Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

866 ratings
NPC Ragdoll NoCollider
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Build, Comic
File Size
657.000 B
May 10, 2018 @ 12:46pm
Dec 1, 2018 @ 5:33pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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NPC Ragdoll NoCollider

In 2 collections by internet plant
For Spicy Gamers Only
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The Muncher Pack
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This is not a toolgun tool. It works automatically as a script.

What is this, in short?

This addon is a little bit of LUA code that makes it so serverside NPC death ragdolls do not collide with players by default. (These are the bodies when Keep Corpses is turned on in Sandbox, for example). It can also be changed to ignore more entities, but still retain the features of serversided ragdolls.

Why is this useful exactly?

There are a few reasons why this addon might be useful, but it won't be for everyone. This is mostly intended to solve little annoyances some people may have. One way you might use it is as a companion addon for something like RagBlood, which only works on NPCs when Keep Corpses is turned on. You could also use this as an anti-minging solution if you want serverside ragdolls for NPCs, but without the players throwing them at each other. Most importantly, you might just want NPC ragdolls to be in the same place on every connected client and be able to pick them up with the physgun, or have them collide with props; this all without the annoyance of entities getting stuck and/or dying on them.

Limitations and compatibility

This addon may or may not work with other addons that change how serverside NPC ragdolls work. Anything that affects players should work, but it's not guaranteed. I've only really tested this on regular NPCs. Custom bots or SNPCs or anything that changes NPC serverside ragdolls is not guaranteed to work, but might. This addon is probably not recommended for dismemberment mods, though I have not tested those either. They usually change how ragdolls work anyways, or have their own collision solution.

If you have any results for addon compatibility or bugs, please let me know, and I can update this description.

Thank you for reading, don't forget to rate if you've used the addon!

Visit me on Ko-fi to donate to me or commission an addon! Thank you.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Apr 2, 2021 @ 6:37pm
This mod but for NPCs
Jan 1, 2022 @ 2:26pm
internet plant  [author] May 1 @ 9:24pm 
@tactical dude
I hadn't thought about that, good find. Maybe I can add an exception for the supercharged gravity gun.
tactical dude May 1 @ 12:50pm 
this is great but when using the supercharged gravity gun, it is impossible to kill combine soldiers with ragdolls which really bugs me
ChickenNuggetDuder Mar 11 @ 12:07am 
me :steammocking:
xXx_SATANVAPELORD42069_xXx Mar 7 @ 8:50am 
who the fuck uses fedhoria anymore :steambored:
Callsign_Ewok Jan 17 @ 6:07pm 
You're very welcome authour, you deserve the credit for the good work here. This should be a default feature.
Callsign_Ewok Jan 17 @ 6:06pm 
Can confirm with a realism based 1000 mod setup no joke it literally still works. Fantastic mod. Just be wary what other physics based mods one has to prevent breaking it.
internet plant  [author] Jan 17 @ 5:59pm 
Not sure why it wouldn't work with Fedhoria. I've used it before and it worked, I just had to turn it off for player ragdolls.

And thanks Callsign_Ewok! I agree
Callsign_Ewok Jan 17 @ 5:23am 
As someone who loves fighting npcs and playing mission maps and campaigns and nzombies etc I hated the npc ragdoll collision cause in real life you could easily walk over them or on them etc and it will hurt and kill combine or other npcs randomly etc. Sounds bad but physically it's true and frustrating in the game to get stuck on them in a very janky manner. A must have.
WASFDDDDD Jan 10 @ 7:14pm 
Thanks man, now I don't have to worry about getting stuck on the innocents I've massacred B)
internet plant  [author] Jan 1 @ 4:32pm 
Thank you! I appreciate it a lot