

271 ratings
Hearthlings of Many Faces
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91.699 KB
Apr 21, 2018 @ 12:03pm
Jun 6, 2018 @ 7:56am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Hearthlings of Many Faces

With this mod you’re able to customize the looks and names of your citizens.
Here you can create an amazon village, make everyone be part of a huge family, create a village full of clones, name the shepherd after yourself, or whatever you feel like!

How it functions
Whenever you recieve a new citizen to your kingdom, a new window will show up; where you can edit the citizen’s name, gender, and models.

This is purely automatic at the moment, but for a future release there will be a way to manually start the customization process for any hearthling, via the use of an item.

Extra settings
There are some extra options found in user_settings.json:

- Customize embarking: enter customization for the citizens that are embarking.
- Customize immigrating: enter customization for the citizens that are immigrating.
- Zoom to entity: Zoom in on the hearthling being customized.
- Pause during customization: Pause the game while customizing.

All of these can be set to either true or false.

A new console command is available (open up the console by hitting Ctrl+C):

homf_custom - Whilst having a hearthling selected, this will start up the customization process once again for that hearthling.

For those that are looking to add localization for this mod:

The title and tooltip strings are located within the mod itself. However, the strings for the category types and for the names of the model / color are accessed through Stonehearth's en.json file, all of which is grabbed from

Furthermore, in general the keys for the strings are all in lower case and with the spaces (' ') replaced with underscores ('_'). E.g., "Male Hair 2" has the key value "male_hair_2", so its location within en.json is Take a look inside this file for an overview of the strings that are translatable. For most entries that were missing from Stonehearth's en.json file, they were added to this mod's own locales/en_fix.json. Keep in mind though that it doesn't include possible entries from other mods that add their own models and colors to the hearthlings.

Known issues
- There is a risk of your hearthlings getting baldspots, a workaround is to switch between the genders until the baldspots are gone. This is most likely a problem on the engine side, which can't be fixed from this mod unfortunately.

- The eyebrows for males are offset whenever the hearthling is generated as a female and subsequently changed to male (if the hearthling is generated as a male to begin with, this bug doesn't occur). This is a bug on the engine side, and nothing I can do. However, the developers have been notified of this but their priorities lies elsewhere than to fix what is causing this issue, so we need some patience before this is fixed.
Drotten  [author] Aug 25, 2021 @ 9:55am 
That sounds like a bug, it's been a looong time since I visited the mod (which the bug reports can attest to), but there should be a none option for the eyebrows. Maybe a different mod clashes with this one, causing the bug.
Miss Ðonut ɞ ˚. ⊹ Aug 21, 2021 @ 4:27pm 
Hey, I was wondering if this is a glitch or bug but theres no option for "none" on eyebrows. So end up stuck with flowers, a scar, noble crown or glasses for my female Hearthling. On the male Hearthling's the "none" option is available and works but has a chance of not showing up unless I re-roll the character.
Holken Jul 3, 2021 @ 3:17am 
Mod causes constant UI errors even when it's the only mod installed. Also had about 3 separate crashes all when immigrants spawn.
rezesa Jan 27, 2021 @ 12:28am 
This mod brakes the UI, like in building menu i unable the choose material tipes or blueprints.
Average 3 out of 4 times when i start the game it hasn't any sound.
After removeing your mod everyting goes back to normal.
Good idea, but not worth the trouble that it cause.
Based on the game warning messages something with an extra null or void in the code, that may cause this behavior.
A Fat, Angry Serval Jan 26, 2021 @ 3:03pm 
Nope. Not at all.
Drotten  [author] Jan 25, 2021 @ 10:36pm 
It's not responding to anything at all, even when hitting esc?
A Fat, Angry Serval Jan 25, 2021 @ 4:34pm 
Anyone else having an issue where they get a new Hearthling and the game basically softlocks because the checkmark button doesn't work?
Drotten  [author] Dec 27, 2020 @ 3:53pm 
Not from this mod, no. And it will never have that feature either. :)
The function of this mod is simply to modify the looks of your hearthlings, of you want to change their quirks as well then you'd have to look for a different mod.
GrynnReaper Dec 27, 2020 @ 5:24am 
Didn't you use to be able to choose those quirk things? Like magnificent beard or pluviophile?
XxJesterxX Nov 9, 2020 @ 11:26am 
It's happened a couple times with nordlings mod and every time I use the elves race mod