Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

195 人が評価
Merrick's Kievan Rus'
120.257 MB
2018年5月28日 19時18分
2021年2月18日 12時39分
12 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

Merrick's Kievan Rus'

Rosenthorn 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Merrick's Civilizations and Leaders
33 アイテム
Adds Kievan Rus' led by Yaroslav the Wise. Grand Prince of Kiev and Novgorod, he ruled during a golden age, forging alliances, constructing great buildings, and expanding the borders of the principalities.

Kievan Rus'
From the Varangians to the Greeks
  • Cities settled on Rivers receive a free Trading Post and their borders expand twice as fast.
  • Tiles adjacent to Rivers yield +1 Gold.
  • All units ignore the movement penalty from crossing rivers.

Druzhina Cavalry (Replaces Courser)
  • +5 Strength in or adjacent to your territory.
  • Does not suffer combat penalties when damaged when near a Great General.

Veche (Replaces Government Plaza)
  • Shares the base stats and one-per-civ restrictions of the Government Plaza.
  • +2 Culture from Trade Routes sent to and from this city.
  • Provides a +2 adjacency bonus to Holy Sites and Commercial Hubs instead of +1.
  • +2 Loyalty to all cities within 6 tiles.
  • +1 Great Merchant Point and +1 Great General Point.

Russkaya Pravda
  • +15% Culture and +1 Amenity in cities with a Trade Route to an ally.
  • Each active Alliance grants +1 Trade Route capacity and +2 Great Merchant points.
  • Construct Veche, Harbor, and Commercial Hub districts twice as fast.

Wise Ruler
  • Likes Civilizations that establish alliances and who have high income. Dislikes those who don't establish alliances and have a low income.


This mod requires Gathering Storm.

Merrick - Art and Code
Deliverator - Shield assets
RFormica - Text
Compatible with YNAEMP
Support my mods on Patreon
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2022年5月27日 16時07分
Looking For Fix
Autistic Bus
121 件のコメント
Lililick my balls 2023年11月23日 8時23分 
"+15% Culture and +1 Amenity in cities with a Trade Route to an ally."
Is broken for sure , I do not get anything
shame about it
Frix 2023年11月20日 7時07分 
Please update :)
knjaz 2023年9月19日 4時32分 
I'm not sure what you mean in the second part of your comment, are you talking about ъ being "u" in Old Russian or about Kiev originally sounding more like Kiev? Either way, my point was that Kiev was originally called most similarly to Kiev, as stated by Ukrainian linguists like Yaroslav Rudnitsky.
knjaz 2023年9月19日 4時32分 
That's simply not true, what language does Russian evolve from if not Old Russian? Every linguist agrees that Old Russian is the older stage of the Russian language, the distance you are talking about is probably because of Old Church Slavonic influence that came with conversion to Christianity, it's why in Russian the months are called in their Latin names, while in Ukrainian they are called by their Old Slavic names. There was also other influence in the Russian language, but that doesn't make it not descended from Old Russian. English today is descended from a purely Germanic language, but today it has huge Latin influence, that doesn't make Old English not a stage in the same English language.
xflomasterx 2023年9月19日 4時01分 
@knjaz cos its not. Rus and ukrainain ARE different stages of one language, but russian, despite its name - not. it is easily proven by linguistic distance. So Кыѥвъ and Київ are chronological versions of word, while Киев - its translation.

I can see what is ur point, but at this time it seems more like unwilling to accept proofs of opposite. Transcriptions of Кыѥвъ can be easily googled, so it is not a question of beliefs but rather "do we arguing in science field or we are going to praise mystifications"
knjaz 2023年9月18日 9時53分 
Ok, so why did you say Kiev is an exonym by going from "rus/ukrainian" to Russian if that is also a case of different stages of the same language? And also does not represent different nations.

Ъ is a technical sign in modern Russian, but in Old Russian it is likely that it was a separate sound, this is still the case today in Bulgarian. But my point there is that the name for Kiev back then was not Kyiv, but closest to Kiev.
xflomasterx 2023年9月18日 6時55分 
@knjaz Old ruthenian and Old rus are just languages (even more: it is just chronological STAGES of development of one language) and do not represent different nations/countries so translation (even mor - adaptation) from them is not an exonym

And if u refer to old refers of name: in Povest' vremennykh let (one of the most citated historical text from 12 century) it was referred as Кыѥвъ which can betranscripted as K-y-je-v (last letter is just techical sign, not separate sound)
knjaz 2023年9月16日 10時21分 
By this logic, "Kyiv" is a double exonym as well, since it comes from Old Ruthenian and then Old Ruthenian got it from Old Russian (and I suppose now it's in English as well, making it a triple exonym in your view). If you read any mention of Kiev prior to modern times it was always called Kiev/Kievu.
xflomasterx 2023年9月16日 7時09分 
Kyiv is already exonym, while Kiev is double exonym ( from rus/ukrainian to russianand then to english) which makes no sense.
Kyiv is only option. Same as Rome, despite that russians read it as Rim
snyggneville 2023年5月24日 9時32分 
I think the Russkaya Pravda is broken! I don't get extra trade routs by having allies, and my cities don't get 15% culture for sending them a trade route.