Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

92 ratings
The Magic of Trading, Presented by Hitman Sparky and KritzKast
By loser jolteon and 2 collaborators
This guide will educate traders, new and old, to a world of knowledge of trading at your fingertips. Thanks, and have fun
Hello there! Looks like you're new round' these parts, yes? Well, I can help you learn the ropes of TF2 trading. First of all, let me introduce myself. some of you already know who I am, but some of you don't. I am Hitman Sparky, an administrator for KritzKast (a well known TF2 podcast) and veteran TF2 player with over 2,000 (going onto 3k) hours in TF2. I've also been trading since Day 1 of the Mannconomy update, back in 2010. What I want out of this guide is for YOU, the reader, to not get scammed, be informed about trading, and TRADE whatever you want to buy or sell.
Overview: What is trading?
First of all, you're probably asking yourself "Hmm? What is this?" And this, my dear trader, is something called a Guide about trading. And trading might sound simple, but it isn't, trust me. In the next section, I'll be talking about types of trades, but for now, this is just a brief overview about it. Basically, what the trading system is, it's a neat little feature for Steam,Team Fortress 2, and DOTA 2 in which allows you to trade virtual ingame-items for other items or games. Below shows a good example of a trade looks like (Although the Medic got too carried away....)

Recommended methods of trade
  • Steam Trading - This method of trading, is probably the most common trade method used to buy/sell items. You can buy and sell items, games, and gifts without having to worry about chargebacks.
  • PayPal - PayPal is a main method of trading amonst unusual traders. It's a payment service, instead of using your credit card, you can add funds to your account and send it to whomever you would like. Usually when they want to score some cash for their hats or wanting to buy Earbuds. This type of trading method requires patience, a brain, and a middleman. (NOTE: If you do not use an official middleman (and always check the profile yourself), you run a strong chance of being scammed. Many scammers will try to trick you into not using a middleman or using a fake middleman so they can take your money or items and run.) Also, ensure that the person you are trading with is PayPal verified and sends your money as a gift. If they aren't PayPal verified, you run a much higher risk of being charged back or buying from a scammer or hijacker
  • There ARE other forms of trading, such as trading games/TF2 items for RuneScape/WoW gold, but those types of transactions are not recommended, you MAY get scammed![/list]
Key Currency
You know how weed makes the stoner world go 'round? It's just exactly like that, but with virtual in-game currency. TF2's economy is huge and that means keys and other items are in demand. If you want to trade to the next 'tier', then get keys. Keys can be used to unbox crates, traded for other goodies (such as Bill's hats or low-tier unusuals) or saved up so you can buy more expensive items. Below is a Self-Made varient of a Key, only obtained by getting a self-made item into TF2 from the Workshop
SELF-MADE Mann Co. Supply Key - Valued at 6-7.5 buds
Unusual Trading [My favorite!]
Alright folks, here's where we get to talk ALL ABOUT Unusual trading! First off, Unusuals have a 1% unboxing rate in each crate. But some unusuals are worth more or less than others. Compare a Green Confetti Dread Knot (13-15 keys) to a Sunbeams Triboniophorus Tyrannus, which is 8 buds. See the difference? Now, there are 'tiers' for these Unusual hats, and they are listed below from God to Cancerous:
God tier: As the name implies, it's a 'godlike' hat, which means the hat and effect (E.G:Green Energy Killers Exclusive) is in VERY high in demand and worth a lot (depending on the effect)
High tier: These hats aren't the best, but they're still damn good. Demand is high and people are willing to buy.
Medium tier: Your average unusual, these are fairly-wanted unusuals- but don't get me wrong, most people I've seen trade on this tier of unusual.
Cancerous: Euuugh, these hats are in the "do not want" section of unusual hats. These hats can be easily bought (if you're lucky enough) from 13 keys to 20. But I recommend saving up for a higher tier unusual. (E.G: Dread Knot)
I see someone with an unusual I would like to buy. How much should I pay him/her?
That is an easy one, scroll down to the next section and click on or TF2pricecheck, then search up your unusual and have fun selling it!
Recommended websites for trading
Websites you SHOULD USE
SteamRep+[//] - Always check a person's SteamRep BEFORE you trade with them!
KritzKast: The TF2 Podcast[] - Your perfect source for all TF2 news
TF2 Outpost[] - Easy-to-use trading site for items & games - Crowd-sourced price checking & stats
TF2 Raffle House[] - Lots of great freebies raffled off daily
Now you have learned from the best. It is now time for you to continue the legacy of proper trading. If you ever need help, just come back here- I'll be waiting :)
TF2 Price Check[] - For all your pricecheck needs!
HelenAngel - Making the branding image and finishing touches to this guide, thank you so much!
Agro - KritzKast, of course!
The Team Fortress 2 Community - To all those beginning and experienced traders out there, I salute you
Voltey - SFM screenshots, thanks dude!

Black Baby Aug 15, 2023 @ 2:00pm 
hi im looking for a verified middleman for a large cash trade
MarshMelloKittKatt Jan 1, 2022 @ 4:48am 
Nice :AviciiThumbsUp::manekineko:
PC007 Jan 1, 2022 @ 4:44am 
:cupup: :SpeakM:
Nice guide; thanks for the Info. Have a great day and stay safe! :ccHappy:
Snappy_Guardian Dec 13, 2017 @ 2:43pm 
Notice me Agro!
Softshine798 Jul 30, 2016 @ 12:23am 
update the prices for buds (Yes, I know that this guide is over 3 years old...)
loser jolteon  [author] Mar 25, 2016 @ 5:13pm 
This is a very old guide xD
⛧SunDial⛧ Mar 25, 2016 @ 4:53pm 
Thank you Sparky and everone else who was involved in making this guide for people who need help. You guy's did an amazing job making this master piece, y'all should be very proud of your selves for such a thing. Sincerly, Six. =)
loser jolteon  [author] Dec 18, 2013 @ 9:14pm 
Inventory -> Trade Offers -> View trade offers
Former US President Barack Obama Jun 12, 2013 @ 9:10am 
Self-Made Mann Co. Key is worth like 4-5 buds now
Clevernames May 4, 2013 @ 8:44pm 
Yeah, and my friend is Hitman Sparky