

61 rating
Origins Civics - Unbalanced & Untested
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29 Apr 2018 @ 7:22pm
14 Jun 2018 @ 7:32pm
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Origins Civics - Unbalanced & Untested

Dalam koleksi 1 dari cbshing
Origins Civics + Addons Collection
Item 8
"Balance is not something you find, it's something you create" - Jana Kingsford

This mod introduces several Origins Civics that couldn't make the cut for a balanced multiplayer experience (Unbalanced) or are still being developed (Untested). I'll support these to the best I can, but please understand that they are meant to be broken to some extent. The AI will never randomly use these civics.

You need Origins Civics to use this mod.

  • Wormhole Traveler: Start the game with no hyperlane access and only a wormhole that lets you escape your star. Begin with Wormhole Stabilization tech. Known to have bugs the potential start event chains.
  • Ascension Theory: Start the game with the Ascension Theory tech.
  • Syncretic Mechanists (Utopia Required): Start the game with 2 Pops being of another servile species, 2 Pops being robots, and with the technology to build more robots.
  • Codominant Mechanists (Utopia Required): Start the game with2 Pops being of another codominant species, 2 Pops being robots, and with the technology to build more robots.
  • Dyson Engineers (Utopia Required): Start the game having been trapped with limited access to the hyperlane network. Had it not been for a spark of genius to discover gateway travel, they may have consumed the resources of their whole solar system to fuel their civilization. Start with a built up their start system with a partially constructed Dyson sphere and a gateway under construction. *Completing the Dyson Sphere can freeze your home system!
  • Habitat Life (Utopia Required): Start the game in a habitat orbiting your recently ruined homeworld. You keep your planetary preference.
  • Gaia World (Apocalypse Required): Start the game on a Gaia World. You keep your planetary preference.

  • Latent Psionic (Utopia Required): Start the game with the latent psionic trait. Does not interact with ascension perks, may have issues.
  • Cybernetic (Utopia Required): Start the game with the cybernetic trait. Does not interact with ascension perks, may have issues.

  • Compatible with 2.0.*
  • You need Origins Civics to run this mod. This mod only contains the civics file and a scripted trigger file. All of the base mod code is in Origins Civics.
  • Overwrites a scripted trigger file in Origins civics.
  • See Origins Civics for any other compatibility issues.
66 Komentar
starfirejordan 12 Jan 2021 @ 1:36am 
Ghost Fox 6 Okt 2019 @ 4:33pm 
You can try to replicate the base mod's fix, that's about it. It's been how long since the author was even online?
Elmommyo 6 Okt 2019 @ 10:40am 
Hey man, is this getting updated anytime soon? Used to really love playing this back in 2.1, and I've managed to get back into Stellaris recently, so I was hoping to play one of my favourite mods, but it's not working properly on the latest update. I know about the fix for Origins Civics, but this mod in particular I wish was working.
StormTheSquid 19 Feb 2019 @ 3:48pm 
I imagine most people have some kind of lag at the start of their game regardless of mods. Adding a little more probably won't do anything. As for it being single-player only, you could code in a single-player restriction, but I'd suggest against it. Most multiplayer matches will be organized in some way and usually between friends. They likely would be sure to only have one player in an EGC.
cbshing  [pembuat] 18 Feb 2019 @ 6:54pm 
@ToddTheSquid, while I could make it work this way I didn't really like the lag effect I had at the beginning of the game. Plus I think I could only make it work for a single player game. If more then one players want to use the civic, I think it'd bug out. Maybe I'll make it as a test mod, something as a proof of concept to show how I think it could work.
StormTheSquid 5 Feb 2019 @ 4:41am 
Edit: That would, however, cause their entire starting system to be randomized as with the cluster unless their starting system can somehow be called in inside the EGC as well but that seems like a lot more work.
StormTheSquid 5 Feb 2019 @ 4:40am 
Would it be possible to have an event that fires upon starting a game which first generates an extragalactic cluster, then calls a second event that then moves the empire's start location to a system within that extragalactic cluster? It might break if more than one EGC is trying to be called in at once but it'd work if restricted to just the player, since some mods have player-restricted civics.
cbshing  [pembuat] 25 Jan 2019 @ 7:21pm 
@nukestar, I will look at it again, but its not in my near term to do. I haven't had success with extragalactic clusters for the reason they are created by events. But I haven't checked out if there are other mods that offer an extragalactic start for some inspiration.
nukestar 24 Jan 2019 @ 8:33pm 
R4d6 From what I understand, extragalactic clusters can only be created by event and not during galaxy generation. So I don't think that's possible
cbshing  [pembuat] 30 Des 2018 @ 7:29pm 
@Palynium, I'll have to check that mod out to see how it works. @R4d6, I've tried modding that before but it didn't work out to well. I'm planning to try a cluster cut off in the middle of the galaxy.