Tales of Berseria

Tales of Berseria

127 ratings
Upgrading Equipment Guide
By {ST}Immortal Nub
Need to know how to upgrade your stuff? Look no further.
You have 3 types of materials:
Tempering powders

Such examples would be amber, calcite, or the like, and are obtained by dismantling the appropriate item that contains it.

Tempering powders
These are obtained from destroying equipment that has been upgraded.
There are 3 grades of tempering powders: course, standard, and fine.
  • Course tempering powder from dismantling equipment that has been enhanced to +1, +2, or +3.
  • Standard tempering powder from dismantling equipment that has been enhanced to +4, +5, or +6.
  • Fine tempering powder from dismantling equipment that has been enhanced to +7, +8, or +9.

These are obtained by dismantling equipment with random skills, or none at all.
There are 5 types of fluids: odorless, balmy, mellow, pungent, and funky.
  • Odorless fluids are the rarest and are obtained by dismantling equipment with no random skills.
  • Balmy fluids are obtained by dismantling equipment with a rank 1 random skill.
  • Mellow fluids are obtained by dismantling equipment with a rank 2 random skill.
  • Pungent fluids are obtained by dismantling equipment with a rank 3 random skill.
  • Funky fluids are obtained by dismantling equipment with a rank 4 random skill.

Make sure you pay attention to what you are getting out of dismantling equipment. You don't have to memorize as much as you think you do.
So how should you get these?
For the sake of scarcity, I would only recommend dismantling equipment with the following enhancements:
  • +1 equipment for getting course tempering powders and fragments/scraps
  • +5 equipment for getting standard tempering powders
  • +8 equipment for getting fine tempering powders
  • Unenhanced equipment for only fragments/scraps to save gald from enhancing
Note: dismantling unenhanced or +1 equipment will give you the same net worth of 1 fragment/scrap.
You only want to dismantle unenhanced equipment if you are full on course tempering powders or want to save gald.

Before you begin enhancing your loot, start by locking everything that you will want to keep. You can always unlock it after dismantling the crap that you don't need. I personally like the equipment that provide random skills to reduce the effectiveness of status afflictions.

Currently locking gear I consider keeping

Once you have done that, begin by upgrading everything to +1 (first image below), then dismantle it for the course tempering powders and fragments/scraps (second image below).

I am enhancing gear up to +1 to dismantle for course tempering materials later

I am now dismantling the +1 gear for the course tempering materials and fragments (flourite fragments in this case)

Notice how if you dismantle unenhanced equipment (shown below), you will net yourself the same amount of fragments/scraps: dismantle unenhanced to get 1, or spend 1 to enhance then dismantle to get 2 and a course tempering powder (shown above).

If you dismantle unenhanced gear, you will get only 1 fragment instead of 2 fragments from +1 gear, though it costs 1 fragment to upgrade to +1 anyway

Now how will you get the grade +5? Well, to get to grade +5, you need a bunch of course tempering materials. So dismantle enough +1's, and you will get yourself a +5 in no time.
Got my +5's, what now?
Alright, by now your characters should be equipped with +5 gear. Now you just gotta keep making a bunch of grade 5's for standard tempering powders to make grade 8's. If you notice in this image, this one I'm dismantling does not have any random skills, so I get an odorless fluid as well.

Dismantling +5 gear will net you 2 standard tempering powders

If you manage to get a $hitload of gear and are able to get +8's, you can dismantle those for fine tempering powders.
Required Materials for Upgrading
I'm just going to break down the numbers for the required materials when upgrading fragment equipment.

Rank 0 -> 5
16 fragments
7 course tempering powders

Rank 5 -> 8
30 fragments
7 standard tempering powders

Rank 8 -> 10
30 fragments
6 fine tempering powders

For more details, here is a guide that I have found to be helpful:
Spreadsheet for Random Skills
I'm putting this here so I don't have to keep looking it up on Google lol. I did not make this spreadsheet btw:
Romeomoon Oct 10, 2020 @ 11:47am 
I love your guides!
DKcrow Dec 21, 2018 @ 9:45pm 
Soba Oct 20, 2018 @ 11:14am 
True, I also noticed that after writing my comment. Now my bags are stuffed with it when before, I had barely any... Thanks a lot for your input and your guide! It's super handy for looking up things.
{ST}Immortal Nub  [author] Oct 19, 2018 @ 5:43pm 
You could, but it would cost more money to do so. From my experience, course tempering powders are so easy to come by that I will actually sell them just to free up some space. I will even go as far as to sell equipment that are upgraded through scraps as opposed to upgrading and dismantling them.
Soba Oct 18, 2018 @ 6:57am 
For "farming" coarse tempering powders, I also noticed that you can enhance gear to +2 if you have fragments you don't need (like Amber, Calcite etc. in late game). The cost for enhancing is 3 fragments total, while dismantling will yield 3 fragments and 2 coarse tempering powders.
{ST}Immortal Nub  [author] Jul 30, 2018 @ 4:08pm 
You will be able to level up your gear further as you progress through the game. So at the moment, you can only get +3. Just progress through the main story, and you will be able to upgrade to +6. Go even further in the story, and you can go up to +9. It's not something you will miss.
Niiel Jul 30, 2018 @ 3:02pm 
how can I improve to +4, I can only up to +3
{ST}Immortal Nub  [author] Jul 15, 2018 @ 9:33am 
With regards to tempering powders, it does not matter which equipment you decide to enhance. So let's say you decide to dismantle +1 mythril gear and +1 amber gear. The mythril gear would get you 2 mythril and 1 course tempering powder each, while the amber gear would get you 2 amber and 1 course tempering powder each.
OtakuD Jul 15, 2018 @ 8:30am 
So does it even matter which equipment you chose to level up, rather just the +x that's important?
ZnifferTV Jul 14, 2018 @ 6:00pm 
short and amazing guide
ty ^^