local folder. In which the "AVGame" folder should be in. Inside it, there should be only the one folder called "Saved".
Hope this helps.
Вильямthehun 24. apr. 2020 kl. 14:29 
I've installed steam on an internal but additional hard drive (hdd), my primary drive is a SSD. I can not find, either by your string, or the search feature in Windows, the "SaveGames" folder anywhere on my system. It must have it because I have saved games I play from regularly. Is using an additional HDD for the installation the issue?
bulldog0890 7. mar. 2020 kl. 9:52 
this not on the steam cloud?
TheStark700 23. aug. 2019 kl. 19:57 
Just want to say this helped me a lot. It saved me from an entire playthrough on Chapter 6.
tanja.kuschel 29. juni 2019 kl. 11:40 
Hallo! Ich hatte sehr viel Spass mit dem Spiel, bis es im Drittel Kapitel abstürzte. Beim erneuten Start war dann die Spieldatei beschädigt und ich konnte nicht mehr mit der Geschichte fortfahren. Das hat mich schrecklich geärgert. Da ich von einem seltenen Problem ausging, hab ich mit der Geschichte von vorne begonnen. Dann, nach 2 Stunden das gleiche Problem: Spieldatei beschädigt. Schade, Schade, Schade
GoldenVega333 8. okt. 2018 kl. 3:39 
Sorry for advertising my application.
BIG SHAQ 👑  [ophavsmand] 15. juni 2018 kl. 8:12 
As long as the game is saving you will get the last saved game timestamp/
LordBlade 14. juni 2018 kl. 20:50 
Can you copy your save while you're still playing? The game's constantly autosaving, so do you have to quit completely to do this?
VeTaL 11. juni 2018 kl. 12:52 
Paul Newman
%LocalAppData%\AVGame\Saved\SaveGames - paste into Win+R window, faster than navigating

Very nice shortcut!